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参考答案:15CAABA610ABCBA1115CBCAC1620ABABA2125CCDAA2630CCBBD3135DCBBC3640ADBCA4145ABADC4650BCCDA5155ABDCD5660DBACD6165BBACB6670BADCD7175BCBAB76、sleepingasleep 77、verytoo 78、79、itwhich 80、watchedwatching 81、more82、hisher 83、seriousseriously 84、andbut85、help前加will作文:How to Solve Population Problem?Polulation expansion is one of the most serious problem in the world. With better hygienic conditions and better medical care the birth rate is higher while the death rate has been lowered.People generally live much longer than they once did. All these lead to a series of problems: Over population results in greater needs of food and natural resources, which would speedup the ruin of our home, the earth. To solve all these problems, We must try to control the irth rate.One important thing in carrying out the familyplanning policy is to educate people-to help them understand the serivus problems we are facing. When people fully understand the terrible situation that human life on earth will not survive if we dont take measures they would be willing to help.答案解析第一部分 听力(Text 1)M: My cat can do arithmetic.W: How does he do that?M: Like this. Last Sunday I said to him, “What is 3 minus 3, please?” He said mothing.(Text2)M: Let me give you a piece of good advice.W: What is it?M: An egg a day keeps the axe away.(Text 3)M: How long have you been married?W: This time, or altogether?(Text 4)M: I cant eat this food! Call the manager!W: Its no use, sir. He cant eat it either.(Text 5)M: Sorry. The cafe is full now, but we can seat you in 10 minutes.W: Thats good. Thank you.(Text 7)M: Mom, I have to tell you something.W: Yes? What is it?M: I got a speeding ticket when was driving your car.W: I knew it! You act crazy when youre out late with your friends.M: Im sorry, Mom. I was only going 40 miles an hour in a 35-mile zone.W: Well, thats it for this month. No more driving for you!M: I know.W: Just wait until your father hears about this. Hell be upset.M: I promise I wont do it again.(Text 8)M: Now some doctors are strongly encouraging arm exercises.W: Arm exercises? In order to make your arms strong?M: Actually thats not the main reason. They say that arm exercises can make you healthy.W: But I was told that arm exercises could raise your blood pressure.M: Yes, but the article I read suggests some ways to make up for that.W: Really? How?M: Do some exercises with your legs, so that the arms dont do all the work.W: I see. I suppose that will also help you to lose weight.M: Sounds all right to me.W: What other exercises do the experts suggest?M: They mentioned quite a few exercises, but one of the more popular ones is cycling.(Text 9)W: You look upset.M: I did very poorly on my test this morning.W: How could this happen?M: You know last weekend I went out with Tom. We went to the beach and spent the whole weekend there.W: So you forgot about the test this morning.M: Yes, completely. I should have looked at my notes last night.W: Why didnt you do so?M: You know I live in the dormitory with three other roommates. They cant sleep with the lights on.W: You could have gone down to the library. It wont close until midnight.M: Yes, I could have, but its Professor Tylers final exam.W: Did you make good notes during his class?M: I tried, but he spoke fast and I couldnt keep up with him. I usually borrow my classmates notes.W: Now I understand. It was too late for you to borrow the notes.M: I guess Ill have to take the course again next term.W: I think you should learn how to take notes.(Text 10)Hong Kong is the noisiest city in the world. Every day, 1500 to 2,000 construction projects are under way. The place is so overcrowded that in one urban district there are more than 6,000 people peracre. For every mile of serviceable road, there are about 450 vehiclesthe worlds highest density. And Hong Kong real-estate prices defy imagination. An ordinary three-bedroom apartment rents for about 7,000 a month. Land in Hong Kongs Central District sold in February, 1982 for 557 per square foot. But still millions of tourists, refugees and above all businessmen want to come to this place.Hong Kong ranks as the worlds 17th largest trading market. Its the worlds top exporter for textiles, radios, toye and electronic game, and the third most important financial center after New York and London. Hong Kongs merchant shipping fleet is seoond only to that of thd United States.二、单项填空21、C “两者之中较的”经常用“the+比较级”22、C be tired with“因而疲劳”be tired of “厌烦”23、D 当matter 作表语时,之前应有冠词;I dont think it matters:意为“我认为那不重要”matter 在此是动词。24、A as a rule “通常地”是固定词组;在质量名词前,表示付工资、卖、租等方式时,用the 如pay by the hour (day、month), sell by the yard (dozen; ton),比较by weight “按重量”。25、A 受 “alife”的影响,容易错选B,实际上本句主语是life toda
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