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昂立初中同步8年级预科unit 1教案(共_3_课时)教师姓名教学地点班级编号授课日期单元和课题Unit1 My hobby is collecting stamps.班级人数男生: 女生:教学时段课 型学生年龄段:岁 岁教学内容及目标(Teaching Aims):交际功能:Numbers教学内容目标要求教具(Teaching Realia)磁带、录音机、关于一些邮票等的图片;竞争计分机制(Scoring System)板书设计(Blackboard Display)Unit 1 My hobby is collecting stamps.Pleased/Nice/Glad to see you!What do you often do in your spare time?I often.Whats your hobby?My hobby is.What hobbies did you use to have?I used to watch TV and play soccer.It makes me relaxed/excited.G2G1教学设计 Teaching process第一节课(55)the first class环节1. Self-Introduction;(5 ) 内容Teachers personal information过程1. Greetings;2. Teachers Chinese& English names; C&E name difference;3. Nice/Glad to meet you引出Warm up;环节2.Warming up; (5 )内容Nice to meet you=Pleased to meet you引出和初次见面如何介绍自己;过程1. Teacher greets to the students with :“Hi, Hello, nice to meet you.”Pleased/Nice to meet you用于初次见面的非正式场合;2. Teacher asks “How can we make friends with the strangers?” and lead the students to answer “自我介绍(名字、职业、国籍、爱好)”3. Whats your hobby?环节3.Words; (9 )内容Pleased, hobby, collect, stamp, favorite, valuable, relaxed, In ones spare time, go fishing, learn sth from sb, used to do sth, chat on the net过程注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)环节4.Part a Look, listen and say(8)内容P1: 对话; 句型“What do you usually do in your spare time?”/ “What is your hobby?”句型“I often.”, “My hobby is.”过程1. 输入部分:Listen to the tape and then answer my questions:Q1: How many people are mentioned in this dialogue?Q2: What are their names?Q3: What does the boy usually do in his spare time?Q4: What is the girls hobby?2. 放录音,鼓励并引导学生回答问题;3. 老师询问学生,刚才我们一起学习关于认识新朋友如何去介绍自己以及了解新朋友的信息,比如他/她名字,职业爱好的时候的句型:Whats your name/job/hobby?回答:My hobby is.3.1操练活动1:Ask & Answer: 进行输入后,老师尝试去随机询问几位学生Whats your hobby?引导学生回答:My hobby is 。3.2操练活动2:Group practice进一步输入 Whats your hobby?My hobby is.What do you usually do in your spare time? I usually go fishing/watch TV.两组进行问答A组问B组答;4. What is missing:Helen: Hi, Kangkang.Kangkang: Hi, pleased to see you!Helen: What do you often do in your spare time?Kangkang: I often go fishing, its my favorite. Whats your hobby?Helen: My hobby is collecting stamps.Kangkang: It must be great fun!Helen: Certainly. We can learn much knowledge from them. The old stamps are very valuable.(从完整课文,依次增加的将红色单词短语部分擦去)5. 老师加上少许提示,鼓励学生背诵出part a;环节5.Part b(8) Pair work内容Page2 Part b 掌握句型What hobbies did you use to have? I used to watch TV and play soccer. It makes me relaxed.过程1. 老师自由挑选学生并且提问,What hobbies did you use to have?” Whats your hobby now?”多问几个学生,学生的回答不拘泥于形式,主要强调要用I used to的句型;师生角色转换,老师请学生问自己,老师回答使用句型“I used to.” “ is my favorite”,再询问几个学生。主要目的是让学生灵活使用。2. 根据page2图片,给学生展示根据part b转换出对话: Eg: A: What hobbies did you use to have? B: I used to collect coins. A: Whats your hobby now? B: Reading is my favorite. A: Why do you like it? B: It makes me relaxed.3. 引导学生根据图片进行互换,并和partner一起作出对话;环节6.Words(10 )内容Knowledge, keep, folk, classical, jazz, simple, band, continue, serious, special, Such as, do some outdoor/indoor activities, close friends, be free, take care of, Be famous for, set up, in the world过程注意音形义的输入,操练和输出(教师可根据学生情况讲解,侧重动词、形容词、副词、名词)环节7.Part c(10)内容P17 Part C句型:What kind of music does John/Helen/Sally/Jane like? He likes classical/pop/rock/ jazz/country/folk. Why? Because it is serious/exciting/simple.过程1. 要求学生朗读part c 2. 老师协助学生进行文章中语法点的简单学习: talk about,like。best,are famous for,favorite;3. 填写表格。第二节课 (55)the second class环节1.Review(2)内容复习上堂课的句型:What do you often do in your spare time?I often.Whats your hobby?My hobby is.What hobbies did you use to have?I used to watch TV and play soccer.环节2.Part d(8)内容快速阅读理解文章过程分组竞赛,将答案写在黑板上。老师视情况,进行文章中个别语法点讲解,如:Keep pets, play sports, collect sth , go to concert,环节3.重点突破(25)讲解语言点1、喊叹句 表示强烈感情的句子叫做感叹句。英语中的感叹词有how 和 what,how用来修饰形容词、动词和副词,what 修饰名词。感叹句的构成:感叹词+修饰部分+主语+谓语! How+形容词或副词+主语+谓语! What (+形容词)+名词+主语+谓语!语言点2、be famous for“以著名”, for 后接的是著名的原因; be famous as“作为而著名” as 后接的大多是职业名词;语言点3、such as , for example ,like 的区别 for example作“例如”讲,一般指拿同类人或事物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开 such as 也作“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子; like 也常用来表示举例,有时可与such as互换; 语言点4、动名词 的用法动名词由v.+ing构成, 具有动词和名词的性质,在句中起名词作用,可作主语、宾语 参看P5页注意:语言点讲解后,举例进行,例句可以用课文当中的练习题进行,或者造句。环节4. Grammar focus(10)内容语法点:used to do sthused to do sth 表示“过去常常做某事”,暗含现在已经不做此事了。其中的to 为
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