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Seeds 绘本教学 袁溢一、教学目标 1. 通过短文理解种子的生长,并了解一下单词的含义seed, sunflower, rainy, sunny, bud, root, leaves, grow and grow2. 能用以下句型来介绍植物: It is rainy. We areIt is sunny. We feelWe have3.学生了解植物的生长过程,培养学生热爱生活,善于观察生活,热爱大自然的情感。二、教学重难点:1.能掌握新单词seed, sunflower, rainy, sunny, bud, root, leaves, grow and grow2.能熟练运用句型 It is. We areIt is. We feelWe have.三、教学准备:PPT四、教学过程:Step1.Pre-task preparations 1. Warming-upSing songs:I had a little nut tree(设计意图:以歌唱的形式带学生进入学习状态,活跃课堂气氛。)Step2.While-task procedure1.T:Spring comes. Many flowers will come out. The seeds are growing.Learn: seeds see- seedI am a seed. I am a seed too. We are seeds.2.There are many seeds for you.出示图片apple seeds, pear seeds, flower seeds, sunflower seedsLearn: flower, sunflower3.These are sunflower seeds. But how do the seeds be the sunflowers?Watch the cartoon图片排序 ,学生回答。(设计意图:让学生观看视频,直观的让学生了解植物从发芽到长茎开花的过程。)4.T: Yes, It is the process of its growth. But the seeds want to grow up.What do they need? S: Sun,water5.T: Yes . The seeds need the sun and the rain.Learn: sun-sunny, rain-rainyThe seeds can bask in the sun. So they feel warm.Learn: feel warm6:Say a chant:Rainy, rainy, rainy, rainyIt is rainy! It is rainy!Sunny, sunny, sunny, sunnyIt is sunny! It is sunny!Warm! Warm! Warm! Warm!It is warm! It is warm!(设计意图:sunny,rainy, warm这几个新单词比较难,运用chant使枯燥无味的单词和词组教学变成生动有趣的课堂活动,促使学生在不知不觉中记住了新单词和新词组,同时也提高了英语课堂学习效率。)7.Look at the seeds. Are they happy?Learn: Its_. We are_. It is _. We feel _.8.Read after the tape: We are seeds. We are small and brown. It is rainy. We are happy.It is sunny. We feel warm.9.Look and say: We are. We are . It is. We are .It is . We feel.(设计意图:加上动作让学生两两表演出种子在sunny和rainy两种情况下的心情,既让学生有了表演的欲望同时也让学生在互相练习的时候能了解种子生长需要的能量。)10.The seeds grow and grow. Look.!What do they have?Learn: roots, buds.Say a chant: Bud, bud, budBud is small.Bud is green.Buds, buds, budsBuds are small.Buds are green.Learn: Look! Now we have roots. We have buds too. 11. Day by day .The buds grow and grow.What do they have now?Learn: grow,leaves, flower(设计意图:学习grow时,没有刻意的让学生读这个单词,而是运用yellow,window的基础上让学生读,并看着图片嘴里念着grow慢慢展示sunflowers的成长过程,既操练了grow 又让学生直观的明白其意思。)Fill in the blanks: Look at the leaves. Some l_are big.Some leaves are s_. Some leaves are y_.Some leaves are g _. Some leaves are b_. What beautiful l_!Learn:We are sunflowers.(设计意图:引出leaves时,用一篇小短文,让学生既有了阅读的机会,也不知不觉中操练了好几次leaves.)Read and say: Look! Now we have_ .We have _ too.We _ and_.Now we have _ and_.We are_.Step3.Post-task procedure1. Read the story and choose( )1. The seed are _. A. big B. brown ( )2. It is rainy. The seeds are _. A. happy B. sad ( )3. It is sunny. The seeds are _. A. cool B. warm( )4. The seeds grow to _. A. trees B. sunflowers2.Read and say:How do seeds become sunflowers? They are _. They are _ and _.It is rainy. They are _. It is sunny. They feel _. Now they have _ and _.The buds grow and grow. The buds have_. They have small _ too.They are beautiful _. 3.Retell the process of the sunflowers growth.(设计意图:给学生关键词,让学生学着老师的样子做复述,输出所学的知识点与句型。)4.看板书复述课文5. Show many pictures of the plants around us. Step4. Homework1. Watch the plants around us and try to describe them.2. Plant one plant. And write down the process of its growth.(设计意图:让学生根据自己的生活环境,根据自己的学习能力去做回家作业,让每个人都能有所收获。)板书:
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