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2022年考博英语-中国科学院考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题She depicted the _ life of human beings, and particularly their moral stresses and strains.问题1选项A.outerB.innerC.superiorD.inferior【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. outer 外表的,外边的 B. inner 内部的,内心的C. superior 更好的,更高的 D. inferior 较差的,较低的【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】空格处作定语修饰下文的“life(生活)”,表示她描绘了人们什么样的生活,由“moral stresses and strains(道德压力和紧张)”可知,这是对此种生活的举例,道德压力和紧张都属于人的内心精神状态,所以本句说的应该是人的内心世界。inner指私密的、没有展示给他人的部分,因此B选项inner“内部的,内心的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项outer“外表的,外边的”指远离中心或在某物的外部,与题干语义相矛盾,应该是“内心世界”而不是“外表世界”;C选项superior“更好的,更高的”指在品质上更好或在级别上更高,不能和“moral stresses and strains(道德压力和紧张)”相对应;D选项inferior“较差的,较低的”指在品质上更差或在级别上更低,不符合题干的语义逻辑。【句意】她描绘了人类的内心世界,特别是他们的道德压力和紧张。2. 单选题The results of the various lab analyses now _ are eagerly awaited and will be reported in a slew of scientific papers.问题1选项A.under negotiationB.under constructionC.under wayD.under attack【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. under negotiation 在谈判中 B. under construction 在建设中C. under way 在进行中 D. under attack 受到攻击【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处作后置定语修饰上文的“The results of the various lab analyses(各项实验分析结果)”,表示这是一些什么样的实验结果。由“awaited(等待)”和“will be reported(将做出报告)”可知,这些实验还在分析中,没有得出最终的结果。under way是固定搭配,指正在进行或发生的,因此C选项under way“进行中的”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项under negotiation“在谈判中”;B选项under construction“在建设中”;D选项under attack“受到攻击”;均不能和“lab analyses(实验分析)”进行搭配。【句意】我们急切地等待着进行中的各项实验分析结果,并将在一系列学术论文中对其做出报告。3. 单选题The junior( )was impatient for promotion but knew that he would only get it by stepping into a dead mans shoes.问题1选项A.executiveB.explosiveC.captiveD.addictive【答案】A【解析】考察形近词辨析。executive 总经理;执行官;explosive 爆炸物,炸药; captive俘虏;addictive 使人上瘾的。句意:这位初级执行官急不可耐地想要提升,但是他很清楚他只能等待填补死人的空缺。选项A符合句意。4. 单选题She was keen to _ a cause, and has become an advocate against child obesity.问题1选项A.make upB.give upC.take upD.raise up【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. make up 组成,编造 B. give up 放弃,让出C. take up 从事,开始工作 D. raise up 举起,抬起【考查点】动词词组辨析。【解题思路】空格处和下文的“a cause(事业)”构成动宾逻辑,be keen to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“热衷于做某事”,表示她热衷于怎么样这项事业。后半句说到“已经成为反对儿童肥胖的倡导者(become an advocate)”,由此可知,这项事业指的是反对儿童肥胖,她应该是从事着反对儿童肥胖的工作并热衷于此。take up指从事某项工作,因此C选项take up“从事,开始工作”最符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项make up“组成,编造”指将不同的部分组合在一起或为了欺骗和娱乐而编造故事,不能和“cause(事业)”进行搭配;B选项give up“放弃,让出”指停止尝试做某事或拥有某物,与题干语义相矛盾,应该是“从事工作”而不是“放弃工作”;D选项raise up“举起,抬起”指把某物举起或移动到更高的水平,侧重于物理意义上的抬高,不能和“cause(事业)”进行搭配。【句意】她热衷于从事这项事业,并且已经成为反对儿童肥胖的倡导者。5. 单选题The Santa Ana appeals court upheld an earlier jury verdict awarding $ 3. 2 million in damages to Alexis Sarti who suffered serious nerve damage after a food poisoning episode at a restaurant. (1)In April 2005, Sarti ate raw tuna at the Salt Creek Grille restaurant. Afterwards, she suffered from sudden paralysis and double vision. She spent the next 49 days in the hospital, and had to drop out of college for more than a year and a half after the food poisoning incident, for medical care and therapy.(2)Muscles and spasms bother her on a daily basis, although she says shes used to these now. She has recovered somewhat since then. But strenuous activity is out of the question, and whats worse, she expects her situation to deteriorate as she gets older.Sarti filed a lawsuit against the restaurant, and claimed cross contamination of the tuna with a form of bacteria that exists in raw poultry.(3)The verdict was set aside by Superior Court Judge Derek W. Hunt. The 4th District Court of Appeal in Santa Ana has now overturned Judge Hunts ruling.In delivering his decision, Judge Hunt said he was constrained by a 35-year-old appellate decision that prohibits juries from assuming that cross contamination in the restaurants was the result of faulty practices of handling.The Santa Ana appeals court seems to have disregarded that older appellate decision.(4)It has been cited for in roper food storage, cross contamination and incorrect handling on three separate instances.It was clear that the negligent food handling practices at this restaurant were responsible for a deadly cross contamination that resulted in Sards food poisoning.(5)Still, she has incurred more than a million dollars worth of medical bills, and expects to need more medical care in the future.问题1选项A.At the trial , Sards attorneys argued that Salt Creek Grille has a record of poor handling practices in its kitchens.B.Sarti said medical bills totaled about $ 1 million and she wants to put aside another $ 1 million for future expenses.C.Sarti insists that the victory is a moral, rather than monetary one.D.Once a high school cross country runner, Sarti today is unable to take part in sports like running, or other forms of extreme physical activity.E.Its a milestone decision that can now be cited across other food poisoning lawsuits.F.A jury handed down a verdict for $ 3. 2 million, and Salt Creek Grille, which a
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