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省扬高中2012届高一M3U1学案 AnnaM3 U1 Reading 课文填空 Class_ Name _1. 午时时分,收音机预报说,薄雾将会在下午变成浓雾。At lunch, the radio _ that the _ _ _ _ _ _ in the afternoon,.2. 她想知道公交车是否还会照常运行。She _ _ the bus _ _ _ _.3. 一走到街上,她就快步向平常乘车的公交车站走去。_ _ in the street, she walked quickly _ _ _ bus stop.4. “对不起,小姐,”售票员回答说,“现实情况是雾太浓了,公交车跑不了那么远。乘地铁到格林公园吧。那里的天气可能会好一点,您也许能叫到一辆出租车。”Sorry, Miss,_ the man, the _ is _ it is too _ _ the bus _ _ that far. _ the _ to Green Park. The weather might be better there and you might be able to get a taxi.5. 当波莉打量车厢里的乘客时,她感到她正被一个穿着黑色大衣的高个子男人注视着。_ Polly _ the _ _ the train, she had a _ _ she was _ _ by a tall man _ a dark _.5. 当其他乘客走出车厢时,她扫视了一下她周围一张张面孔。那个高个子男人不见了。_ the _ _ the _ were getting out, she _ _ the faces around her. The tall man _ _ _ _ _. 6. 外面,她目光所及之处,雾像浓密的灰云一样聚集着。什么人也看不见。波莉朝着公园大街走去。Outside, _ she looked _ _ _ like a thick, grey cloud. There was no one _ _. Polly _ _ _ Park Street.7. 当她沿着狭窄的街道行走时,她听到了由远及近的脚步声,但当她走到街道拐角处时,脚步声却消失了。As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the _ _ _ _, but _ _ _ she reached the corner of the street, the _ _ _.8. 突然,波莉感到有一只粗糙的手拂过她的脸颊。并且她还听到了一个男人在她耳边说“对不起”的声音。那个男人走开了。她能感到她的心脏因害怕而怦怦直跳。Suddenly, Polly felt a _ _ _ her _, and she heard a mans voice _ _ _ _ sorry. The man moved away,. She could feel her heart _ _ _.9. 一分钟前,她曾希望有人跟着来。现在她则想跑开,可恐惧让她挪不动脚步。脚步声这会似乎很近了。接着,一个男人的声音从黑暗中传来:“有人吗?”波莉犹豫了。A minute before, she _ _ _ someone to _ _. Now she wanted to run, but _ _ _ _. The _ _ _ now. Then a mans voice _ _ _ the _. Is anybody there? Polly _.10. 几秒钟后,一只手伸过来抓住了她的胳膊。波莉抬头看去,发现是一位长着络腮胡子的老人。A few seconds later, a hand _ _ and _ her arm. Polly found herself _ _ _ the face of an old man _ a _.11. 你瞧,像今天这么大的雾是很少见的。这个了我一个机会,来回报晴天时人们给我的帮助。像我这样的盲人没人帮助是根本过不了马路的,除非是在这样的浓雾里。You see, a fog this bad is rare. It gives me the _ to _ _ the help _ people gave me when its sunny. A blind person like me cant _ _ the road without help, _ in a fog like this.
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