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南在清华大学的演讲Secretary-General Kofi Annan:Thank you , President Gu , for that most flattering introduction 。Ladies and Gentlemen ,It is a great honour for me to speak at one of China s great academic institutions one that is helping to revive and maintain your country s historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology , and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout the country。Here, as in so manyother places in China , no visitor can help feelingthe excitementof a great countrydeveloping at breakneck speed , and every day opening up new vistas of knowledge and opportunity to its citizensYou can be really proud of your country and what it has achieved in the last 25 years。As I look out over the young faces in this audience I cannot help envying the international students more than a thousand , I am told , from over 50 countries who havethe privilege of sharing your learning experience here。It reminds me for a momentof myown student days , when mycountry , Ghana, was newly independent 。 We felt we were suddenly reaching out to the world , and XXXnew discoveries every day。But then I also remember that times of rapid change can bring pain and confusion , even destruction , as well as progress and excitement 。The more rapid and exciting it is, the more changecalls for careful management, and wise , humane leadership 。Order and stability have to be preserved , but withoutchokingoffthe freedom to enquire , and experiment ,andexpressoneself , since as you youngresearchersknowbetterthananyone knowledge and sciencehave a vitalrolein national development 。And technical expertise needs to be harnessed to the development and security of society as a whole, so thatit not only creates greater wealth for the few, but enables all citizens to feel safer and more prosperous。The development of such a great country as China cannot happen in isolation 。 It affects the whole world , and it draws you into new relationships with other parts of the world 。Increasingly , your economy depends on exchanges with other countries both imports and exports, of both goodsand capital 。 Foreign investment plays an essential role in your growth , while your holdings of foreign currencies and your management of your own currency are coming to play a vital part in the international monetary system。This means that you have a stake in the development and prosperity of the wider world。 And your security , too ,depends on international peace and stability。Your government shows that it understands this , by the role that it plays in the United Nations, and elsewhere 。And increasingly , Chinese citizens are called on to take risks , and make sacrifices , in the interests of global security 。 It was impressive to see, in our newspapers the other day, pictures of Chinese policemen in blue helmets preparing to join the United Nations mission in Haiti anisland buffeted by both human and meteorological storms,which is literally on the far side of the world from here。So I am here , in part , to express the world s gratitude 。 Clearly you in China have understood , as your saying goes , that we all share the same breath。 Humanmisery knows no frontiers , and nor should human solidarity 。Indeed , solidarity was one of the fundamental values solemnly reaffirmed , four years ago , by the political leaders from all over the world who met at United Nations Headquarters , and issued the Millennium Declaration。They declared that global challenges must be managedin a way that distributes the costs and burdens fairly Those who suffer or who benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most 。They promised to spare no effort to free more than one billion of their fellow men, women and children fromextreme poverty , and to make the right to development a reality for all 。And they set themselves precise benchmarks by whichtheir success in keeping these promises could be measured, in the year #。Those benchmarks have come to be known as the Millennium Development Goals , or MDGs First among them is the pledge to reduce by half the proportion of people in the world living on an income of less than one dollar a day。 Others include the pledge to halt, and begin toreverse , the spread of HIV/AIDS; and the pledge to integrate the principles of sustainable development into every country s p olicies and programmes , so that our children and grandchildren will not face the threat of living on a planet irredeemably spoilt by humanactivities , or whose resources are not sufficient for their needs。Will the world reach these goals by #? It depends,in great part , on China 。Your population is so large, and your economy isgrowing so rapidly , that your impact on all global statistics is enormous。 It is theoretically possible that we might succeed in halving the proportion of very poor people in the world
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