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环保资源太阳能随着城市人口的增加,城市面积的不断扩大,红绿灯安装在各个道口上,已经成为疏导交通车辆最常见和最有效的手段。但这一技术在19世纪就已出现了。 1858年,在英国伦敦主要街头安装了以燃煤气为光源的红,蓝两色的机械扳手式信号灯,用以指挥马车通行。这是世界上最早的交通信号灯。1868年,英国机械工程师纳伊特在伦敦威斯敏斯特区的议会大厦前的广场上,安装了世界上最早的煤气红绿灯。它由红绿两以旋转式方形玻璃提灯组成,红色表示“停止”,绿色表示“注意”。1869年1月2日,煤气灯爆炸,使警察受伤,遂被取消。1914年,电气启动的红绿灯出现在美国。这种红绿灯由红绿黄三色圆形的投光器组成,安装在纽约市5号大街的一座高塔上。红灯亮表示“停止”,绿灯亮表示“通行”。 1918年,又出现了带控制的红绿灯和红外线红绿灯。带控制的红绿灯,一种是把压力探测器安在地下,车辆一接近红灯便变为绿灯;另一种是用扩音器来启动红绿灯,司机遇红灯时按一下嗽叭,就使红灯变为绿灯。红外线红绿灯当行人踏上对压力敏感的路面时,它就能察觉到有人要过马路。红外光束能把信号灯的红灯延长一段时间,推迟汽车放行,以免发生交通事故。总之,信号灯的出现,使交通得以有效管制,对于疏导交通流量、提高道路通行能力,减少交通事故有明显效果。但是,目前随着世界各国石油、煤炭等自然资源的匮乏,全国大部分地区为了对付缺电,实行了分地区分时段的拉闸限电措施,而交通灯作为重要的指挥工具也由于市电的断电而不能工作,造成了交通安全隐患。随着全球能源危机和环境恶化,太阳能以其无污染、无噪声、拆装移动简易、不会破坏市容环境、不受地理位置限制等特有的优势,将代替传统的不可再生能源,成为人类社会取之不尽、用之不竭的低成本环保清洁能源,太阳能发电将走入普通老百姓的日常生活,节约电费和能源,保护环境,造福人类。因此,利用太阳能对交通灯进行供电,通过带有蓄电池的太阳能电池板跟普通交通灯相连,来实现利用太阳能给交通灯供电,不仅能够节约资源,而且使其在市电断电情况下也能正常工作。 太阳能发电主要有以下优点:1、独立供电,不受地理位置限制、无需消耗燃料,无机械转动部件,建设周期短,规模大小随意; 2、安全可靠、无污染、无噪声、环保美观、故障率低、寿命长;3、拆装简易、移动方便、工程安装成本低,可以方便地与建筑物相结合,无需预埋架高输电线路,可免去远距离敷设电缆时对植被和环境的破坏和工程费用;4、广泛应用于各种照明电器上,非常适用于乡村、山头、海岛、高速公路等偏僻地方的电子电器和照明上。太阳能发电系统由太阳能电池组、太阳能控制器、蓄电池(组)组成。如输出电源为交流220V或 110V,还需要配置逆变器。各部分的作用为: (一)太阳能电池板:太阳能电池板是太阳能发电系统中的核心部分,也是太阳能发电系统中价值最高的部分。其作用是将太阳的辐射能力转换为电能,或送往蓄电池中存储起来,或推动负载工作。太阳能电池板的质量和成本将直接决定整个系统的质量和成本。 (二)太阳能控制器:太阳能控制器的作用是控制整个系统的工作状态,并对蓄电池起到过充电保护、过放电保护的作用。在温差较大的地方,合格的控制器还应具备温度补偿的功能。其他附加功能如光控开关、时控开关都应当是控制器的可选项。 (三)蓄电池:一般为铅酸电池,小微型系统中,也可用镍氢电池、镍镉电池或锂电池。其作用是在有光照时将太阳能电池板所发出的电能储存起来,到需要的时候再释放出来。 (四)逆变器:在很多场合,都需要提供220VAC、110VAC的交流电源。由于太阳能的直接输出一般都是12VDC、24VDC、48VDC。为能向220VAC的电器提供电能,需要将太阳能发电系统所发出的直流电能转换成交流电能,因此需要使用DC-AC逆变器。在某些场合,需要使用多种电压的负载时,也要用到DC-DC逆变器,如将24VDC的电能转换成5VDC的电能(注意,不是简单的降压)那么,太阳能电源系统的配置主要是根据符合要求和安装环境计算太阳能电池功率和蓄电池容量,为了使太阳能供电系统能给负载提供足够的电源,而又不至于增加体积和成本,就要合理选择各部件,以达到最优配置,选取时可以分为四步:第一步需要计算负载,第二步确定负载的日用电量,第三步由负载的耗电情况确定蓄电池的容量,第四步就是选择太阳能电池板。总之,随着太阳能成本的不断降低,环保要求的提高,以及设计、制造和使用经验的不断积累和完善、太阳能电源必将在各个行业中得到更广泛的应用!Environmental resources - solar energyWith the increase in urban population, urban area continues to expand, traffic lights installed at various crossings, the vehicle to ease the traffic has become the most common and most effective means. However, this technology has been in the 19th century emerged.In 1858, the main street in London to install a coal-gas as the light source of red, blue and white mechanical wrench-style lights for directing traffic carriage. This is the worlds first traffic lights. 1868, British mechanical engineer Nayite in London Westminster District square in front of the parliament building, the installation of the worlds first gas lights. It consists of red and green with two rotary glass lantern composed of a square, the red stop, Green said that attention. January 2, 1869, gas light exploded, so that police officers were injured, was canceled. In 1914, electric start traffic lights appear in the United States. This red and green traffic lights from yellow tri-color circular cast optical components, the installation in New York City streets on the 5th on a Tower. Red light, said stop, the green light is that access.In 1918, has emerged with control of traffic lights and infrared lights. With the control of traffic lights, a pressure detector is an in the ground, vehicles will become the one near the red light green light; the other is using a megaphone to activate the traffic lights, Secretary for the opportunity when the red light click cough, which makes the red light into green light. Infra-red traffic light when the pedestrian path on the pressure-sensitive surface, it will be able to detect any need to cross the road. Infrared beam of red light signal can extend the period of time, to postpone the release car to avoid traffic accidents. In short, the emergence of lights so that traffic can be effectively controlled, for ease traffic flow, enhance road capacity and reduce traffic accidents have tangible results.However, at present, all countries in the world with oil, coal and other scarce natural resources, most of the country in order to deal with power shortage, the implementation of the subdivision to operate or apply a brake measures to distinguish between periods, and traffic lights as an important command of the tools because of the city electric of power and should not work, resulting in a safety risk. With the global energy crisis and environmental degradation, solar energy for its pollution-free, noise-free, removable mobile simple, would not undermine the environment and not subject to geographical restrictions, such as the unique advantages, will replace the traditional non-renewable energy, human society inexhaustible, low-cost environmentally-friendly clean energy, solar power will become the daily lives of ordinary people to save electricity and energy, protect the environment, the benefit of mankind. Therefore, the use of solar energy to electricity for traffic lights, through a battery of solar panels connected with the ordina
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