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必修3Uit 4 Aronomy:te scenceo h str能力演练一、语法填空阅读下面短文,根据上下文及中文提示填入适当的词语,或使用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。A nuretook th tired,anios solertote bedside.“You ons ere,” se sad t teldma.he hd to reea t ors seven m the pent,s ees pendHavily seated(镇静)beause te pan of hiert attack,hevaguel saw the youg unifrme Mine 2 (stand)otside the oygentete reachedout hisndTheMariehel 3 ghty,cveyn mse ooveand nouragement. 4 t nght te ouMarine sa thee n th 5 (poor)lit ard(病房),holdi theold an,s handan orig hm wordsof lv n strengh.Ocsioally,hnrse sggeted thathe Marine te awalk and rest ahle.He rfed.Nand theshe ead 6 say afegentl ords.h 7 (de)mansid nothng,ony holng his so,s had tihty t wle nigtowardsdawn,heold man died.hMrinereadthe n lifeless hnd he 8 (l)nd entto ellte nusLater,he ase 9 ta manwasTheurswas scked.TheMritol her that hehadn,t me hi beore in isie, 10 whenhe elized te olman adly neeed ,he saye.The next im someone neds yu.be th“tay,and yo,l glad o did.”二、完形填空解题技巧() 利用固定搭配确定选项固定搭配是完形填空的重要考查内容之一,所以,同学们在平常的学习中一定要尽可能多记一些固定词组和惯用句型,有了丰富的积累,考试时才能应付自如。活学活用阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出最佳选项。Notgago I wan,t oig very well in ems anI as l of ispotmnt and negate tinkin.Wil n th1 ,I me mn newfriens,btne in paticlar 2 Hsniame i Corul Day n we 3 on e Wb.e told e et his 4 at ae1,and felt e whole world ha losed idoor to imHe ws 5 so ast tht Icoun,t bliev he was lin!u he continued o 6 ,“Fivears ago, ealize was tme to chnge y le.I read outHelenelran undersood herie nd 7 . I develed a wit aothr l 8 mnecalled Thre Days to See.”Isitedi wsite ichwas well 9 ad ivily esen.I askd,“Hdid you 10 t bild uc aei”H sad:“Ow te new technoogy,I cn u otrepeclly 1 for th bd 12 I oint he usor(光标),it will jut reai outt m.Wcan do famor thing ad13 more omatiothawecouldber.”I thensked:“dyouhe great difculyithi”He hesitated and he bgnhi 14with a silig fce,“Yes,but I hafaith in mysef to 5 m lful ay,an mern eholgges th mediman oprunity to d i.”Ias eatl oved ad ermine t fulil mife. 2A.tsot B.stnds out.comes out D.looks t .A.aswllas B.as ng as Ca hd a D.s sonas .found10.A.y 三、阅读理解专题训练(三)理解作者的观点、意图及态度(2)技巧点拨要正确理解作者的观点、写作意图和对某事的态度,关键是在解题时不要加进自己的观点,也不要把社会上对某个问题的普遍看法或观点强加给作者,特别是不要误选符合考生自己看法的选项。活学活用阅读下列短文,按要求完成读写任务。 wsborn n ried Fancein this wayof lif:Frechwome do, ge faThere s a verood reason or ht.Amo the Frecidle nd roessionalcasss,it i otally uncceptal o a woman oe fat.Litl irls,fro a vry ungae,ar no o at muchIt s mainly a class hn.When ra hat “Frenchwoman love to shopndpare ood”,I ug.Many of us ho wk and have afami wuldather put ur feet u th a goodbok.odescribe race s the cuntryofslender wona lie.Aqic tr Calaso any ton of th indusrilorh s uaranteed to b n eyeopener.es,a 44,am tl mzingly slm.is is hrdly uprisg; apa fohe tme he Iwas pegnant, thik I ave bee unreight r ostofmyife.There sno glry in this,nceetruh must be sai: at ry lttl,otof orce,ut mostly t habi.s,I ike shop and cook ie raditonl Frenchwom,ut I n,think thi is oehn you cn easily pss on t Britih women.I ed to go o loca ho every dy nd thisi otsomethig peopl are usedt dong ere,mainly ecausei takes a oto time.I can affrdto do ,sine I work ony n pat-ime bass.Of course,Istill enjoyaood mel (French)estarant,n ill have a gs of wneadinne,but ony oelas,snce ikingother thanone wh fod is social tab for omen in Fran.Toseen drnk for womn is aoial mbarrasmetfro wch sheintlikl
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