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新标准英语Module6-Unit2 Whats it about?教学设计 宁夏灵武市第一小学 杨艳玲 电话:13895650764教材分析:本节课教学内容源自(外研社)新标准小学英语第八册第六模块第二单元。本模块的主要话题是“Presents”。该单元内容有:1、听力内容:大明从美国回到中国送妈妈一份礼物,妈妈回赠他一本书,母子俩讨论这本有关的书。在这一听力情景中,要求学生听懂目标语句和目标词。2、交流谈话:掌握并熟练运用本课的新词以及功能语句。谈话内容贴近学生的生活实际,有利于培养学生联系实际运用英语的能力。3、韵句:在风趣幽默的韵句中,再次巩固功能语句“I bought her”设计思路:“课程是知识,也是经验,还是活动,是体验,更是语言的载体。”根据本课的特点和学生的实际情况,我采用了直观教学、情境教学和小组合作学习等教学方法,通过图片和多媒体课件呈现课文内容,循序渐进地激发学生的学习兴趣,通过大量的活动及游戏来操练、巩固及运用知识,让学生在体验中成长,在快乐中学习,最终达到运用语言的目的。教学目标:1. 知识目标1)四会单词:spaceship,space.2)能听懂、会说功能语句: Whats it about? Its about spaceship.China sent a man into space in this spaceship.2、能力目标 1)学习并能口头运用语句Whats it about? Its about spaceship.China sent a man into space in this spaceship.介绍书及书中图片的内容。2)在游戏和活动中培养学生运用英语的能力,提高学生听、说、读、写的水平。3)能在同伴及教师的帮助下掌握一定的单词记忆策略。4)学习一首韵诗,这项内容不作要求,让学生根据自己的情况选择学习与掌握。3、情感目标1)在教学过程中,继续培养学生学习英语的兴趣。2)通过一系列活动,培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。教学重点:四会单词和功能语句。教学难点: 学习并能口头运用语句Whats it about? Its about spaceship. China sent a man into space in this spaceship.介绍书及书中图片的内容。教学准备:多媒体课件、单词卡、小纸条、笑脸若干。教学课时:第一课时教学步骤:Step1. warming up1. Greeting (问候之后,说明今天的评价机制,四组竞赛奖励笑脸)2. Play a game: Say more sentences in one minutes .(给每大组两个画有书、玩具、自行车等礼物的图片,四组限时竞赛,比一比哪组说的多)。e. g (Goup1) S1: I bought books for my brother. S2: I bought toys and balls for my friends. S3:(Goup2) S1: I bought flowers for my mum. S2: (设计意图:Game是一种容易激起学生兴趣和好奇心,吸引学生注意力的活动。因此新课伊始,我通过这种游戏形式把学生的注意力迅速吸引到英语课堂中,并复习了上一单元出现的目标语句,而且还将为本课听力出现的一些词句的学习作好铺垫。)Step 2:Presentation and Drilling1、Talk about the books.1)Play a guess game ,such as a book: It is square. It is for us to read. It is a gift from my friend.2) (Big screen shows a picture about animals book)T: What this ?Ss: Its a book.T: This book looks interesting. Whats it about? (大屏幕同时展示该句型及其回答形式Its about)S1:It s about animals.3) (Big screen shows some books in Activity three) Talk about the books in pairs.Then show in class.(奖励合作好的同桌以笑脸)2. Learn the new word “spaceship”.1)(Big screen shows a picture about spaceships book)T: Look at this book. What it about ?Ss: Its about 宇宙飞船.T: Yes, its about spaceships.Ss: Its about spaceships.(出示图片和单词于大屏幕,单词以四线三 格形式呈现)2)Learn to read “spaceship”(Group by group)(设计意图:通过之前的讨论书的话题,自然引出新词学习,并以大屏幕的形式出现,把学生的注意力吸引到新知的学习中)3)Help students memorize the word.(由旧词ship联系新词spaceship)(设计意图:六年级学生应该掌握一定的词汇记忆策略,在课堂上同学之间交流如何记忆所学新词,不失为一种互助学习的好方式)4)T: Where is the spaceship ?(出示卡片space)S: Its in space . 5)Le arn to read “space”(One by one)3. Present the function sentence1)T: (Big screen shows the first picture)Look at this picture.Whats it about?(大屏幕出现相应的文字介绍)Ss:This American spaceship took a man into space.T : Oh,whats the meaning of “took”? Whats its bare infinitive?2) Learn to“taketook”,then read it.3)The Ss read this sentence after the teacher.4)Big screen shows another pictures.Help the students talk about them, then learn others sentences and words “sendsent”. 5)Have the Ss talk about spaceship as they know.(在课前预习中,已布置学生上网或搜集相关内容的书籍,以此了解一些宇航知识,为此处的说句子作准备)(设计意图:用多媒体出示图片,让学生由感知理解学习输出。并通过布置课前预习,扩展学生的知识,并能运用所学语句展示自己的知识储备,从而达到不孤立学习单词目的,并做到词不离句,词要归句,句为交流表达服务的原则。)Step3. Text learning1.Please turn to page24,then look at the pictures and sentences and listen for “bought, took, sent”2.Ask Ss look and listen for “bought, took, sent”.3.Listen to the tape and find out the main sentence patterns, then show them on the board.4.Listen and repeat four times.Then act out the dialogues in pairs.5.Act the dialogues in class.(采取每大组竞赛的方式,随机抽取几对表演,并接着进行评价)(设计意图:通过课文学习之前对目标语句的学习以及通过回答问题、同桌合作听出主旨语句等方式,使后进生也能在降低难度的情况下训练听力能力。另一方面给予程度好的学生以拔高,要求他们听出主旨句并书写,听完多遍后表演对话等。这样可以使不同程度的学生都能有所收获,并且这样的方式可以使学生由被动学习变为主动学习,形成积极的学习氛围。)Step4.Listen and say, then chant1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully. 2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully. 3. Teach the sentences of the chant one by one. 4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together. (设计意图:从图片入手学习韵句,便于学生理解它的表达内容。然后不给学生以学习任务,放手让学生通过听节奏、跟读句子、跟唱韵句、自编唱说形式等方式,达到调解课堂气氛,巩固本模块目标语句的功能。)Step5.Consolidation1. Consolidate the words.1)A guessing game.(分别出示一面有字母ou、oo、en 、ac、sh的卡片,让学生猜是什么单词,每一张卡片另一面是答案,分别是bought、took、sent、space、spaceship.此游戏目的是再次巩固新词,同时可以检查学生新词读音情况。)2)Make one or two sentences with “bought,took,sent”.(设计意图:此环节目的有两个:一是让学生学会发挥自己的想像力,用一两个句子记住新词;二是培养学生发散性思维和创新精神。)2.Consolidate the sentences1) Explain the knowledge:句子开头的字母要大写,关于国家,民族和语言、姓名、城市等的词开头字母也大写,Russia,China,Daming,Yinchuan.2)Look at the knowledge to do exercise4 on page 25 of AB.3)Talk about the spaceships as so as possible, then try to write down.(设计意图:英语学习来源于生活,也应服务于生活。联系生活实际运用语言,为语言的学习找到归宿,也是对所学知识的一种升华。这项活动锻炼了学生说和写的能力。)Step6 :Summary 1.T: What have we learnt today?2.T: How many happy faces have you got?(设计意图:课终的归纳总结是让学生对本节课所学知识有个整体印象,总结每组的表现,意在对他们的表现做出充分
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