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Verbs for gourmands gm:ndz 吃货必备动词fry =在油里炸boil =在水里煮bake = 在烤箱里烘焙面包、蛋糕roast = 在烤箱里烤肉、蔬菜grill/broil =用烧烤架烤steam = 蒸toast =烤面包片poach =水煮(蛋)stir-fry = 炒simmer=炖 慢煮Adjectives for gourmands吃货必备形容词Dining phrases for gourmands吃货下馆子必备Wed like a table for 5 please.当您到达餐厅时,或是打电话定位时就可以这么说。Smoking or non-smoking?服务生正问您想要坐在吸烟区还是非吸烟区。Would you like to have a drink first?在考虑要点的食物时,你可以先要一杯aperitif。aperitif这原先是一个法语单词,现在却常在英语中表示是像 appetizer 这样的含酒精饮料。appetizer这是主菜前用来促进食欲的一道菜,因此还称作 starter。Are you ready to order?当你决定了想点的菜时,服务生还可以说Can I take your order?。What do you recommend?如果你不知道想点什么菜是,可以要服务生推荐一下。What are your specialties?这代表着餐厅中最受欢迎最好的菜肴,例如典型的地方菜。May we have the bill?当你准备要付钱时可以使用此短语。你还可以说 Check please。Service charge or tip这是除了餐费以外的费用(通常是帐单的 10-15%)Dont make a fool of yourself on dining tables别让餐桌礼仪出卖了你cutlery ktlri是指刀,叉和勺子(也就是进餐时用的器具)。如果你需要接电话或是离开餐桌去洗手间,你可以简单地说一声 Please excuse me for a moment.如果你真的已经吃饱了,你可以说:Thank you, but I really couldnt eat another bite(谢谢,但是我真得吃不下了)或者是Im stuffed!(我太饱了),这是 very full的非正式说法。你可以把你的刀叉并拢(把它们一起放在你的盘子上)。你可以说:What a delicious meal! Thank you so much.,以此表达你的谢意。在所有人都 吃完后,你才可以离开餐桌。6. 探过身子伸到桌子的另一边拿东西是非常不礼貌的。如果你需要盐,或是你想吃某道菜,而你又够不到,你就可以说 Please pass the.( 请把递给我,好吗?)Healthy food isnt always expensive贵的比不上健康的popcorn(爆米花)Crackers(饼干)、tortilla chips(墨西哥玉米片)和 rice cakes(米糕)是一种选择。尽管盐分很高,你也可以吃 pretzels(咸饼干)或 bread sticks(面包棒)。Low fat cheese(低脂的芝士)很受欢迎yoghurt(酸奶)和 frozen yoghurt(冻酸奶)也有很多种口味。Chickpeas(鹰嘴豆)、 beans(蚕豆)和nuts(坚果)都是健康的What to say in a bar酒吧里的那些名堂On the rocks这 表 示“ 加 冰 块”, 比 如 说:Ill have a whisky on the rocks。Single or Double?这表示您要喝的短饮的数量或饮料中酒精的含量。 如果你想喝更烈的酒的话,你可以跟酒吧侍者说,Make it a double。Spirits意思是烈性酒。比如 vodka, rum, gin, whisky,brandy, tequila。Straight这表示不加冰或者其它东西的酒饮料。Mixer 是不含酒精的混合饮料,像苏打水、可乐或者橙汁,这些用来加在烈酒中来调制一杯Tab这表示晚上结束喝酒时该付的帐单,你可以run a tab(晚上结束喝酒时付帐)或告诉服务生,Put the drinks on my tab。Happy hour这表示酒吧中所有饮料打折的特定时间,例如,Happy hour isfrom 6pm to 8pm。Cocktail这是一种混合饮料, 流行的鸡尾酒包括Martini, Margarita or Pina Colada.Its my round一群人中大家轮流付钱买酒是很普通的事。付钱的人会说,Its my round!Draft点啤酒的话,你可以点 draft: 例如从啤酒桶或啤酒龙头中倒出的生啤Afterword写在后面求职信中的英语English for Cover Letters要获得梦想中的工作并不只要求有一份书写精美的简历就行了你还需要一份引人注目求职信正式介绍自己并展示你的价值。根据这里的向导准备一份动人的求职信。Landing that dream job doesnt only require a well-written resume - youll also need a sparkling cover letter to formally introduce yourself and present your value. Follow this guide to prepare a winning cover letter.Stay on target当你开始写你的求职信的时候,直入主题。解释你为什么写这封求职信并将你感兴趣的职位头衔写在里面。你可能还想要说一下你是在哪儿听到这份工作的:I am writing to express my interest in theSales Manager position advertised on your website. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for yourreview.。When you begin your cover letter, get to the point immediately. Explain why youre writing and include the title of the position youre interested in. You may even want to say where you heard of the opening: “I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised on your website. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.”Match your skills一封求职信是你向雇主证明你是最好人选的好机会,因此确定该职位的技能要求是重要的第一步。然后,将你以前和这些技能相关的工作经历的具体介绍,并且最后以类似这样的话总结:I am confidentthat these combined experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.。A cover letter is your chance to convince the employer that youre the perfect candidate, so identifying the positions skill requirements is an important first step. Then, include clear examples from your previous experience which reveal that you possess these skills, and finally sum up with something like this: “I am confident that these combined experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.”Demonstrate your English ability如果要求你写一封求职信,那可是显示你流畅的写作技巧和专业特性的绝好的机会。记住,无论如何,冗长的句子并不一定代表流畅。你的句子要短而精;不要试图用你太过于复杂的句子来让人影响深刻,否则的话会让读者有疲劳和困惑的感觉的。If an English cover letter is required, its a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate your smooth writing skills and professionalism. Keep in mind, however, that long sentences dont necessarily indicate fluency. Keep your sentences short and clear; do not try to over-impress by writing complex sentences, which can often leave the reader tired and confused.Sell yourself当你写求职信的时候,你应该总是记得你的任务是推销自己!陈述你能为雇主所做的,而不是相反,将能让你脱颖而出。使用行为动词例如:facilitated、developed和managed的,来描述你工作的职责,并自信的表示例如:I strongly believe I possess the right combination of skills andexperience you are looking for,令人知道你充满信心。When youre writing a cover letter, you should always remember your mission to sell yourself! Demonstrating what you can do for the employer, not the other way around, will make you stand out from the crowd. Use action verbs such as facilitated, developed and managed to describe your job responsibilities, and make claims such as “I stronglybelieve I possess the right combination of skills and experience you are looking for” with confidence.Proofread!坐下来,马上写然后马上发出你的求职信将保证发生一件事错误!一旦你写了求职信,确定你稍后会校正一下或是请你的朋友看一下。仔细看拼写和语法错误并确定写的不会太长。最好,
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