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Emergency Solutions and Rapid Response Mechanism 应急预案和快速反应机制*本预案中的详细信息将在项目实施前进一步完善并呈报相关部门(1)、Exigency Gather Point 紧急集合点Exigency Gather Point 紧急集合点While the emergency happen and the gather is necessary, all persons need go be informed to gather at the Exigency Gather Point by safety Dept or guard Dept. 在出现应急状态必需召集进行集合时,由安全部门或保卫部门通知所有人员在集合点集合。The location of the Exigency Gather Point need to be informed the person while they entering the site. 集合点的位置应在进场时告知所有员工及外来人员。The obvious sign should be at the location of the point, legend as the following: 紧急集合点处应有明显标志,标志如下:(2)、Description 说明Emergency preparedness is the state of mind an occupier has to minimize the consequence of loss after an accident has taken place. The objective of this element is to ensure that the Company has developed and communicated plans that will allow for the effective management of emergencies. 紧急情况准备状态是使用者在事故发生后必须把损失降低到最低程度的准备状态。本单元的目标是确保公司已推出和传达了将紧急情况的应急管理考虑进去的计划。 These procedures are intended to provide all personnel with clear instructions on the action to be taken in an emergency to minimize the effects of the emergency and to protect: 这些程序力图提供给所有人员在紧急状态下所采取的行动的明确指示,以便把紧急情况的影响减小到最低程度并保护. Personnel from injury. 人员不受伤害. The assets, including those belonging to CJCC and the client. 资产,包括那些属于CJCC和客户的资产. The environment within and around the worksite. 工地内及周围的环境. The reputation of the Company and its ability to continue to meet its operation and construction commitments. 公司的声誉和达到运营目标及施工承诺的能力。The types of incident which are envisaged in preparing this plan include: 本计划所预见的事件类型包括: Fire and Explosion 火灾和爆炸 Structure Collapse 结构倒塌 Fall 坠落 Loss of Stability 失去稳定 Epidemic Sickness 传染病 Gas Escape 气体泄漏 Criminal Act 犯罪行为 Oil and Chemical Spill 油及化学品溢出 Transport Emergency 运输紧急情况 Electric Shock 触电 Sudden power cut 突发性停电事故Mentioned case will upgrade as exigence state only as the following happened. 上述情况将升级为紧急状态只有当: Control is lost to some extent; 失控达到一定程度; Immediate action is required; 需要采取紧急措施; Other people, not immediately connected with the incident, are involved; 其他与事件无直接联系的人卷入进去; The incident is complex, probably involving more than one 事件复杂,可能涉及不只单一事件; Some examples are, fire requiring evacuation of personnel from an area, collapse of scaffolding, explosion of gas bottles or cylinders, lifting failure, chemical spillage and etc. 范例为火灾需要将人员从某一地区疏散,脚手架倒塌,气瓶或汽缸爆炸,起降失灵,化学品溢出等。First aid measure in common use. 常用的急救方法Artificial respiration; 口对口人工呼吸法。Lay down the electric shock person to be on his back, with mandible up and bold backfwards, to keep the woundeds head face upward backwards.Nip his nose and huff strongly to woundeds mouth after a deeply inspiration. After huffing move the mouth and release the nose. Do through and through. IT is proved in effect if the woundeds chest aim lift or sirflow from his nose. 16 times huff each mimute until the wounded breath freedom. 方法是把触电者放置仰卧状态,救护者一手将伤员下颌向上、向后托起,使伤员头尽量向后仰,以保持呼吸畅通。另一手将伤员鼻孔捏紧,此时救护者先深吸气,对准伤员口部用力吹气。吹完气后嘴离开捏鼻手放松,如此反复实施。如吹气时伤员胸臂上举,吹气停止后伤员鼻口有气流呼出,表示有效。每分钟吹气16 次左右,直至伤员自主呼吸为止。Heart compression. 心脏按压术。Lay down the electric shock person to be on his back, overlap two hands and put to wounded 1of 3 chestbone. Press and then release, througn and througn, untiil the wounded breath freedom. 方法是将触电者仰卧于平地上救护人将双手重叠,将掌根放在伤员胸骨下1/3 部位,每次按压后随即放松,往复循环,直至伤员自主呼吸为止。(3)、Responsibilities 职责 Project managers are in charge of approval of first aid plan and submit it to head office for review. 项目经理负责应急救援(预案)的审批,并上报公司审批。 Vice project manager is in charge of making first plan and implementary of approved plan. 项目副经理负责应急救援(预案)编制及审批后的实施。 Function departments coordinate to implement the plan according to its requirements. 各职能部门按预案要求配合执行。 After accidents, project management shall do the following: 事故或应急事件发生后,项目部应按预案要求做好下列工作: ;Establish emergency lead team and every member on their responsibility;成立应急领导小组,成员各就各位;According to requirements to organized involved person to carry out the rescue;根据预案要求组织相关人员,分工落实,实施抢险救援工作; Immediately report the accident to relevant authorities;立即上报事故情况(消防、公安及主管部门);Carry out proper action according to the accident feature and type to avoid its extension;采取措施防止事故(事态)扩大,根据事故性质、类型启动相应的应急措施; Protect the accident site and cooperate with the investigating person; 保护事故现场、配合事故调查人员进行调查取证; Communication contact, vehicle arrangement, injuries saving etc. 通讯联络、车辆调度、组织伤员救护等。Site emergency organization. 现场应急机构(4)、Procedures 程序Making of first aid plans 应急预案编制 Project EHS manager should organize relevant persons to identify important environment elements and hazards, analyze the danger and define potential serious accidents and emergency. Then organize project technical persons to make first aid plan according to the project nature. 项目EHS 主管应组织项目部相关人员结合工程特点,识别重大环境因素、危险源,进行风险评价,确定潜在的重大事故和紧急情况,组织项目技术人员编制应急救援预案。This inclu
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