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推荐信Recommendation Letter致推荐人To the recommender兹有被推荐人报考北京大学光华管理学院工商管理硕士(MBA)。衷心感谢您在百忙之中拨冗填写本推荐信。请您完整填写下列内容,如果您有其它补充,请附在表后。请用信封密封并在封口处签名后交还被推荐人,由被推荐人随其他申请资料一并寄给北京大学光华管理学院 MBA中心招生部。Thank you for taking the time to write on behalf of this candidate, who is applying to the Master of Business Administration Program at the Guanghua School of Management of Peking University. We would appreciate you completing this form. Your comments will be held completely confidential. Please enclose this form in the envelop addressed to the applicant, seal the envelop and sign across the seal on the envelop flap. We are grateful for your assistance. 被推荐人姓名Applicants Name: Mr./Ms. 职务Position 您在何种场合认识申请人?认识申请人已有多长时间?What is your relationship with the applicant? How long have you known theapplicant? 请您评价申请人的突出优点及特点。Please list the most outstanding talents or characteristics of the applicant. 在您看来,该申请人的人际交往与团体工作能力如何,包括他(她)与上级、同级、下级的合作工作能力?Evaluate the applicants interpersonal and teamwork skills, including his or her ability to work with peers, subordinates and supervisors. 您认为申请人在哪些方面需要进一步提高?In you opinion, in what areas can the applicant improve? 请就以下各项对申请人进行评估:Please give your appraisal of the applicant in terms of the following items:优 秀Excellent良 好Very Good平 均 Average低于平均Below average无法判断Cannot Judge口头表达能力 Oral Presentation Skills书面表达能力 Written Communication Skills英语程度 English Skills想象力与创造力 Imagination and Creativity适应性与灵活性 Adaptability and Flexibility逻辑思辨能力 Logical Thinking Abilities分析判断能力 Analytical Abilities组织管理潜能 Organizational/Managerial Abilities领导能力 Leadership Ability道德品质 Moral Character请给出您对被推荐人的总体评价: Please indicate your overall evaluation: 极力推荐 Strongly recommend 推荐 Recommend有保留的推荐 Recommend with reservations 不推荐 Do not Recommend推荐人姓名 Recommender Name职务/职称Position/Title单 位Organization地 址 Address邮政编码 Post code电 话Tel传 真 Fax推荐人签名Signature 日期Date
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