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湖北省武汉市北大附中武汉为明实验中学七年级英语下册Unit 3 how do you get to school Section A导学案1 (新版)人教新目标版【学习目标】1,掌握词汇 train, bus, subway, ride, bike, plane, boat, ship, car, taxi 2,掌握短语 take the train ,take the bus, take the subway, ride a bike, walk, on foot,3, take the + 交通工具,by + 交通工具的表达法4掌握句型How do you get to school?I get to school by bus. How does he/she get to school?-She/he gets to school by bus.【学习重点】take the + 交通工具,by + 交通工具的表达法【学习难点】句型How do you get to school?I get to school by bus How does he/she get to school?-She/he gets to school by bus.【学习过程】一:词汇学习:(对学)Guessing game What kind of transportation (交通工具)is it?1,It is very useful. You may ride it to school. ( )2, Many people take it to work and home in the city. It is like a big box ( )3, It is like a train but goes under the ground. ( )4, It likes a bird and it can fly in sky ( )二,短语学习(自学)1. 观察下列几组句子总结乘坐交通工具的表达方式。1)I often take a bus to school.2) Its difficult to take a train home in spring festival (春节).3) Because its difficult to get a train ticket in spring festival, lets go home by plane.4) My father often goes to work by car.5) There is a heavy fog(雾) in Beijing, we cant go there by air.6) How can you go to the South Pole? We can go there only by sea.7) My home is near my school, so I usually walk to school.8) My mother either rides to work or drives to work.总结:表示“乘坐交通工具”有以下几种方法“takethe/a交通工具名称(地点名词)”意为“乘去某地”。如例_“动词walk, ride, drive, fly等to地点名词”,意为“步行/骑自行车/开车/坐飞机去某地”。如例_“by交通工具名词”意为“乘”。如例_“on/ in限定词交通工具名词(单数前用a, an, the修饰)”,用以表达具体的交通方式。如例_三; 句型练习(对学 )How do you get to school? I take the bus to school.How does he/she get to school? He/she rides a bike to school.How does Mary go to Wuhan from Beijing? She goes to Wuhan by plane.四. 当堂检测1.How does he go to Hong Kong?_.A. Take the planeB. By the planeC. By the air2. I usually go to school _.A. ride the bikeB. on bikeC. on the bike3. -_ -By bus. A. Why does he go to work? B. How does he go to work? C. When does she go to work? D. Where does he work? 4. I like to _ my bike _ the weekends. A. take; in B. catch; at C. live; on D. ride; on 句型转换。)1,I ride my bike to school. (同义句) I go to school _ _.2,He goes to school by subway. (对划线部分提问) _ _ he _ to school?3,My father usually takes the subway to work.(对划线部分提问)_usually _ the subway to work?五,总结反思1
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