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Unit 4 Seeing the doctor D组3号一、教学内容: Story time二、教学目标:1. 知识目标:能听懂,会说,会读feel,should,toothache,dentist,have a rest, see the doctor, take medicine, drink water. 能听懂,会说,会读,会写句型Whats wrong with you? I have2. 能力目标:能把语言和所表达的情境联系起来,达到学以致用的目的。3. 情感目标:健康是第一财富。三、教学重难点词组:take medicine,drink water,brush ones teeth ,have a rest句型:Whats wrong with you?及回答I have a headache/ You should/shouldnt 四、教学过程Step1.Warm up1. Show class rules:(让学生初步感知should的用法)You should sit well.You should speak loudly.You should put up hands actively.(积极举手) T:你应该穿上外套,你不应该在这吃/喝。(操练should/shouldnt)2. Lets enjoy:Q:Whats wrong with the girl?review the illnesses :have a cold ,have a fever(鼓励孩子说出更多疾病)Q:What should she do?(Go to see Doctor)T:If we are ill,what should we do?(揭题:Seeing the doctor)Step2.Before-reading1.Lets guess:T:Whats wrong with me? SS:You have aT: What should I do?(通过猜测操练主要句型)3. Watch and fill:观察课文插图填空 goes to see a doctor goes to see a dentistT teach the word:dentist4. Watch the cartoon and tick: (1)Whats wrong with Su Hai? ( )a.Have a cough. b. Have a fever. c. Have a headache. (2)Whats wrong with Mike? ( )a.Have a headache. b. Have a fever. c. Have a toothacheT teach the new word:tooth/teeth/toothache(结合foot-feet练习发音)Step3.While-reading Part A: 1.Lets read: 自读片段1,划出医生给Su Hai的诊断建议。小组交流,试着说一说。2.Discuss in groups:What should Su Hai do?(组内交流答案)3.Try to say:Su Hai has _ and _.She should _. She should _ and _.4.Listen and repeat part1.PartB:1. read and judgeRules(规则):如果是正确的,请大声说:Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!如果是错误的,请大声说:No!No!No!T:Boys and girls ,its your time to finish Mikes medical recard.Tip: (1)自主读片段2,划出医生给Mike的诊断建议。(2) 四人一组讨论并完成Mike的病例表。(3) 交流汇报 Mike has a .He should.(4) Listen and repeat(注意病人的语气) T:Why does Mike have a toothache?What about you?(联系实际回答)Step4.Post-reading1. Happy reading(choose one part to read)(1) Read together(齐读)(2) Read in roles.(分角色读)2. Lets discuss:Tip(小组讨论,试着说出更多的建议)You should (应该) .You shouldnt(不应该) .Step5. Summary1.巩固复习本课新知。2.T: Spring is coming. In Spring we can do many sports and keep our healthy, we also eat a lot of fruit. Dont go to see the doctor.Ss: OK!T: So should protect(保护) our body. Head-eye-arm-leg-tooth-hand Health Health is the first wealth.(健康是第一财富)Step6.Homework. 1.Listen and read story time. 2. Make a new dialogue: 编对话:森林里举行了一场激动人心的运动会,小动物们都很兴奋。可是运动会后,Miss Cat感冒了,她去找Mr Dog看病。
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