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Module 1 People一、 基本目标Unit1 *Whos that (man/ lady)? Which one? Who are those two persons? Theyre my parents.The one with a yellow hat.(有*号的是以前学习过的句型,以后同。)Unit 2 What is he/ she like? She is lovely but shy. *He/She has (long hair / big eyes/). *He/ She is (tall / thin/).二、重难点分析1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: c: nice, face, mice, science. ck: back, duck, black, sock, clock, jacket, chicken, blackboard as(s): class, glasses au/aw: draw air: hair, chair2、 本课的“in” 在句子里有“穿着、戴着”的意思,,表示衣着方面的特征; ”with”则有“有、带有”的意思,翻译时比较灵活。 例句:The girl in a pink dress in my cousin. 穿着粉红色连衣裙的女孩是我的表 姐妹。 The man with glasses is my new English teacher. 戴着眼镜的男人是我 的英语老师。3. Which的用法跟what相似,看下面的例句: Which is your pencil? Which clothes do you like best?4. 表示学科的单词我们学过有:Chinese, maths, English, music, art, PE, science。5. 对比下面代词的主格和宾格和所有格:主格Iyouhesheitwethey宾格meyouhimheritusthem所有格myyourhisheritsourtheir 注意主格与宾格用法的不同,宾格一般用与动词后面或介词后面,如: Show me your books, please. This book is for him. 6. 注意art, English, old, eye, ear等词前用an表示一个、只、条、., 而不用a, 例如:an art teacher, an English teacher, an old man,an eye, an earModule 2 Daily routine一、基本目标Unit 31) What time is it?Its seven thirty.2) Its time for breakfast/ to have breakfast/3) Its time to go to sleep4) *Lets go to school.Unit 41) We get up at (eight oclock).2) We have lessons from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon. 二、重、难点分析1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: g: good, grape, grow, garden g: gym, orange, large ea: head, heavy ey: they, grey er: mother, teacher, farmer, driver, writer, painter, reporter, sweater, number, mother, father, sister, brother, computer, winner. grandmother, grandfather ear: ear, near ear: bear, pear ere: here ere: there, where2、 Its time for 后面跟名词,而Its time to后面跟动词, 如: Its time for bed/ school/ class/ breakfast/ lunch/ dinner。 Its time to get up/ go to school/ have breakfast /have lunch /have dinner/ go to bed / .3、 tired不能用作动词,要与be或look(s) 连用,如: Im very tired. She looks tired.4、 表示时间有两种基本的方法:倒读法顺读法seven (oclock)Seven (oclock) 七点five past sevenseven oh five 七点零五分 ten past sevenseven ten 七点十分(a) quarter past sevenseven fifteen 七点十五分twenty-five past sevenseven twenty 七点二十分half past sevenseven thirty 七点三十分twenty-five to eightseven thirty-five 七点三十五分(a) quarter to eightseven forty-five 七点四十五分ten to eightseven fifty 七点五十分5、 from.to.是“从.到.”的意思,如: From seven am to eight pm 从早上七点到晚上八点, from one to one hundred 从一到一百6、 am(a.m.)表示“上午”, pm(p.m.)表示“下午”。7、 注意时间与介词的连用: at seven (oclock), at half past five in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night8、 用数字表示时间, 小时与分钟见可以用“:”号或“.”号。即可写成:7:30或 7.30Module 3 Days of the week一、基本目标Unit 51) What day is it today? Is it Monday? Its Sunday. 2) Whats your favourite day?/ Which day do you like best?Unit 61) What do you usually do (after school)?*2) Do you usually/ often/ sometimes (take exercise on Monday)?二、重、难点分析1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: tr: tree, trousers (注意区别于ch和ts的发音) dr: draw, drive, driver, hundred (注意区别于g和j的发音) nk: pink, thank, wr:wrong, write, writer i: hi 2、 周日的名称可以缩写: Sunday-Sun. Monday-Mon. Tuesday-Tue. Wednesday-Wed. Thursday-Thur. Friday-Fri. Saturday-Sat.3. 用favourite可以引出下面的句子: Whats your favourite day/ sport/ colour/ subject/.4、日期与与介词的连用常用on (表示在.日或某天的一部分), 如: on Sunday, on Saturday morning, on Wednesday afternoon。对比: at six oclock, at half past ten in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, at noon5、 Like 有两种意思,一是“喜欢”,二是“象”: I like reading. 我喜欢阅读。 I want to be a painter like my father. 课本里的句子: I always help me father do housework? 我总是帮助我的妈妈做家务。 Like what? 比如说帮什么?6、 英语中表示频度的副词有: always(总是)-usually(通常)-often(经常)-sometimes(有时)-seldom(极少)-never (从不) 这些词长放在在行为动词的前面或be动词的后面, 如: I always help my parents after school. I am always here on Sunday. 有时放在句前或后面,如: I go there very often. Sometimes I go shopping with my parents.7、 两个动册间后一个动词通常用不定式 to (d0)., 如: I want to buy a T-shirt. I like to play music. I use this pen to write. 但help后一般不加to, 如: I usually help mum do housework.8. He / She likes doing sth. something一般指某种事情 He likes to do sth. Something一般指具体的事情9. help sb (to) do sth. 可省toModule 4 Activity一、基本目标Unit 7 *1) What do you often do on Sunday/ Saturday/ after school; when you have free time)? I often listen to music/ play computer games, have sports/*2) Do you always watch TV in the evening? Yes, I do. No, I dont.3) Shall we (watch a cartoon)U
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