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1绪论2电能表的结构和计量原理 2.1电能表的分类 2.2感应式电能表的结构和计量原理2.2.1感应式电能表的结构2.2.2三相电路功率的测量2.2.3感应式电能表的计量原理2.3电子式电能表的结构和计量原理2.3.1电子式电能表的名称 2.3.2电子式电能表的结构 2.3.3电子式电能表的计量原理 3谐波对电能计量影响的分析3.1谐波的基本概念和分析方法 3.1.1谐波的定义和性质 3.1.2畸变波形的产生和主要谐波源 3.1.3畸变波形的数字特征量 3.1.4谐波的分析方法 3.1.5对称三相电路中的谐波. 3.1.6谐波下有功功率的计算. 3.2谐波对电能计量准确性的影响 3.2.1谐波对感应式电能表计量的影响. 3.2.2谐波对电子式电能表的影响 3.2.3两种电能表误差频率特性比较4电能计量标准和计量方式探讨 4.1谐波情况下电能计量标准 4.1.1电能表计量特性 4.1.2两种计量标准 4.2全能量计量方式合理性研究 4.2.1谐波电能的产生 4.2.2全能量计量方式讨论 4.3一种建议的新计量方式探讨5 结论摘要: 随着电力电子技术在各工业部门和用电设备上的广泛应用,非线性负荷数量越来越多,容量也越来越大,谐波大量注入电网,使电力系统电压、电流波形发生严重的畸变。由于大多数仪器、仪表是针对工频正弦波设计的,因而造成指示数据不正确。电能计量是电网经济核算的依据,电能的计量精度直接关系到电力供需双方的经济效益和社会效益。确保电能计量的准确、可靠具有十分重要的意义。电能表是电能计量的核心部分和基本量具,其计量准确度直接关系到电能计量的精度。因此深入系统地研究谐波对电能表和电能计量的影响是十分必要的。本文基于学术研究和工程应用,在研究分析感应式电能表的结构及其工作原理的基础上,提出了一种改进的感应式电能表电能计量误差的非线性数学模型;在研究分析电子式电能表及其时分割乘法器的结构及工作原理的基础上,首次建立了乘法器的仿真模型;通过计算分析和仿真分析,对谐波下感应式电能表和电子式电能表的准确度影响因素及影响程度进行了较为全面、深入的分析研究;最后,对计量标准和计量方式进行了初步的探讨。研究分析结果表明:感应式电能表的误差频率特性曲线呈迅速下降趋势,因此在电能计量中,不管是以全能量为计量标准还是以基波能量为计量标准,当谐波含量较大时对感应式电能表的电能计量将会产生较大的影响。和感应式电能表相比,电子式电能表的计量误差受频率变化影响较小,具有较宽的频率响应,误差频率特性曲线较为平坦,因此,在谐波存在下以全能量为计量标准时,电子式电能表的计量误差远远小于感应式电能表的电能计量误差,而以基波能量为计量标准时,电子式电能表的计量误差比感应式电能表的计量误差大。不同的计量标准下对电能表计量误差的评价也不相同。通过对非线性负荷的理论分析表明,作为谐波源,非线性负荷所产生的谐波是吸收基波的一部分转化而来,从而说明传统的计量方式具有不合理性,提出相应的解决方法和对策,并建议一种新的电能计量方式供同行研究探讨。关键词: 谐波,非线性,无功功率,感应式电能表,电子式电能表,电能计量,计量误差Abstract With the broad application of the electrical and electronic technology in theindustry branches and the power apparatuses,the number of non-linear loads is muchmore and more,and the capacity of them is biggish,so a mass of harmonic is injectedinto the power system,which produces the waves of voltage and current in power system to be aberrant seriously.Because most of apparatuses and meters are designedaccording to the 50Hz sinusoidal wave,the showing data are not precise.Electricalenergy measurement is the gist of the economic accounting in power system,and themeasuring precision affects the economic and society benefit between provider andasker.To insure the veracity of electrical energy measurement is importantspecially.The watt-hour meters are the core part and the basic measure,whosemeasuring veracity count for much the precision of the electrical energy measurement,so it is necessary to study thoroughly on the effect of harmonics onthe electrical energy measurement of watt-hour meters. By analyzing the structure and working principle of induction watt-hour meter,thispaper proposes one non-linear ameliorated mathematic model to study its electricalenergy measurement error;By analyzing the structure and working principle ofelectronic and its time-division-multiplier,this paper founds one simulation modelfor the first time;Through the calculating analysis and simulation analysis,this paper studies roundly and thoroughly the effect factors and effect degree of the meters under the harmonic;At last,the measurement standard and measurement mode are discussed primarily. The analysis results show that:the frequency characteristic curve assumes thedowntrend,so the electrical energy measurement of the induction meter will producebiggish error when the content of the harmonic is big,no matter taking the whole energy as measurement standard or basic wave energy.Compared with the induction meter,the electronic meters measurement error is affected diminutively by the change of the frequency,that is to say,the electronic meter has a wide frequency respond characteristic and its error-frequency characteristic curve is flat.Therefore,taking the whole energy as measurement standard,the measurement error of electronic meter is less than that of induction meter very much;while the measurement error of electronic meter is bigger than that of induction meter when taking the basic energy as measurement standard.Different measurement standard produce the estimate for the meters measurement error.The theoretic analysis shows that the non-linear load is harmonic source,and the harmonic produced by it is transformed by part of basic wave absorbed by it from power system,therefore,traditional measurement mode has some impertinency.One new measurement mode is proposed to be discussed by all. Keywords:harmonic, nonlinear, reactive power, induction watt-hour meter, electronic watt-hour meter, electrical energy measurement, registration error 2电能表的结构和计量原理2.1电能表的分类 我国电能表的生产始于50年代初,至今已有50多年的历史。目前电能表的分类情况大致如下 (l ) 按结构原理分,有感应式和电子式电能表两种;(2) 按所测电源分,有直流式和交流式电能表两种;(3) 按所测的电能分,电能表有有功和无功两种;(4) 按接入线路的方式分,电能表有直接接入式和经互感器接入式;(5) 按等级指数分,电能表有安装式(3.0、2.0、1.0、0.5级),携带式(0.2、0.1、0.05、0.02、0.01级)。本论文按照第一种分法,即将电能表分为感应式和电子式两种来分析。感应式电能表早在100多年前就己经在世界上生产和应用了,经过不断的改进,其性能也逐步的完善,具有结构简单、操作安全、维修方便、造价低廉、耐用等一系列的优点。目前我国还在大量的使用着感应式电能表。相对感应式电能表,电子式电能表是国外在70年代发展起来的一种产品,它是应用现代电能测量技术、微电子技术、计算机软硬件技术及通信技术构成的一类全新的电能表。它与感应式电能表相比(见表2.1),除了具有测量精度高、性能稳定、功耗低、体积小、重量轻等优点外,还易于实现多功能计量,可现场校验和检索多种计测数据,
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