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人 文 浙 江History and Culture人文景点中英文介绍2014年11月目录京杭大运河(杭州段)6中国茶叶博物馆9中国丝绸博物馆10太极茶道苑10中国水稻研究所11浙江大学12浙江老年大学14萧山老年颐乐园14清河坊历史街区15南宋御街16宋城主题公园18良渚博物院19富阳龙门古镇20桐庐剪纸21下沙高教园区(新世纪大学城)22杭州高级中学24杭州市社会福利中心25杭州拱墅区珠儿潭社区26中国京杭大运河博物馆27浙江万里学院28宁波高丽使馆遗址30天一阁31河姆渡遗址31宁海十里红妆民俗博物馆33宁波高教园区35镇海区招宝山街道后大街社区37中国木活字印刷文化村38温州大自然社区39安福寺40温州市工艺美术大师楼42瑞安市塘下镇陈岙村43温州澳珀家俱有限公司45浙南(平阳)革命根据地旧址群47中国木活字印刷文化村48中国湖笔博物馆50长兴百叶龙51嘉兴科技城53中国民间文化艺术之乡(嘉兴秀洲农民画)54海盐县:南北湖 五味村55平湖市莫氏庄园陈列馆57中国现代民间绘画画乡:嘉兴秀洲60绍兴仓桥直街历史街区61鲁迅故里63绍兴黄酒64越剧之乡:嵊州66春晖中学68婺城寺平村69兰溪诸葛八卦村70浦江“江南第一家”71东阳中国木雕城74永康锡雕馆75永康锡雕馆76衢州孔氏南宗家庙77衢州中等专业学校79龙游民居苑80龙游石窟83舟山锣鼓85岱山东沙古镇87舟山市千荷实验学校89吴子熊玻璃艺术馆90江南长城91仙居针刺无骨花灯92“中国田鱼村”:青田龙现村93石雕之乡:青田94畲乡风情:双后降畲族村96中国摄影之乡:丽水97中国青瓷小镇:龙泉上垟镇99龙泉:青瓷之都 宝剑之邦102前言浙江历史悠久,人杰地灵。浙江的文明曙光,可以追溯到远古时代。1万年前的上山文化、7000年前的河姆渡文化和5000年前的良渚文化,是先民们创造的世界上最早的人类文明之一,也使浙江成为中华文明的发祥地之一。在中华民族的文化长河中,浙江始终占据着浓墨重彩的一页。浙江的青瓷、丝绸、茶叶和造纸,在中国古代文明中占有重要地位。浙江还是中国戏曲的一大摇篮中国最古老戏剧南戏的诞生地、中国主要剧种越剧的故乡。浙江的美术、书法更是流派纷呈,独领风骚。浙江的佛学博大精深,历史上天台宗、净土宗在浙江弘扬光大,且飘洋过海,传至日本、东南亚等地。浙江的文化名人,实在是数不胜数。从汉代(前206220年)王充至宋代(9601279年)的浙东学派,明代(13681644年)的王阳明,清(16441911年)初的黄宗羲,清末的龚自珍,近代的王国维,都可以说是中国思想史上的巨人。他们的学术思想,至今依然影响着浙江人乃至中国人的精神生活。在文学领域,载入史册的浙江籍文学家已逾千人,特别是现代文学史上还出现了鲁迅、茅盾等文学巨匠。同样,今天的浙江,科技、教育繁荣发达。当今中国科学院、中国工程院的院士中,浙江籍人士占了近五分之一。Zhejiang boasts a long history and a galaxy of remarkable people and a large wealth of resources. Civilization dawned in Zhejiang in prehistoric times. The 10,000-year-old Shangshan Culture, 7,000-year-old Hemudu Culture and 5,000-year-old Liangzhu Culture are part of the worlds earliest civilization created by our ancestors, making Zhejiang a cradle of the Chinese civilization. Zhejiang is a brilliant page in the history of Chinese culture. Celadon, silk, tea and paper made in Zhejiang play a key part in ancient Chinese civilization. A cradle of Chinese operas, Zhejiang nurtured South DramaChinas oldest opera and Yueju Opera, one of Chinas major opera genres. Zhejiang has given birth to a big galaxy of schools of colorful and brilliant calligraphy and painting. Zhejiang is a big chapter in the history of Buddhism in China. The Tiantai Sect and Pure Land Buddhism in the history of Buddhism became popular in Zhejiang and reached Japan and Southeastern Asian countries. Zhejiang boasts numerous cultural giants. Wang Chong (206-220BC) of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Eastern Zhejiang School of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Wang Yangming of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and Huang Zongxi and Gong Zizhen of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and Wang Guowei in the 20th century are all big names in the history of Chinese ideology. Their academic thought still influences Zhejiang People in particular and all the Chinese in general. In culture and literature, history has recorded more than 1,000 writers with Zhejiang ancestry. In particular, Lu Xun and Mao Dun, two literary giants in the 20th century, are from Zhejiang. Today, science, technology and education are flourishing in the province. At present, academicians with Zhejiang ancestry account for nearly 20% of the totals in both the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 京杭大运河(杭州段) 京杭运河北起北京,南达杭州,全长1782公里,相当于苏伊士运河的10倍多、巴拿马运河的22倍,开凿至今已有2500多年的历史,是世界上最长的人工河流,也是最古老的运河之一。与万里长城并称为中国古代的两项伟大工程。2014年6月22日,中国大运河正式列入世界文化遗产。中国大运河,由京杭大运河、浙东大运河和隋唐大运河组成。作为京杭大运河的最南端以及浙东运河的起点,杭州是中国大运河的一个重要节点,列入遗产河道总长110公里。京杭大运河,在杭州境内蜿蜒30.5公里,是杭州的“城之命脉”。近半个世纪来,杭州对运河进行了多次治理,包括运河与钱塘江沟通工程、三堡船闸引水工程、运河截污工程等。2002年起,杭州全面规划,着力推进运河综合整治,改善运河水质,保护沿岸历史文化遗存,提升运河的生态、文化、旅游、商贸、居住等功能。十多年来,改善近1万户住户的居住条件,搬迁污染企业近200家,新建和整治桥梁18座、道路40余条,新增和提升沿岸绿地约130万平方米,贯通运河两岸约23公里游步道,打造市民休闲、健身的“生态长廊”,以工业遗存及历史建筑的保护修缮为基础,利用丰富的历史文化价值,形成拱宸桥桥西博物馆群落、小河直街、桥西、大兜路三大特色历史街区、富义仓、香积寺、运河天地、浙窑公园等重要节点。开辟了运河水上旅游线,积极培育运河旅游,2012年10月被评为4A级景区,运河旅游人次逐年上升,2014年1-10月,景区(含塘栖古镇)累计接待市民游客达980.3万人次。Hangzhou Section of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Add: Hangzhou Grand Canal Integrated Protection and Development Limited Liability Company North Gate 198 Hushu South Road, HangzhouThe canal connects Beijing in the north and Hangzhou in the south. The 1,782-km grand waterway is 10 times longer than the Suez Canal and 22 times longer than the Panama Canal. The history of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal goes back to 2,500 years ago. It is the worlds longest man-made river and is one of the most ancient canals in the world. The Grand Canal and the Great Wall are Chinas two great ancient engineering miracles.Grand Canal was listed in World Cultural Heritage officially in June 22nd 2014. Grand Canal was included The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Eastern Zhejiang Grand Canal and Sui Tang Dynasties Grand Canal. All together, 110 miles of river channel was included in the World Heritage List. Being the end of Grand Canal in the south as well as the start of Eastern Zhejiang Grand
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