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一年级_班 姓名_ Unit 1 复习案一找出下面单词的意思并连线。morning afternoon Hello GoodbyeGood afternoon Good morning早上好 早上 下午 你好 下午好 再见二小朋友。请读一读,再连线。Good morning.Nice to see you, too.Good afternoon.Good morning.Nice to see you.Good afternoon.Goodbye.Hi.Hello. Goodbye.Unit 2 复习案一小朋友,读一读,再把英语单词或句子和它的意思连起来。1. book 尺子2. rubber 书3. ruler 铅笔4. pencil 真漂亮!5. How nice! 橡皮擦二读一读,找出下面句子的回答,并连线。A. Hi! Danny.B. Good morning.C. Here you are.D. Good afternoon, Alice.E. Thank you!F. Goodbye.1. Give me a ruler, please. 2. Good afternoon, Kitty. 3. Here you are.4. Goodbye.5. Hi. Im Danny. F.Goodbye.6. Good morning.三、 情景选择。( )1、你想要叫别人给你一支铅笔,你要说:AGive me a pencil, please. B. Here you are.( )2、 别人借给你一个橡皮擦,你要对他说:AThank you! B. Here you are. ( )3、你夸奖别人画的画很漂亮,应该说: AGive me a ruler, please. B. How nice! Unit 3 复习案一读一读,再把英语单词或句子和它的意思连起来。eye face mouth nose ear 嘴巴 耳朵 鼻子 脸 眼睛二读一读,找出下面句子的回答,并连线。A. No. Its not me.B. This is my face.C. My eye?D. Hi, Jack!1. Hi, Im Jack!2. Look! Its you.3. Eddie, touch you face.4. Look! This is your eye. 三 情景选择。( )1. 你要告诉别人:“这是我的眼睛”,应该说: A. This is my eye. B. This is my ear.( )2. 老师说:“摸一摸你的耳朵”,你应该说: A. Touch your ear. B. This is my ear. ( )3. 你叫别人摸一摸鼻子,应该说: A. Touch your nose. B. Touch your mouth. ( )4. 你要和Kitty打招呼,应该说: A. Hi, Kitty! B. Hi, Im Kitty.( )5. 家里的桌子用big来形容,教室里你的桌子说: A. small Bbig Unit4 复习案一、 请把英语单词和它们的意思连起来。draw eye read ruler book sing mouth dance阅读 书 画画 嘴巴 眼睛 跳舞 唱歌 尺子二、 读一读,连一连。1. What can you do? Thank you!2. Tom, touch you nose. Good afternoon!3. Give me a rubber, please. Here you are.4. Good afternoon! I can dance.5. Here you are. Hi! Ni Ni.6. Hello! This is my nose.7. Hi! Im Ni Ni! Hi!三、 看图,选择与图片意思一致的单词,写在图片下面的四线格里(1) draw read sing dance (2) book rubber pencil ruler (3) nose mouth eye face ear Unit 5 复习案一、找朋友,连一连。妈妈 她 爷爷 谁 他 爸爸 奶奶 she who mother father grandfather grandmother he二、情景选择。1.你要告诉别人,这是我爷爷,应该说( ) A. This is my father. B. This is my grandfather.2. 你想知道一个男孩子是谁,应该说 ( ) A. Who is she? B. Who is he?4.你想问:“这是Kitty吗”?应该怎么问( ) A. Is she Kitty? B. She is Kitty.5. 你想知道别人会做什么,应该说 ( )A. What can you do? B. How are you?三找到相应的回答,把它们连起来。1、Who is she? He is my father.2、Is he Danny?No. Its not me.3、Who is he? Shes my mother. 4、Is she Alice? No. Hes Tim.5、Here you are. Yes. Shes Alice.6、Look! Its you,. Here you are. 7、Give me a rubber, please.Thank you! Unit 6 复习案一、 连一连。胖 高 瘦 矮 她 他 同学 朋友short fat tall thin classmate friend she he二、 读一读,找出下面句子的答句,并连线。1. Who is she? A Hes my grandfather.2. Is she Alice? B She can sing.3. What can she do? C Yes, shes Alice.4. Here you are. D Here you are.5. Who is he? E Thank you.6. Give me a ruler, please. F Shes my mother.二、 情境选择。( )1 你想告诉别人这是Danny, 应该说。A. Is he Danny? B. Hes Danny.( ) 2 你想告诉别人她很矮,可以说:A Hes short. B. Shes short.( ) 3 你想说他是我的同学,应该说:A Hes my classmate. B. Hes my friend. ( ) 4 你想说他是胖男孩,高男孩,应该是:A Fat boy, tall boy. B. Thin girl, short girl( ) 5 你想问别人她是谁, 应该说:AWho is she? B. Who is he?四、连一连。 fat Eddie tall Alice short thin Tom Ann Tim Ben Miss WangUnit 7 复习案一 小朋友,你认识这些数字吗,将图片和数字连起来。 one five three six four two二 连一连。Touch your mouth. Four books.How many books? This is my mouth.Here you are.
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