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颁奖典礼英文主持词 在万众雀跃的颁奖晚会上,主持人被要求典礼上全程英文讲解,该怎么说?盼望我整理的下文能帮到您,感谢支持! 颁奖典礼英文主持词 Ladies and Gentlemen: Good evening. Today we gather hereto celebrate our 12th Christmas. First of all, I would like to welcome you all to attend this party. On this special day we would like to take a little time to say thank you to everyone on staff for all of the work and all around efforts that have helped make this program so successful and fun. So once again, thank you. Now I have a video, which about the Christmas we have spent to share with you. Lets look at the screen. (After video) From the video, we can see that some people they are not here. Those people they also worked here for a long time. They left here, but we will remember what they have done for Carden. Today we sit here, some of us have been here for a long time, and some are new. But what I want to say is that: time is not important. The most important is the day when you came here, you have joined a family, which is Carden. Thank you. Now the exciting time is coming. We will draw 6 prizes. First we will draw the 5th prize.it is the_ we have six of them. Lets invite heads of six grades to help us. Miss_, Miss _, Miss _, Miss_, Miss_, Miss _ please come here. Everyone, looks at your number, and pray for yourself, maybe you are the lucky one. So now let me see the first lucky guy is. Oh, the number is_ congratulation. And the next number is_ , the third is _, the fourth is _,and the last one is_, please come to here. Lets congratulate them. As the lucky ones, do you have some words to say before you leave here? Okay, the 5th prize is over, if you didnt get prize, dont worry, now we are going to draw the fourth prize. The fourth prize is _, and we have 5 of them.Lets invite Fiona, Sky, Paul, Cindy and Maria come to help us. So now let me see the first lucky guy is. Oh, the number is_ congratulation. And the next number is_ , the third is _, the fourth is _,and the last one is_, please come to here. Lets congratulate them. As the lucky ones, do you have some words to say before you leave here? Okay, the 4th prize is over, if you didnt get prize, still dont worry, now we are going to draw the 3rd prize. The 3rd prize is _, and we have 3 of them. Lets invite Beatrice, Summer, and Jessie come here to help us. So now let me see the first lucky guy is. Oh, the number is_ congratulation. And the next number is_ , the third is _, please come to here. Lets congratulate them. As the lucky ones, do you have some words to say before you leave here? Okay, the 3rd prize is over, if you didnt get prize, dont worry, now we are going to draw the 2nd prize. The 2ndprize is _, and we have 2 of them. Lets invite Will and GraceCome to help us. So now let me see the first lucky guy is. Oh, the number is_ congratulation. And the next number is_, please come to here. Lets congratulate them. As the lucky ones, do you have some words to say before you leave here? Just now we have drawn 5 prizes. Now the most exciting moment is coming. We will draw the 1st prize. And the 1st prize is ipad Mini. Do you want to get it? Icant hear you. Well. I know you want to get it. But I cant promise you. This is depending on Miss Wang. Now lets invite our dear respectful Miss Wang to draw the grand prize. Dear Miss Wang. Please tell me the most fortunate number is _.Congratulation! Congratulation to everyone who got the prize. I just wondered that why I cant get a prize, it must because I didnt wash my hands before I came here. Alright, the exciting time has gone. Now lets invite Miss Wang to speak for us. (Miss Wang speaking) Thanks Miss Wang. As Miss Wang said. the road to glory of tomorrow starts from the first step of today.Our Carden is a family; everyone in this family is like brother and sister. Miss Wang is the mainlyservant, We helped and serve for each other, we share happiness and sorry. What we have done is to build our family: Carden. So everyone ,I have a wish. I wish all of you can enjoy yourselves in Carden; I have a wish, I wish everyone can achieve your dreams here; I have a wish, I wish our Carden have more brilliant tomorrow .best wishes to you and best wishes to Carden.
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