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A Study on Communicative Functions of English EuphemismAbstract: As a kind of linguistic and cultural phenomenon, English euphemism is so common in the process of human communication. It is an important way to coordinate the interpersonal relation during the linguistic communication. Communicative functions of English euphemism help us express our feelings and views more freely. Using euphemism properly is an effective communicative way to communicate with each other harmoniously. This thesis, first of all, introduces the definition of English euphemism, classification of the English euphemism and formation of the English euphemism. Then it analyzes the five communicative functions of English euphemism through discussing many examples for the purpose of illustrating how to use them in the cross-cultural communication so as to decrease communication errors, to avoid interpersonal conflicts and to strengthen learners cultural communication consciousness, and eventually to improve learners communicative competence. In some circumstance, only by using euphemism, can we reduce offence and conflict even misunderstanding, therefore, euphemism becomes an important role of language and has been deeply rooted in social communication. There is no doubt that it is necessary for us to study communicative functions of English euphemism in order to create a proper communicational environment, to better avoid some obstacles in communication, to improve the intercultural communicative competence.Key Words: English Euphemism; Communicative Functions; Cross-cultural Communication;研究英语委婉语的交际功能摘要: 英语委婉语作为一种语言和文化现象,它是人类使用语言过程中的一种普遍现象,是言语交际中协调人与人关系和社会关系的重要手段。本文根据委婉语的定义、分类及构成,通过大量的实例分析了英语委婉语的交际功能,目的在于说明如何将其用于跨文化交际以减少交际失误,避免人际冲突,同时还利于提高外语学习者的跨文化交际意识,在某种场合下,只有用了委婉语,我们会减少冒犯别人也会互相避免矛盾。委婉语具有的社交功能使人们能更自由的表达自己的思想,恰当使用委婉语是达到和谐交际目的的有效交流方式。由于委婉语具有较强的说服力,拥有很好的修辞效果,所以它遍及人们生活的每一个角落,作为交际生活中的的一种润滑剂倍受人们欢迎。因此,委婉语在语言中变得很重要的角色,它深深地植根于社交中。毋庸置疑,对于我们研究英语委婉语的交际功能很有必要,旨在营造良好的交流环境,避免交流中的障碍,从而提高跨文化交流的能力。关键词: 英语委婉语;交际功能;跨文化交际IIContentsAbstract in EnglishIAbstract in ChineseII1. Introduction12. Brief Review of English Euphemism22.1 Definition of English Euphemism22.2 Classification of English Euphemism42.3 Formation of English Euphemism53. Analyses of Communicative Functions of English Euphemism83.1 For Politeness83.2 For Evasion103.3 For Disguise113.4 For Persuasion123.5 For Beautification134. Conclusion15Bibliography17Acknowledgements18I1. IntroductionWith the development of world economy and frequent contacts between different countries, such as joined Word Trade Organization and held the Olympic Games in 2008 and world-wide meetings, intercultural communication is becoming more and more important session. Accordingly, it requires a smooth and convenient communication. Euphemism, as a linguistic and intercultural phenomenon, is frequently used and plays an important role in English. To some extent, without proper application of euphemism, communication is impossible. Euphemism, which exists in all sorts of linguistic phenomena commonly, as Enright, D.J wrote in fairy of speech ,the use of Euphemism 1985,if a language without euphemisms could be a defective instrument of communication.( Enright, 113) , is a kind of expressive form in the social communication for the purpose of expressing meaning mildly, harmlessly and politely. The linguist Leech believe that euphemism promote people to enhance the feelings in conversation with others and the premise of mutual understanding is to try not to hurt the feelings of others to express views, people Should pay attention to rhetoric decency, may avoid offending others during they are conversation.(Zhang qianghong, Li Miao,1).As we all know, there are many taboos in language in every nation. There is no doubt that it is necessary for us to study communicative functions of English euphemism in order to create a proper communicational environment, to better avoid some obstacles in communication, to improve the intercultural communicative competence.Based on the development of English euphemism, this thesis will make an introduction in the first chapter. In the second chapter, I will show us the brief review of English euphemism including the definition of euphemism, the classification of English euphemism, and the formation of English euphemism. In the third chapter, I will mainly introduce the five major communicative functions of English euphemism through analyzing many examples. In the last chapter, I can make a brief summary and point out the limitations.2. Brief Review of English Euphemism2.1 Definition of English EuphemismEuphemism, as a kind of linguistic phenomenon, has existed in language for a long time. As we all know, language is the carrier of culture, and it seems that almost all cultures have certain notions or things that people try to avoid mentioning directly. Generally speaking, if these noti
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