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牛津初中英语重点单词英文释义汇总1、dancer a person who dances2、healthy having good health3、diet the food you usually eat4、energy power to do things5、seldom not very often6、top best7、lifestyle the way you live8、exercise sports activities9、cost have a price of10、expensive having a high price11、discount a cut in price12、match go well with13、enough as much as you want or need14、pollution the state of being dirty15、country the land outside cities or towns16、souvenirs things that help you think of a person , place , etc.17、theatre a place for people to watch plays or shows18、uniform a set of clothes19、nearby not far away20、quickly fast21、push use your hands to make something move forward22、routes ways to go from one place to another23、whisper soft noise24、frightened be afraid25、strange unusual26、weak not strong27、alone by oneself28、rush run quickly29、save keep someone safe from danger30、put out stop a fire31、burn hurt by fire32、careful not careless33、Home Economics a subject about cooking and sewing34、tasty with a pleasant taste35、as well too36、softball a kind of ball games37、buddy a close friend38、trip travelling from one place to anoyher39、traffic movement of cars40、highway main road between cities41、sick feel food was going to come up from your stomach42、Eiffel Tower the most famous tall metal building in Paris43、pyramids old stone buildings of Egypt44、survive continue to live45、fur thick hair of animals46、forests large areas of land with trees47、protect keep someone/something safe from danger48、reserves special areas for wild animals49、encourage support50、wetlands areas of land with wet ground51、provide give something to somebody52、shelter a place to hunt animals53、endangered in a dangerous state54、tourists people who are travelling55、thunder the loud noise following lightning56、scream shout loudly57、fall come down58、calm down stop being nervous or excited59、trapped kept in a place and could not leave60、since from a time in the past until now61、married having a husband or wife62、dump throw away something you do not want , especially in a place which is not suitable63、realize get to know and understand something64、reduce make something less or smaller in size , price , etc .65、open space a large area without buildings66、lonely unhappy because of being alone67、designer a person who plans and draws how something will look68、fall asleep begin to sleep69、role a character in a play , film , etc .70、knowledge information and understanding in the mind71、reach arrive at72、screen part of a TV or computer on which you see pictures or information73、audience people who come to watch a show74、exit the way out of a room or a building75、microphone it makes your voice sound louder76、stage an area where actors , dancers , singers and others perform77、performer a person who performs in a show78、curtain it hangs in front of the stage79、blindness the state of not being able to see80、affect cause a change in somebody or something81、treatment something down by a doctor to make sick people feel better82、patients people who are ill , especially those in hospital83、afford have enough money to buy or to do something84、operate cut a persons body open to take out or repair a part85、trail a route that is followed for a special purpose86、excellent very good87、chance a suitable time or situation for you to do something88、team spirit the willingness of people to work together and help each other as part of a team89、training the process of learning skills to do something90、energetic have lots of energy91、outgoing is friendly and loves to meet people92、confident feel sure about ones own ability93、selfish care only about oneself94、easy-going do not get angry easily95、fair treat everyone equally96、patient can wait without getting angry97、curious want to know about everything98、humorous have a good sense of humour99、mood the way you feel100、stressed tired and unable to relax101、sleepy in need of sleep102、satisfied happy103、represent be a sign of104、relaxed calm and not worried105、remind help remember106、refuse say that you will not do something107、accept take something willingly108、allow let someone do something109、achieve be successful at something110、round-up a short report of the most important information111、presen
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