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一、填空题1.-what is three and twenty-seven? -Its _. P592.He is a famous _(act). P613.You say your house is very small.I think it is large.合并成一句 p61You say your house is very small_I think it is large.4.This is Daniels key ring.(改为同义句) p65 This key ring _ _ _ Daniel.5.There are three boxes of milk in the fridge.(对划线局部提问) p65 _ _ milk _ there in the fridge?6.-Exercise me,is there a bookshop _(near)? -No,there isnt.The _ (near) bookshop is 3 kilometers away. P677.Please write to me and tell me about _(you).8.He had breakfast and _his office in the morning. A. left B.left for C.went D.went for9.Fire can be very dangerous.(改为反义疑问句) p83Fire can be very dangerous,_ _?10.She should ride a bike when she was only five years old.(对划线局部提问) p83 _ _she _ when she was only five years old?11.The classroom is _(big)than that one.12.Tom is seven.Jim is eight.(用比较级改写句子) Tom is _ _ Jim.13.Please tell us some opinions观点on _(社会的)questions.14.The food safety is a serious _ in our country.We should try to solve it.15.What _you _(do)this afternoon? Im going to help Grandpa Li do some shopping.16.I live in a flat in the City Garden in _(nine)Street.17.这周末他打算做什么?What _ _ _ _ _ this weekend?18.这里的人们像一个大家庭。People here_ _a _ _.19.你有困难时通常向谁求助?Who do you usually _?20.There are so many desks and chairs in the room.You should make enough people _(carry)them out of it.21.我喜欢有淋浴和浴缸的卫生间. _22.I will take _(一把雨伞)with me.23._he _(play)basketball in two days? Yes,he is.24.what do you want to buy? I_(buy) a coat.25.Look at the dark clouds.It _(rain).s _(help)to discuss your problems with your friends.27.The mother _(worry) about her sons health at present.28.以下的这些信息可能对你有帮助。_may_.They will _.30._ you _(bring)me any water? Im _(口渴)31.I _(play)football if it _(not rain)tomorrow.32.We are here_(help)you with your math problems.33.My classmate is going _(visit)me next weekend.s only half an hours walk from my home to the center of Beijing?(对划线局部提问) _ _ is it from your home to the center of Beijing on feet?d like t olive in a modern town.(对画线局部提问) _ _ _ town would you like to live in?36.We like Sunshine Town because the air is nice and clean.(对划线局部提问)_ _you _Sunshine Town?s go there _(enjoy)Beijing Opera.38.-Where is Mike?-He is in our _(teacher)office.39.Excuse me,but I cant find _(man) room.40.I will tell _ as soon as _(he)comes back.41.故宫博物馆里有很多奇妙的东西可以看。实用文档. Therere many _things _ _ _ _ _s 18_(minute)walk from my home to school.43.We can see the _(gold)throne in Taihe Palace.44.-Whose key is it? -Its one of the _(visit).45.We like hearing her _(say)something interesting.46.-What are you going to d othis weekend? -Were going on a trip_ the museum.47.In the_(east)part of our country,there is a park.48.Andy的朋友之一每周六下午教他中文。49.Tom is tall and I am short,so I sit _(前面)him in the classroom.50.There are fallen _(树叶)on the ground。51.Is it difficult _(finish)_(work)out the problem in five minutes?52.沿着这条路走到尽头,你会发现他在你的左边。53.现在城里有大量的房子。There are _ _ _ in town now.m afraid we have _(take)another one.55.Our classroom is _(在下面)the teachers office.56.Look!the students are making cards _(show)love for their mother.57.Anna said to_ (she),I can take care of _ (I).58.昨天我们花了三小时完成作业。It_.59.I_(many)homes,people cook in the kitchen.60.May with her family_(watch)a football match in a small town now.61.这个泳池40米长。62.He went to office without _(say)anything to me.63.Three years _(随后),they met in Suzhou.64.Kitty ran to the door_(see)what happened.65.There are some_(UFO)in the sky.66.你知道一年有多少个月吗?-67.他足够高可以摘到树上的苹果。-68.Kitty是一名办公室职员,她为一家大公司工作。69.这个汤闻起来很好。70.我喜欢听好笑的故事。-71.镇江在常州北边。接壤-72.一天中的这个时候交通最繁忙。-
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