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Lesson 14 Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.P11 conviction(n.): a fixed or strong belief 坚定的看法或信念 例:I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just. From the way she spoke, you could tell she was speaking from conviction. 2 hasten(v.): act or move at high speed;cause to occur rapidly 快速行动;催促 例:She hastened home after hearing the news. The storms approach hastened our departure. Please hasten them to send the sample.3 round up: cause sbor sthto gather in one place驱集,使集拢 例:The guide rounded up the tourists and led them back to the coach4 horde ( n.) :a large,moving crowd or throng群,人群 P45 enlist(v.): to win the support of; to get the help or services of; to obtain (help,sympathy, etc.) 赢得支持;得到帮助;获得同情 例:Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the earthquake? He tried to enlist their sympathies.6 go all out: to make ones utmost effort; spare no efforts 全力以赴 例:The team is going all out to win the championship.P57 croquet ( n.) :an outdoor game in which the players use mallets to drive a wooden ball through a series of hoops placed in the ground槌球游戏(一种用木槌击木球钻小圈的游戏) 8 revert (v.): to return to (a topic in talk or thought)回到(原话题或思路) 例:The conversation kept reverting to the subject of money.谈话的内容总是离不开钱。9 arch (adj.): chief; principal 主要的,首要的10 bow down in the House of Rimmon 原意指“拜倒在伪神Rimmon的脚下”,表示:表面上与宗教信仰一致,但心里却有不同”;后引申为“违背良心活原则做自己不愿做的事情”,即言行不一,口是心非。11 make a reference to: speak of or mention sbor sth提到,提及 例:The commentator made a pointed reference to the recent scandal这个评论员有针对性地提到了最近的丑闻。 They never made any reference to their need for technology from the oil companies.P612 to the effect that: with the meaning that, giving the information that大意为 例: He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning他留下一张字条,大意是说他不回来了。13 luncheon ( n.) :a lunch,esp. a formal lunch with others午餐;午宴;午餐(聚)会 P814 regime (n.); method or system of governent 政体,政权制度15 devoid (adj.): completely lacking; destitute or empty 完全缺乏的 例:This article is devoid of substantial matter.这篇文章缺乏实质性的内容。16 excel ( v) :be better or greater than,or superior to(another or others)优于;胜过 excel in/at: be exceptionally good at sth 尤为擅长,非常拿手17 ferocious ( adj.) :fierce;savage;violently cruel凶猛的,残忍的;凶恶的 18 threshold ( n.) :doorstill;entrance or beginning point of sth门槛;人口;开端 on the threshold of: at the point of entering or beginning of在门口,在的开端 例:The politician was on the threshold of his career那位政治家的事业刚刚起步。 19 till ( v.) :work(1and)in raising crops,as by plowing,fertilizing,etc;cultivate耕种;耕耘;耕作20 immemorial (adj. ) : extending back beyond memory or record;ancient无法追忆的;无文字记载的;古老的 例:The Chinese have been worshipping their ancestros since time immimemorial.中国人自古以来就祭拜祖先。21 wring (v) : get or extract by force,threats,persistence,etc.; extort强求;榨取;勒索 例:My socks were so wet that I had to wring them. Ill wring your neck if you dont behave. This is a tale that wring the heart. They wrung the truth out of her.他们强逼她说出了真相。22 primodial (adj.) :not derivative;fundamental;original根本的;基本的 23 maiden (n.): a girl or young unmarried woman 少女,未婚女子24 hideous ( adj.) :horrible to see,hear etc;very ugly or revolting;dreadful骇人听闻的;非常丑陋的;可怕的 25 onslaught ( n.) :a violent,intense attack猛攻 26 clank ( v. ) : make a sharp,metallic sound发当啷声,发铿锵声 27 dandify ( v) :make a look like a dandy;dress up使打扮得像花花公子;给穿上盛装,给乔装打扮 28 crafty ( adj.) :subtly deceitful;cunning;artful;sly狡猾的,狡诈的,诡计多端的 29 cow ( v) :to frighten with threats or a show of force;intimidate恫吓,吓唬,威胁 例:Im sure it was deliberately done to cow us. He cowed them with his hard eyes like a tamer among beasts他以严厉的眼光吓我们,活像兽群中的驯兽师。30 tie down: reduce to bondage;enslave束缚,限制,奴役 例: The veteran worker refuses to be tied。down by petty restric- tion那个老工人不理会琐细的规章制度的限制。 31 docile ( adj.) :easy to manage or discipline;tractable易管教的;顺从的,温顺的,驯服的;听话的 32 brutish ( adj. ) :of or like a brute;savage;gross野兽般的,残忍的;粗野的 33 Hun (n.): used as a siaparaging term for a German, especially a German soldier in World War I用于对德国人的蔑称,尤指第一次世界大战中的德国士兵34 plod ( v) :walk or move heavily and laboriously;trudge沉重缓慢地走 例:We plodded on through the rain for several hours. 我们在雨中跋涉了几个小时。 Do you plod through the day at the office? 你是否在办公室埋头苦干了一整天?35 swarm ( n.) :a moving mass,crowd,or throng(移动的)大群,大堆 36 locust ( n.) :any of various large grasshoppers,often traveling in great swarms and destroying nearly all vegetation in areas visited蝗虫 37 smart ( v) :to feel a sharp, stinging pain感到剧痛,感到伤心 例:He shall smart from his foolishness.他这样胡来一定会自食其果。 The smart of wound kept him awak. She gave him a smart slap on the cheek.38 prey ( n.) :an animal hunted or killed for food by another animal:a person or thing that falls victim to someone or something被捕食的动
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