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工程项目管理服务协议 AGREEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICE(当事方信息 略)第一条 甲方同意接受由乙方提供的工程项目管理服务,乙方将担任使用面积约为 平方米,楼高约为 层及地下约为 层的钢筋混凝土建筑(以下简称“该项目”)的精装修工程及配套机电工程的管理及监理。关于服务范围参照甲乙双方在 日签署的意向书。 Article 1. Party A agrees to receive construction management services provided by Party B as the Construction Manager and Supervisor (CM) of the captioned Project with utilization area of approximately square meters which is a reinforced concrete building with approximately floors above-ground and with approximately floors underground, hereinafter referred to as the “Project,” as per to scope of services stated in the Letter of Intent between Party A and Party B dated .第二条 双方同意在本协议项下作为工程项目管理的服务范围应当涵盖如下相关工作:Article 2. Under this Agreement the parties agree that the scopes of services rendered for the Construction Management (CM) hereunder covers the relevant works, as follows:2.1项目前期服务 Pre-execution Services2.1.1承包商资格预审Prequalification of contractors搜集资格预审的所需的资料。Obtain prequalification information from potential tenderers.配合甲方对各投标单位进行实地考察,并提交综合的资格预审报告。Assist Party A in the site visit to each potential tenderer and submit the prequalification report.2.1.2招投标Tendering2.1.2.1拟定招标文件,并编制招投标文件及标底。Preparation of tender documents and pre-tender estimate.根据图纸及项目情况拟定本项目所有相关专业的招标文件。甲方就可能对该招标事宜造成更多困难性及复杂性或者在施工过程中承包商是否能按时完成甲方要求的关键项目等工作类别进行评估,以确定是否对其进行拆分或合并。乙方应充分支持上述甲方的决定,并拟定甲方对拆分或合并的项目的招标文件,协助甲方选定合理的分包单位,以确保该项工程的顺利实施。Prepare tender documents for all the work packages on the basis of the drawings and project requirements. Party A will assess the key work categories which may cause more difficulty and complexity to the procurement process or for which uncertainty remains on the contractors timely completion of work, in order to decide whether to separate or combine work categories. In this regard, Party B shall fully support the aforementioned Party As decision and prepare the tender documents for the work packages separated or combined. Party B shall assist Party A in the selection of subcontractors to ensure smooth execution of the Project.招标方案 Tendering plan以适当的方式建议并评估其各部门的招标方案。To suggest and assess the tendering plan of each section/department in an appropriate manner.招标答疑Answering tender queries根据招投标情况,组织各投标单位及相关单位对招标文件和图纸答疑。Arrange for the tendering Q&A.评标 Tender assessment协助甲方与有关单位进行合同谈判,根据甲方批准的内容编制合同文件;Assist Party A in the negotiations with related parties, prepare contract documents based on the confirmation given by Party A.根据需要提供同类建筑设备材料价格的市场行情,供甲方参考;Provide (as required) market price information on similar equipment and materials for Party As consideration;组织参加评标会议,针对投标单位的报价,进行技术标及商务标的评定及建议;并给出一份整体的评标报告书面给甲方,供甲方参考。Arrange and participate in tender assessment meetings. Based on the proposals, carry out assessment and give recommendation on technical proposals and commercial proposals; provide a complete written tender assessment report to Party A for its consideration.招投标程序Tendering procedures需严格按照招投标程序进行操作,并对各阶段的评比情况及最后的总结书面汇报给甲方。Tendering shall be carried out in strict accordance with the tendering procedures. The assessment results shall be summarized in a written report submitted to Party A.2.1.3 其它服务Other services2.1.3.1 提供其他工程所必需的造价咨询服务,包括但不限于:Provide other cost consulting services necessary for the Project, include but not limited to:l 协助甲方进行施工合同的管理工作;Assist Party A in contract administration;l 为甲方提供工程成本控制的建议,运用技术、合同等手段有效控制成本;Provide advice to Party A on how to control cost by using technical and contractual provisions;l 对已决定的工程变更及设计变更进行估算并及时调整总投资控制目标;Carry out evaluation on variations that has been confirmed and accordingly adjust the investment control target;l 审核所有与本工程相关的付款申请,按相应要求和格式向甲方提供工程的付款审核证明及建议;Review all payment applications related to the Project and provide to Party A in accordance with relevant requirements and format the payment certification or recommendation;l 对考虑中的工程变更进行造价估算,对工程变更及设计变更及时提交变更分析报告,供甲方决策;Carry out evaluation on variations that is under consideration and provide variation analysis report for Party As decision;l 协助甲方进行竣工结算的编制工作;Assist Party A in preparing the account settlement on completion;l 对施工单位提出的竣工结算进行全面审核计算,最终确认总工程量造价。并向甲方提交每一分项工程结算审计报告及全部工程结算总价、合同管理及执行情况的专题总结报告。Review the statement at completion proposed by the contractor to eventually determine the total cost. Provide to Party A the audit reports for every subdivisional work, the closed contract price, and reports on contract administration and execution.l 协助甲方整理本工程项目合同文件及有关资料,收集有关工程费用方面的签证资料,核价单据并及时归档;Assist Party A in filing contract documents and related document for the Project, collect payment certification documents, cost verification sheets and archive them in a timely manner;l 协助甲方进行竣工验收工作;Assist Party A in the completion acceptance;l 帮助甲方编制竣工决算表
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