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The Stylistic Features and Sources of Cyber NeologismAbstract: Along with development of the social economy, science and technology, and change of times, there are a large number of cyber neologisms becoming a part of peoples life. Cyber neologism has its unique stylistic features: flexible words formation, enlarge metaphor, concise acronym and special words formation, etc. that led to the large of English vocabulary. The aim of this thesis is to explore the stylistic features and sources of cyber neologism, by quoting and analyzing abundant examples of neologism and its stylistic features. We university students should explore the sources and stylistic features of cyber neologism. At the same time, the research results also contribute to acquiring knowledge and correcting the shortages of cyber neologism. To ensure that using the correct network language, and creating a higher quality of Internet culture. This study will help English learners to enrich vocabularies, and understand the different social culture from vocabulary, and further understand language and culture furtherly.Keywords: cyber neologism; sources; stylistic features The Stylistic Features and Sources of Cyber Neologism网络英语新词的文体特征及其来源探索摘要:随着人类社会经济发展和科学技术的进步,大量的网络英语新词涌入了人们的生活中。网络英语新词有其独特的文体特征:构词灵活、很强的隐喻、简洁新奇的缩略语及特殊的词汇构成等。本文主要是对网络英语新词的文体特征及其来源进行探索,并且通过分析大量的例证来阐述网络英语新词的文体特征。进一步研究探索有关网络英语新词的文体语言特征与来源,是我们当代大学生应该要进一步做的事情,在不断探索中收获知识,改正在网络新词中存在的弊端,从而确保在网络中使用正确的网络语言,并营造一个高质量的网络文化。此研究有助于英语学习者丰富词汇,了解词汇所带来的不同社会文化,从而对语言与文化有进一步的认识。关键词:网络英语新词;来源;文体特征 1. IntroductionAlong with development of the social economy, science and technology and change of times, there are a large number of cyber neologisms and new meanings in the English vocabulary burst into humans life, becoming a important part of life. The development of Internet is a kind of production that is based on civilization of humanity and spirit. Internet culture is supported by Internet language. For the improvement of technology, our society is going on. With the development of society, our living standards continue to improve, and more and more people are using the Internet. The popularity of the network is the inevitable result of science and technology and social development. Network English is changing and developing, as the main component of the revolution that is popularization of Internet. This marked by new technology revolution opened the prelude of E-English. As long as we use the Internet, the network English gives us a travel in the virtual world, bringing infinite joy and knowledge. In such an era of information, the Internet has created his own language, forming a unique language style and some new phenomenon. Cyber neologism with its unique language charm attracts millions of netizens, making our needs more characteristics of times. Fresh fashion vocabularies not only have a flexible word formation, strong metaphor characteristics and impressive thumbnail of words and special words that led to the large of English vocabulary. So cyber neologism has its own language characteristics finally. Although cyber neologism has attracted increased interest since the 1980s, language researchers and teachers continue to give more attention to it than to syntax and phonology. However, some netizens just want to pursue fashionable language and pay more attention to personality characteristics. Because many netizens used their creative thought to express their ideas. Hence many negative effects have occurred to the network language. Such as wrong words, wrong sentences and changing words arbitrarily. Sometimes, even almost people ignored the traditional style of a specification words. Therefore many people hold a idea that the error is made of Internet, and think the Internet is rubbish which is sources of language pollution. The purpose of this thesis was to explore the stylistic features and sources of cyber neologism, by quoting and analyzing abundant examples of neologism and its stylistic features. We university students should explore the sources and stylistic features of cyber neologism.At the same time, the research results also contribute to acquire knowledge and correct the shortages of cyber neologism. To ensure that use the correct network language, and create a higher quality of Internet culture.2. General Theoretical Background of Cyber NeologismNeologism is generally defined as a kind of new word. It tries to answer the basic questions “What is neologism?”, “how does neologisms work?”, and “what sources and Characteristics of neologisms are?” So, this part will study general theoretical background of cyber neologism.2.1 The definition of Cyber NeologismThe English language has a special word for new word -neologism, from French word -nologisme. The meaning of no is new, logos for words in Greek. To the problem of the definition and specification of n
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