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新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson57课文解释 1 I had expected to be near my objective by now,我本以为这时已经接近目的地了。 “expect的过去完成时+不定式的一般式”,表示过去想做而未做的事。 2 become(be)absorbed in,作“用心致志于”、“全神贯注于”讲。 3 lack for nothing,什么也不缺。 4 he made me promise to go on my own,他要我同意肯定单独回家乡一趟。 promise是不带to的动词不定式,作宾语补足语;on one”s own作“单独”、“靠自己的力气”解。 5 It was not thatat all. 和下文的 Butterritory,这里两个句子实际用的是一个完整的句型:not thatbutthat(不是由于而是由于)。 参考译文 我停下车,让汽车发动机冷却一下,同时查看一下地图。我本想离目的地已经不远,但四周一切对我仍很生疏。我5岁那年,父亲就带我出了国,那是18年前的事了。当时我母亲在一次事故中惨死,父亲未能很快从哀思与孤独中恢复过来。他身边的一切都有母亲的影子不断地勾起他的伤感。于是他打算移居他国。在这个新的国家里,父亲用心致志地为我们俩开创一种新的生活,渐渐地不难过了。父亲没有再娶,因此,我在没有母亲的环境里长大成人。但我却什么都不缺,他既当父亲又当母亲。他总想将来回国看看,但却不愿长期住下去,由于他与我一样已经把根深深地扎在了异国的土地上。但是,他想看一看家乡父老乡亲,为我的母亲扫墓。就在他打算回国的前几个月,他突然身患绝症。他知道自己已奄奄一息,于是他要我同意肯定单独回家乡一趟。 我下飞机后租了一辆车,并买了一本详尽的地图册。在乡间行车途中,我觉得它特别有用,但快到家了,我倒觉得它没什么用了。这倒并非是我背熟了地图,而是父亲曾具体给我讲了,在过了离家乡最近的那个小镇后,在每一个路标处可见到些什么。因此,我信任这段路对我来说会是很熟识的。唉,实际我错了,我现在迷路了。 我看了看地图,又查了一下里程表。从小镇出来,我走了10英里。照父亲的说法,我面前应是一个山谷,有农场与村舍,还可远远望见老家村子里的教堂的尖顶。可现在我却看不到山谷,看不见农舍,也看不见教堂尖顶,观察的只是一片湖泊。我想肯定是在什么地方拐错了弯儿。于是我驾车返回小镇,重新按路线行驶。结果又来到刚刚那个拐弯处。惊奇的是那个湖没有在地图上标出。我感到自己就像平常作梦那样迷模糊糊地闯进了恶梦境地。就像在恶梦里一样,见不到一个人可以帮忙我。不过,我是幸运的,正值我走投无路之时,从天涯消失一个骑马的人向我骑来。等他走近了,我问他去老家的路。他说那村子已经没有了。我想他肯定误会了我的意思,于是又说了一遍村庄的名字。这次他用手指了一下那个湖。村庄已不复存在,由于已经为水所淹,山谷也被水沉没了。这不是一个自然湖泊,是一座人工修建的水库。 Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Choose the correct answers to the following questions. Comprehension 理解 1 When the author thought he was near his objective, he stopped because _ . ait was too hot for him to concentrate on where he was going bhe wanted to find his way back to the nearest town che realized that he must have taken a wrong turning dhe did not recognize any familiar landmarks 2 Why did the author”s father want his son to go back on his own? aHe feared that his wound would reopen if he were to return himself. bHe wanted to hear what had happened to his village before dying. cHe was too ill to accompany his son on the cross-country journey. dHe had always intended that his son should see the land of their birth. 3 What made the author feel he had stumbled into a nightmare country? aAccording to his father, he should already have reached the village. bNothing he saw corresponded to what he had expected to see. cHe did not know how he could get to the other side of the lake. dHe was curious to know more about the lake but there was no one to ask Structure 构造 4 I was only five when I _ , and that was eighteen years ago. (11. 3-4) ahad been taken abroad by my father btook abroad with my father chad taken with my father abroad dwas taken by my father abroad 5 - and I was brought up _ . (1. 9) awithout a care of women bwithout care by a woman cwithout a woman to care for me dcareless of a woman 6 - leaving the town. It was here that my father had told me I _ farms and cottages(11. 19-20) acould see bwould see cwould be seeing dshould have seen 7 I waited for his approach _ I asked him (1. 27) auntil bwhen cbefore dso that 8 I asked him _ to our old village. (1. 27) awhat way it was bif he knows the way cwhich way to go dhow to get Vocabulary 词汇 9 Everything around him _ , continually reopening (11. 6-7) areminded him of her bpresented her to him crecalled him to her dremembered her for him 10 But my father had described _ what we should see(11. 16-18) aincessantly bovermuch crepeatedly dextensively 11 - the lake was not _ on the map. (1. 24) asigned bwritten cshown dspotted 12 The lake was not a natural one. It was one. (11. 29-30) aan unnatural ba man-made can unreal da manufactured
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