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2016年5月教学目标(八年级英语) 姓名: 班级: 英8(1) 英语老师: 许老师 分数: 一、 选择题(每题2分,共40分)1、 I dont like fiction movies.Me neither. A. Me too B. So do I C. Neither am I D. Neither do I 答案:D2、Who first America? Its Columbus(哥伦布).A. invented B. found C. discovered D. made 答案:C3、 of the students in our class enjoy watching TV.A. Three quarters B. Third quarters C. Three quarter D. Third quarter答案:A4、 we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister. A. Whatever B. However C. Whenever D. Whoever答案:C5、They ended up the classroom and went away.A. cleaned B. clean C. cleaning D. to clean答案:C6、 Miss Gao isnt here. She to the bus station to meet Mr. Brown.A. go B. has gone C. has been D. would go答案:B 7. I to Canada twice. Its so beautiful. A. wont go B. have gone C. dont go D. have been 答案:D 8. Do you want to see the film Let the bullets fly ?The film Let the bullets fly ? I it. Its really wonderful. A. see B. have seen C. was seeing D. has seen答案:B 9、 What does Tom look like? _. A. He is reading B. Hes thin C. Hes nice答案:B10、Why dont you go to the movie with me, Betty? Because I it before. A. Saw B. have seen C. see答案:B11、-Tom, supper is ready. -I dont want to eat_ ,Mum. Im not feeling well. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything答案:D 12、The teacher told the students _ any food into the classroom . A. not to bring B. not bring C. dont bring D. to bring not答案:A 17.You are tired. You go to the party.A.shouldB.shouldntC.needD.arent答案:A18、The boy is too young to himself.A.look up B.look afterC.look atD.look like答案:B19、What _ thing do you want? A. other B. others C. else D. till 答案:A( )20、Would you like me to help you with the housework? _. But I can manage it myself. A. Thats very kind of you B. The same to you C. Take it easy答案:A二、句型转换 (每题2分,共10分)1. We decided to go to see a movie this Sunday. (改为否定句)We decided _ _ go to see a movie this Sunday.2. It took Mike half an hour to work out the problem. (改为同义句) Mike _ half an hour _ _ the problem.3. He went to bed after his mother came back. (改为同义句) He _ go to bed _ his mother came back.4. He was very excited. He couldnt fall asleep. (连成一句) He was _ excited _ he couldnt fall asleep.5. My father is very strict. (就划线部分提问) _ is your father _?答案 1. not to 2.spent; working out 3. didnt; until 4. so; that 5. what; like三、.从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话,有两项是多余的(每题2分,共10分)Waiter: Good morning. 1 Wang Lin: Yes, please. What would you like, Sun Bo?Sun Bo: 2 Wang Lin: OK. 30 beef dumplings and a bowl of noodles with mutton.Waiter: 3 Here are your dumplings and noodles. A.Id like some beef dumplings.B.Do you have a pencil?C.Wait a minute.D.I am fifteen.E.And how much are they?F.Thank you.G.Can I help you?Please help yourselves.Wang Lin: Thanks. 4 Waiter: The dumplings are 8 yuan and The noodles are 6 yuan.Wang Lin: Heres the money. 5 Waiter: Youre welcome.答案:GACEF四、翻译(每题2分,共10分)1. -Can I use your bathroom? 我可以用一下你的卫生间吗?-Yes, (feel free). 可以,请随意。2. ,there are no man-made objects as big as this. (As far as I know =so far as I know)据我所知,再没有像它这样大的人造物体了。3、We felt a when we reached the top of the mountain. 当我们到达山顶的时候,我们有一种巨大的成就感。(great sense of achievement)4、 He will never if he doesnt work harder.如果他不加紧努力工作,他会一事无成。(achieve anything)5、Is this Airline? (Southwestern )这是西南航空公司吗?五、完形填空(每题2分,共20分) Cars were invented in the last century. Today they have touched the lives of everyone in the United States. Most Americans feel that they are poor when they have 1 cars.Why are cars widely used in the United States? Here are three reasons. 2, the 3 is very large and Americans enjoy 4 trips here and there. With cars they can go anywhere easily.The second reason is 5 trains have never been as common(普通)in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Whats more, Americans have to 6 a lot of money traveling 7.The third 8 is the most important one. Americans dont like to 9 buses or trains or even planes.They like cars 10 they want to travel fast at any time.( )1. A. no B. some C. many( )2. A. First of all B. All the first C. The firstly( )3. A. country B. people C. way( )4. A. to have
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