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真题练习第三套 2003-6PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (25 minutes, 20 points)Section A (1 point each)1. A. The man shouldnt care what Sandra said. B. The man shouldnt listen to Sandra. C. The man should talk openly with Sandra. D. The man should get back home early.2. A. A boss and an employee. B. A lawyer and a client. C. A shop assistant and a customer. D. A bus driver and a passenger.3. A. The woman helped to do part of the experiment. B. The woman proposed some good ideas in the experiment. C. The woman was grateful for the success of the experiment. D. The woman recommended some useful books for the experiment.4. A. It is very neat. B. It is a mess. C. It is very pleasant. D. It is a hell.5. A. He got the camera at a very low price. B. The camera is very expensive. C. The camera is worth nothing. D. He does not like the camera.6. A. Because it provides free service. B. Because it is the best store of its kind. C. Because it has a great variety of goods. D. Because it has high quality goods there.7. A. Because he is going to find a new job. B. Because he has to work over-time in the office. C. Because he is going to move to a new town. D. Because his job is too demanding for him.8. A. Because he is very inspiring. B. Because he is very brave. C. Because he made some great achievements. D. Because he is a successful ruler.9. A. He is very stem with his employees. B. He works very hard himself. C. He is very satisfied with his employees. D. He makes excessive demands on his employees.Section B ( 1 point each)10. A. Because his mother wanted him to learn. B. Because he preferred the violin to the piano. C. Because he heard a friend of his play it. D. Because he thought the violin was for classical music.11. A. He joined the Army Orchestra. B. He stopped playing the violin. C. He played more than 100 concerts a year. D. He played classical music for American soldiers.12. A. Everyone needs music. B. People are born musical. C. Children love music more than adults. D. Music is the product of human civilization.13. A. In developed countries. B. In developing countries. C. In European countries. D. In Asian countries.14. A. They teach and convey cultural values in schools. B. They work as volunteers in developing countries. C. They help take care of the AIDS patients. D. They take care of their own grandchildren at home.15. A. They can no longer perform their jobs well. B. They dont want to work any longer. C. They have to give up their jobs to youngsters. D. No boss would like to hire older employees.Section C ( 1 point each)16. Sam Maloof is the best-known _ of hand-made furniture.17. According to Sam Maloof, a successful chair or table contains something of _.18. Where are the 65 pieces of Mr. Maloofs furniture shown?19. What did People Magazine call Sam Maloofin 1986?20. How much does a piece of Maloofs furniture cost today?PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points )Section A (0.5 point each )Directions: There are ten questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one. Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine-scoring Answer Sheet.21. The focus on profitability pushes the systems unreasonably large, rendering them more vulnerable to terrorist attacks. A. declaring B. verifying C. making D. indicating22. The 8.5-ton Shenzhou III spaceship has been substantially improved in terms of the life-support system. A. technologically B. considerably C. structurally D. internally23. According to the American judicial system twelve people constitute a jury. A. compose B. overthrow C. dispose D. surpass24. With so many trivial matters to attend to, he can hardly get down to reading for the test. A. participate in B. cater to C. indulge in D. see to25. The decently dressed son and the humble-looking father formed a striking contrast. A. astonishing B. humiliating C. noticeable D. fleeting26. Nowadays the prevention against SARS has assumed new significance and attracted much attention. A. carried on B. taken on C. worked on D. embarked on27. At the economic forum, each speech by a distinguished guest has to be translated simultaneously. A. once in a while B. at the same time C. in a broad sense D. as soon as possible28. Studies of the
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