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Unit 3Travel journal Period OneWarming Up,Pre-reading and Reading.1拓展归纳prefern./doing sth.ton./doing sth.宁愿,不愿prefer sb.to do sth.宁愿某人做某事prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁可,不愿show/have a preference for偏爱have a preference of sth.to/over another宁要某物而不要另一物give preference to给某人优先权in preference to优先于He prefers reading books to watching TV.他喜欢读书胜过看电视。I prefer to stay with my children on holidays.我喜欢假日里和孩子们待在一起。I prefer to walk there rather than ride on a crowded bus.我宁愿走着去那里也不愿乘坐拥挤的公共汽车。I should prefer you not to stay there too long.我倒宁愿你别在那里待得太久。翻译句子(1)我喜欢看电视而不喜欢出去。(用两种方式翻译)I_prefer_to_watch_TV_rather_than_go_out.I_prefer_watching_TV_to_going_out.(2)我倒希望你马上就走。(用两种方式翻译)I_prefer_you_to_go_at_once._I_prefer_that_you_should_go_at_once.(3)布朗先生比较喜欢把业余时间用来读点书。Mr.Brown_preferred_spending/to_spend_(spend)_his_spare_time_doing_some_reading.(4)我宁愿门开着。I_prefer_the_door_open.2Ever since middle school,my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.(P18) 用法点拨ever since或since可作连词或介词,意为“自以后;自从”,常与现在完成时或现在完成进行时连用,类似的时间状语还有so far,up till now,by now,recently,lately,since last month/year,in/for the past一段时间,since.ago等。Since 1990,I have been living in Shanghai.自1990年至今,我一直都住在上海。Since we met last time,I havent heard from her.自上次见面至今,我一直都没有她的音讯。I have made great progress so far.到目前为止,我已经取得了很大的进步。完成句子(1)从我上次见到她到现在已有很多年了。It_has_been_years_since I saw her last time.(2)星期二以来她一直没上班。Shes been off work since_Tuesday.(3)自1980年以来,他就没有回过家。He_has_not_been_home since 1980.(4)他们1982年去了加拿大,从此以后没有回过家乡。They went to Canada in 1982 and havent_come_back to their hometown ever_since.考题例证The book was written in 1946,_ the education system has witnessed great changes.(山东高考)Awhen Bduring which Csince then Dsince when答案D解析since whensince 1946,此处用since来连接两个句子,其主句要用现在完成时态。3 拓展归纳说服某人做某事说服某人不做某事persuade sb.of sth.使某人相信某事persuade sb.that 使某人信服They persuaded him to go along with them.他们说服他和他们一起去。We tried to persuade him out of his foolish plan.我们尽力说服他放弃那个愚蠢的计划。He tried to persuade us of his honesty.他竭力让我们相信他的诚实。Will you persuade him that he has made the wrong decision?你能使他信服他的决定是错误的吗?persuade,advise(1)persuade强调说服,劝服的结果。如果“劝说”不成功,不能直接用persuade,而应用try to persuade 或advise,或者用persuade的否定式。Jack tried to persuade Tom to go with him,but failed at last.杰克试图说服汤姆同他一块儿去,但最终失败了。(2)advise sb.to do sth.建议或劝说某人去做某事,强调提出建议但对方不一定接受。He advised me to go with him,but I wouldnt.他建议我跟他一块去,但我不愿意。用persuade,advise的正确形式填空(1)She finally persuaded her husband to give up smoking.(2)I tried to persuade him to change his mind,but he wasnt willing to do so.(3)The doctor advised me to have a holiday,but I was too busy.(4)Though she had different ideas about the proposal,we persuaded her to accept it.考题例证There is nothing more I can try_you to stay,so I wish you good luck.(上海高考)Abeing persuaded BpersuadingCto be persuaded Dto persuade答案D解析try to persuade.尽力去说服。“I can try _ you to stay”为定语从句,省略了作try宾语的关系代词that。4 拓展归纳care for关怀;照顾;喜欢;对有兴趣care to do sth.愿意做;想要做take care注意,当心take care of照顾;负责with care当心;仔细地完成句子(1)我不喜欢咖啡。I dont care_for_coffee.(2)她昨天待在家里,照顾她有病的妈妈。She stayed at home yesterday and took_care_of her sick mother.(3)你应该小心地拿着这个杯子。You should hold the cup with_care.(4)你愿意来参加聚会吗?Would you care_to_come to the party?5 拓展归纳determine to dodetermine从句determine疑问词to do determine sb.to do使某人下决心做be determined to do 决心做No matter what happens,she has determined to tell the truth.无论发生什么事,她都已经决定把真相说出来。We must determine what to do next.我们必须决定下一步的行动。She determined that she would never see him again.她决心再也不要见他。What determined her to marry him?是什么使她下定决心嫁给他?完成句子(1)我们能定下这次派对的日期吗?Can we determine_the_date for the party?(2)他的未来还不确定,但他可能学医。His future has_not_been_determined yet,but he may study medicine.(3)他决心在学习上超越其他的人。He determined_to_get ahead of the others in studies.(4)是什么使你决定放弃那个计划?What determined_you_to_give_up the plan?(5)我们决心将所有的事情在周五前完成。We are_determined_to_get all the things done before Friday.6 拓展归纳give in to sb.向某人让步,屈服于某人give in(hand inturn in)提出,递交give away不小心透露;赠送,免费给予give back归还;恢复give off (give out)放出,散发(光,热,烟,气味等)give out vt.分配,分发;vi.(食物,燃料,电力等)用光;精疲力竭give over交付,托付give up放弃;认输The mother gave in and bought a toy for her child.拗不过孩子,母亲给孩子买了玩具。He had to give in to my views.他只好顺从了我的意见。Its time you gave in your papers.到交论文的时候了。单项填空(1)My father is used to smoking and drinking.And there is no chance _ I am able to persuade him to_.Awhich;stop them Bthat;give them upCthat;give up them Dwhether;get rid
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