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小学生三年级英语测试题 ( 11) 3 年级英语精品资料Unit11A boy and a girl一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号填入括号中:() 1. A. manB. woman() 2. A. boyB. book() 3. A. girlB. good() 4. A .tallB. talk() 5. A. thinkB. thin() 6.A. fatB. far() 7.A. longB. tall() 8.A. bigB. pig() 9.A. smallB. snail() 10. A. nineB. nice二、将打乱的单词重新组合并抄写:1. nam_2. manwo_3. taf_4.niht_5. orths_6. lirg_7. gonl8. gib_9. mlasl_10.yob_三、英汉互译:1.一个高高的男孩 _2. 一个胖女人_3.一只瘦猫4. 一个矮男人 _5.长头发6. 短铅笔7.一个大苹果8. 一只小狗9.不高10.一个中国男孩 _11. I m from Yangzhou.12. I m an English teacher.13. He is not tall.14. My eyes are big.15. My hair is not long._16. She is a Chinese girl._四、根据实际情况回答问题:1. What s your name?_2. How old are you?仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 2精品资料_3. Where are you from?_4. Are you tall?_5. Is your hair long or short?_6. Are you a Chinese girl?_五、乱词成句:1. namemyBlackNancyis_2. hairismylong_3. smallnoteyesareyour_4. isEnglishboyToman_5. Londonfromisshe_六、改错:() 1. I am a English boy.A BC_() 2. My hair are not long.AB C_() 3. My eye are big.AB C_() 4. He is a chinese boy.A B C_七、阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写 F:My name is Suzy. I am an English teacher. I mfrom London. I work in Nanjing.I m 34. I m not tall. I m a little fat. My hair is long and grey. My eyes are not small. Ilove China.1.Suzy is an English student. ()2.She is from Nanjing. ()3.She is short and thin. ()4.Her hair is not short and black. ()仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 3精品资料5.Her eyes are big. ()6.She likes China. ()听力原文及参考答案Unit 11一、AABABABB二、 1. man2. woman3 .fat4. thin 5. short6. girl7. long 8.big9. small10. boy三、 1. a tall boy2. a fat woman3. a thin cat4. a shot man5.long hair6. short pencil 7. a big apple8. a little dog9. not tall10.a Chinese boy11. 我来自扬州。12. 我是一个英语老师。13. 他不高。14. 我的眼睛大。15. 我头发不长。16. 她是一个中国女孩。四、 1. My name is2 .I m 3 .I m from 4. Yes./ No. 5. My hair is long/ short.6 .Yes./ No.五、 1. My name is Nancy Black. 2. My hair is long. 3. Your eyes are not small. 4.Tom is an English boy. 5. She is from London.六、 1. B an 2. B is 3. A eyes 4 .C Chinese 七、FFFFTT仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢 4
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