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听力部分(20分)一、听小对话,选择正确的图片(5分)二、听小对话,回答问题(5分)(C)6.Whats his telephone number?A. 578 6261. B. 978 6162.C. 578 6162.(A)7.Whats his last name?A. Smith. B. Tony.C. Mike.(B)8.Whos that woman?A. Helens mother. B. Helens aunt.C. Helens sister.(A)9.What colour does he like?A. Yellow. B. Red.C. Blue.(B)10.How many people are there in the family?A. Five. B. Six.C. Seven.三、听独白,完成信息记录表(10分)(A)11.A. 9 B. 13C. 12(A)12.A. Swimming B. RunningC. Basketball(B)13.A. Chinese B. EnglishC. American(C)14.A. Tom B. DavidC. Emma(B)15.A. 010 804 4731 B. 010 874 4371C. 010 804 7431笔试部分(100分)四、单项选择(15分)(B)16.Whats this in English?Its _ apple.A. a B. anC. the D. /(C)17.Where are my books?_ are on the desk.A. Their B. ThereC. They D. It(C)18.My father has got_ brothers,but he hasnt got _ sisters.A. some; some B. any; anyC. some; any D. any; some(A)19._ there any orange juice in the fridge?Yes,a little.A. Is B. AreC. Have D. Has(D)20.Would Betty like_ the football match between Dalian and Shanghai with us?I think she would love to.A. watching B. watchC. watches D. to watch(B)21.Its eight oclock.Oh, hurry up. Our English class is _ half past eight.A. on B. atC. in D. /(D)22.My mother _ sports after dinner. She likes doing sports in the morning.A. does B. doC. doesnt D. doesnt do(B)23._ does she buy Christmas cards?In a shop near her school.A. When B. WhereC. How D. How many(C)24.I dont like sweet food. I _ eat chocolate.A. often B. alwaysC. never D. sometimes(A)25.Its nine oclock. We _ an English lesson.A. are having B. is havingC. having D. have(D)26.Are the classrooms next to the science lab?No,_A. it is B. it isntC. they are D. they arent(B)27.Mike likes London very much, _ he doesnt like London food.A. so B. butC. and D. because(B)28.Whats the weather like in spring in Hangzhou?Its _A. cool B. warmC. cold D. hot(B)29.How many _ are there in the box?Theres only one.A. apple B. potatoesC. milk D. orange(C)30.Would you like to have dinner with us?_A. Good ideaB. No,Im busyC. Yes, Id love toD. Youre welcome五、完形填空(20分)What do you do at weekends?Some people like _31_ at home, but some like to go for a walk or _32_ football. Mr Spears _33_ hard in a factory on weekdays. At the weekend, he always _34_ the same thing. On _35_ he drives his car and goes with his family to a village. His uncle and aunt _36_ a farm there. It isnt a _37_ one, but there is always much work to do on the _38_. The children help with the animals and give them their _39_. Mr and Mrs Spears help in the fields(田野). At the end(末) of the day, they are all _40_. Spears aunt gives them a big meal.(D)31.A. sitting B. workingC. playing D. staying(A)32.A. play B. buyC. see D. watch(A)33.A. works B. workC. working D. workes(B)34.A. has B. doesC. plays D. goes(D)35.A. Monday B. WednesdayC. Thursday D. Saturday(C)36.A. is B. areC. have got D. has got(D)37.A. long B. shortC. small D. big(D)38.A. chair B. playgroundC. school D. farm(C)39.A. water B. drinksC. food D. milk(B)40.A. big B. tiredC. early D. old六、阅读理解(20分)AEverybody(每个人) has a home. We people have homes. Animals have homes too.Some animals live under the ground. The woodchuck(美洲旱獭) lives in holes(洞) under the ground. His home has two doors. If anybody comes in one door, he goes out from the other door. Some birds live in holes in trees. They come out for food in the daytime(白天) and go back to sleep at night. But many birds live just in the trees. Its quite interesting that turtles(海龟) carry their homes on their backs(背部). Bees(蜜蜂) work hard to make their homes beautiful. There are many, many little rooms in their houses. Cats, dogs, and chicks(小鸡) live in peoples homes.We see all kinds of animals in the zoo. It is a big home for lots of animals.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(T)41.People and animals both(都) have homes.(F)42.A woodchucks home has two rooms.(F)43.All birds homes are holes in trees.(F)44.Bees dont work hard to make their homes beautiful.(T)45.Peoples homes are some animals homes too.B(C)46.When can Eliza and Molly have free(空闲的) time to go to the market(市场) together?A. On Monday afternoon.B. On Wednesday afternoon.C. On Friday afternoon.D. On Thursday evening.(D)47.When are they going to Emilys party?A. On Saturday.B. On Sunday.C. On Wednesday morning.D. On Friday evening.(B)48.On which day is Molly free?A. Saturday. B. Sunday.C. Monday. D. Tuesday.(D)49.Which day is Eliza free from Monday to Saturday?A. On Monday.B. On Tuesday.C. On Wednesday.D.
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