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VS2005 快捷键1.全局快捷键Shift+Alt+Enter:切换全屏编辑Ctrl+B,T/Ctrl+K,K:切换书签开关Ctrl+B,N/Ctrl+K,N:移动到下一书签Ctrl+B,P:移动到上一书签Ctrl+B,C:清除全部标签Ctrl+I:渐进式搜索Ctrl+Shift+I:反向渐进式搜索Ctrl+F:查找Ctrl+Shift+F:在文件中查找F3:查找下一个Shift+F3:查找上一个Ctrl+H:替换Ctrl+Shift+H:在文件中替换Alt+F12:查找符号(列出所有查找结果)Ctrl+Shift+V:剪贴板循环Ctrl+左右箭头键:一次可以移动一个单词Ctrl+上下箭头键:滚动代码屏幕,但不移动光标位置。Ctrl+Shift+L:删除当前行Ctrl+M,M:隐藏或展开当前嵌套的折叠状态Ctrl+M,L:将所有过程设置为相同的隐藏或展开状态Ctrl+M,P:停止大纲显示Ctrl+E,S:查看空白Ctrl+E,W:自动换行Ctrl+G:转到指定行Shift+Alt+箭头键:选择矩形文本Alt+鼠标左按钮:选择矩形文本Ctrl+Shift+U:全部变为大写Ctrl+U:全部变为小写2.代码快捷键Ctrl+J/Ctrl+K,L:列出成员Ctrl+Shift+空格键/Ctrl+K,P:参数信息Ctrl+K,I:快速信息Ctrl+E,C/Ctrl+K,C:注释选定内容Ctrl+E,U/Ctrl+K,U:取消选定注释内容Ctrl+K,M:生成方法存根Ctrl+K,X:插入代码段Ctrl+K,S:插入外侧代码F12:转到所调用过程或变量的定义3.窗口快捷键Ctrl+W,W:浏览器窗口Ctrl+W,S:解决方案管理器Ctrl+W,C:类视图Ctrl+W,E:错误列表Ctrl+W,O:输出视图trl+W,P:属性窗口Ctrl+W,T:任务列表Ctrl+W,X:工具箱Ctrl+W,B:书签窗口Ctrl+W,U:文档大纲Ctrl+D,B:断点窗口Ctrl+D,I:即时窗口Ctrl+Tab:活动窗体切换Ctrl+Shift+N:新建项目Ctrl+Shift+O:打开项目Ctrl+Shift+S:全部保存Shift+Alt+C:新建类Ctrl+Shift+A:新建项Shift+Alt+Enter:切换全屏编辑Ctrl+B,T/Ctrl+K,K:切换书签开关Ctrl+B,N/Ctrl+K,N:移动到下一书签Ctrl+B,P:移动到上一书签Ctrl+B,C:清除全部标签Ctrl+I:渐进式搜索Ctrl+Shift+I:反向渐进式搜索Ctrl+F:查找Ctrl+Shift+F:在文件中查找F3:查找下一个Shift+F3:查找上一个Ctrl+H:替换Ctrl+Shift+H:在文件中替换Alt+F12:查找符号(列出所有查找结果)Ctrl+Shift+V:剪贴板循环Ctrl+左右箭头键:一次可以移动一个单词Ctrl+上下箭头键:滚动代码屏幕,但不移动光标位置。Ctrl+Shift+L:删除当前行Ctrl+M,M:隐藏或展开当前嵌套的折叠状态Ctrl+M,L:将所有过程设置为相同的隐藏或展开状态Ctrl+M,P:停止大纲显示Ctrl+E,S:查看空白Ctrl+E,W:自动换行Ctrl+G:转到指定行Shift+Alt+箭头键:选择矩形文本Alt+鼠标左按钮:选择矩形文本Ctrl+Shift+U:全部变为大写Ctrl+U:全部变为小写4.调试快捷键F5运行调试项目 F6: 生成解决方案 Ctrl+F6: 生成当前项目 F7: 查看代码 Shift+F7: 查看窗体设计器 F5: 启动调试 Ctrl+F5: 开始执行(不调试) Shift+F5: 停止调试 Ctrl+Shift+F5: 重启调试 ALT + F10调试-ApplyCodeChanges CTRL + ALT+ Break停止调试 F9: 切换断点 Ctrl+F9: 启用/停止断点 Ctrl+Shift+F9: 删除全部断点 F10: 逐步执行语句,不会进行嵌套调用语句 Ctrl+F10: 运行到光标处 F11: 逐语句执行,跟踪到方法体内,包括嵌套调用的语句。Command NameShortcut KeysDescriptionApplyCodeChanges ALT + F10 Starts an Edit and Continue build to apply changes to code being debugged. Autos CTRL + ALT + V, A Displays the Auto window to view the values of variables currently in the scope of the current line of execution within the current procedure. BreakAll CTRL + ALT+ Break Temporarily stops execution of all processes in a debugging session. Available only in Run mode. BreakAtFunction CTRL + B Displays the New Breakpoint dialog box. Breakpoints CTRL + ALT + B Displays the Breakpoints dialog box, where you can add and modify breakpoints. CallStack CTRL + ALT + C Displays the Call Stack window to display a list of all active procedures or stack frames for the current thread of execution. Available only in Run mode. DeleteAllBreakpoints CTRL + SHIFT + F9 Clears all of the breakpoints in the project. Disassembly CTRL + ALT + D Displays the Disassembly window. EnableBreakpoint CTRL + F9 Switches the breakpoint from disabled to enabled. Exceptions CTRL + ALT + E Displays the Exceptions dialog box. Immediate CTRL + ALT + I Displays the Immediate window, where you can evaluate expressions and execute individual commands. Debug.Locals CTRL + ALT + V, L Displays the Locals window to view the variables and their values for each procedure in the current stack frame. Debug.Memory1 CTRL + ALT + M, 1 Displays the Memory 1 window to view large buffers, strings, and other data that do not display clearly in the Watch or Variables window. Debug.Memory2 CTRL + ALT + M, 2 Displays the Memory 2 window to view large buffers, strings, and other data that do not display clearly in the Watch or Variables window. Debug.Memory3 CTRL + ALT + M, 3 Displays the Memory 3 window to view large buffers, strings, and other data that do not display clearly in the Watch or Variables window. Debug.Memory4 CTRL + ALT + M, 4 Displays the Memory 4 window to view large buffers, strings, and other data that do not display clearly in the Watch or Variables window. Debug.Modules CTRL + ALT + U Displays the Modules window, which allows you to view the .dll or .exe files used by the program. In multiprocess debugging, you can right-click and select Show Modules for all Programs. Debug.Processes CTRL + ALT + Z Displays the Processes window. Available in Run mode. Debug.QuickWatch CTRL + ALT + Q OR SHIFT + F9 Displays the QuickWatch dialog box with the current value of the selected expression. Available only in Break mode. Use this command to check the current value of a variable, property, or other expression for which you have not defined a watch expression. Debug.Registers CTRL + ALT + G Displays the Registers window, which displays registers content for debugging Native code applications. Debug.Restart CTRL + SHIFT + F5
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