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五年级英语第四单元有效作业AUnit4 What can you do?一、 知识点归类 二、 1、短语dothethings(做的事情): singEnglish/Chinesesongs唱英文/中文歌曲speakEnglish/Chinese说英语说汉语playthepipa/piano/guitar/erhu弹琵琶/钢琴/吉他/拉二胡doKungfu练武术playbasketball/ping-pong/football/volleyball打篮球/乒乓球/足球/排球dance跳舞cook烹饪cookthemeals做饭sendanemail发送电子邮件swim游泳drawcartoons画漫画drawpictures画画二、句型1、当你想询问对方会干什么时,用:Whatcanyoudo?(你会干什么?)回答:Ican+做的事情.(我会.)问对方是否会做某件事情时用:Canyou+做的事情?答句有肯定形式:Yes,Ican.否定形式:No,Icant.2、当你想知道他人会干什么时,可用Whatcanhe(Mike/oliver)do?或者Whatcanshe(Sarah/ChenJie)do?回答:He/Shecan+做的事情.(他/她会.)问他人是否会做某件事情用:Canhe/she/其他具体的人物+做的事情?答句有肯定形式:Yes,hecan./Yes,shecan.否定形式:No,hecant./No,shecant.三、句型变换1、Ican变为一般疑问句:Canyou?2、Hecan或Shecan变为一般疑问句:Canhe/Canshe?其中的he,she也可以变为其他具体的人物。如Mymothercancookthemeals.变为一般疑问句:Canyourmothercookthemeals?四、发音(pronunciation)字母三、组合:oo在单词中的发音/u/bookcooklookfootfootballgoodgoodbye/u:/balloonfoodzooZoomnoodlesroomnoonafternooncooltooclassroombathroombedroom二、基础知识练习1你有一双“火眼金睛”吗?从ABC三个选项中选择合适的答案,把序号填写在题前括号内。(20分)( )1.I do the dishes.A.canB.cansC.cannt( )2.My sister can housework.A.doB.doesC.dose( )3. What do you _ for dinner? A. have B. has C. had ( )4.We can help .A.heB.she C.him( )5.- can you do? -I can make the bed.A.WhoB.What C.Where( )6.-Can _ play football?- _ ,I can.A.you, NoB.you, Yes C.I, No( )7. _ you helpful at home?. A.Do B.Are C. Can2将这些不讲究秩序的单词排列成句。注意横线后的标点!(20分)1.Sarah, meals, can, the, cook,_.2.helpful ,you, at, are, home_?3.bedroom, can, I, the, clean_.4. at, home, do, can, you, what _ ?三、 拓展练习1、从ABCDE中选择合适的句子补全对话,将序号写在横线上(10分)(1)A、Whats your favourite food? B、but I dont like pork C、vegetables D、What about you E、Its healthy Amy: _, Bob? Bob: I like tomatoes. _ for you. Amy: _, Tom? Tom: Pork is my favourite , but Im heavy now. I have to eat _. Do you like pork(猪肉)?Amy: No, _. I like fish.A. Sure. B.I can cook the meals. C.Youre helpful. D. How about you? E. What can you do?(2)Amy: Good morning, John. John: Good morning.Amy: Are you helpful at home?John: _.Amy: _John: I can sweep the floor and water the flowers. Amy: Great!_ John: Thank you! _Amy:_. I like cooking(下厨).John: You are helpful, too!
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