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邯郸学院本科毕业论文题 目 从生态主义角度分析 去吧,摩西学 生 于越学 号 014103081015指导教师 简海红 副教授年 级 2008级本科专 业 英语二级学院 外国语学院 邯郸学院外国语学院2012年5月B.A. Thesis An Analysis of Go Down, Moses From Ecologism ByYu Yue Supervisor: Associate Professor Jian Haihong A Thesis Submitted to School of Foreign LanguagesOf Handan College in Partial FulfillmentOf the Requirement for the DegreeOf Bachelor of ArtsHandan, ChinaMay, 2012郑重声明 本人的毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师简海红的指导下独立撰写完成的。如有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权的行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任,并愿意通过网络接受公众的监督。特此郑重声明。毕业论文(设计)作者(签名): 年 月 日 AcknowledgementsDuring the writing of this thesis, I can not deny that I have gained quite a lot of instructions as well as assistance from my generous and kind-hearted teachers and buddies in the first place. To me their invaluable suggestions and heartfelt criticism are very precious and unforgettable, and I believe my thesis would have been supposed to be impossible without their sincere contributions. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those individuals who assisted me to accomplish this paper. First of all, the accomplishment of this paper benefits from the enlightenment of my supervisor, Lecturer Jian Haihong, whose inspiring insights, generous encouragements and enthusiastic instructions have facilitated me much throughout my thesis writing. Her penetrating and insightful comments afford me with inspiring source. She has been in constant concern about my paper, spared no pains to entertain my thesis draft. I want to show my gratitude to our Dean, Professor Wei, who teaches me the format of the thesis. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all the three professors in the rejoin group whose careful examines and instructive suggestions really help me a lot in the process of composing. Besides, thanks for Foreign Language Department of Handan College as well as all my teachers. Thanks to their instructive guidance and comprehensive education during the four years schooling, I can acquire the opportunity to further study English. And I want to thank my parents. It is them who brought me up and give me financial support through my college life. Finally, my great gratitude also goes to all my friends, including my roommates, who encouraged me in the process of writing this thesis and who has always been there for me every step of my way. AbstractGo Down, Moses is William Faulkners masterpiece which describes the family history of McCaslin. The hunting and growing experience of Isaac McCaslin plays a key role in this novel. With the comprehensive description of the wilderness and nature, this novel is considered as a masterpiece of ecologism in the twentieth century.This thesis mainly focuses on the relationship between human and nature from ecologism. It emphasizes three aspects the relationship between human and animals, the relationship between human and land, as well as the relationship between human and wilderness. Chapter One describes humans killing of animal, which show that humans pursuit is different from old times. Chapter Two explores that the possession of land leads to the lost of humans nature. Chapter Three makes an ecological thinking of civilization and wilderness and it reveals the relationship between human and nature.The analysis of Go Down, Moses from ecologism makes a great contribution to understanding the writers purpose for readers. Through analyzing the relationship between human and animal, land as well as wilderness, humans may understand that they should respect nature, protect nature and assume the responsibility as inhabitants in the world. Key words: Ecologism human nature wildernessii摘 要去吧,摩西是威廉福克纳的代表作,主要讲述了麦卡斯林家族的故事,其中艾萨克麦卡斯林的成长经过在小说中起了主线作用。小说对荒野和自然的全面描述使之成为一部二十世纪生态主义的著作。本文主要从生态主义角度思考人与自然的关系。全文从人与动物的关系、人与土地的关系及现代化文明与荒野的关系三方面进行分析。第一章通过描述人类对动物的掠杀,说明人们的追求已随社会的发展而改变。第二章通过探索人类对土地的占有,揭示了土地占有导致人类自然本性的丧失这一现象。第三章从生态主义角度分析人类文明与荒野的关系,对自然与现代化的关系进行生态主义思考并揭示人与自然之间的正确关系。从生态主义角度分析去吧,摩西,读者能够更深刻的理解文意。通过分析人与动物、土地及荒野的关系,人类应懂得尊重自然,保护自然,并承担起对自然和社会的责任。关键词:生态主义;人类;自然;荒野15ContentsAcknowledgements.iAbstract.iiAbstract (Chinese).iiiIntroduction.1Chapter One Human and Animal.41.1 Human: Symbol of Civilization .41.2 Animal: Symbol of Nature.51.3 The Relationship Between Human and Animal.6Chapter T
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