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压花不均匀Poor transcription of emboss何谓压花不均匀?(外观)What is Poor transcription of emboss ? (appearance) (1)压花不均匀是指模具上的压花图案未能干净利落地复制在成型品上。Poor transcription of grain pattern means failure of clean transcription of a grain pattern to a molded product.图1. 压花外观评价试样上出现的压花不均匀Figure.1 Poor transcription of emboss( * Test piece size : about 10cm )(* 试样长度约为10cm)2)压花不均匀的生成原因Cause of Poor transcription2-1) 保压力不足Shortage of holding pressure压花不均匀是由于将树脂粘着在模腔时所需的保压力不足而引起的。保压力降低的条件如下:Poor transcription is caused by shortage of effective holding pressure to closely contact resin with a cavity. The conditions of low holding pressure include:(1)机筒温度偏低(包括喷嘴)) Low cylinder temperature (including nozzle),(2)模具温度偏低Low mold temperature,(3)浇口偏小Small gate,(4)分流道偏细Narrow runner,(5)保压力设定值偏低Low holding pressure setting(6)注射速度偏低Slow injection speed(7)材料流动性偏低3) Low flowability of material (2-2)因喷射纹、光泽不好、凹痕等其他成型不良引起的压花不均匀Poor transcription caused by Jetting, Haze, Sink mark, etc.喷射纹等其他成型不良也会引起压花不均匀。Some molding trouble, such as Jetting, cause poor transcription 图2. 由喷射纹引起的压花不均匀Figure.2 Poor transcription by Jetting( * Test piece size : about 7cm )(* 试样长度约为7cm)3)压花不均匀的对策Countermeasures against Poor Transcription of Grain Pattern3-1) 提高保压力To raise holding pressure首先尝试提高保压力。如果这样无法解决问题,则即使成型机输出上升,也可认为保压力没有有效地传递到模腔。此时应进行如下调整:At first, raise the holding pressure. If it does not work, effective holding pressure is not transmitted to the cavity even if output of the molding pressure increases. At that time, try the following measures:提高机筒温度(包括喷嘴)To raise cylinder temperature (including nozzle)提高模具温度To raise mold temperature加快注射速度To raise injection speed.如果这样仍不见效或效果不佳,则需要更改模具或材料。If these measures show no or a limited effect, change of mold or material is necessary3-2) 模具的改造To modify mold扩大浇口尺寸和分流道尺寸以便传递压力。Expand the gate size and/or runner size so as to easily transmit pressure.关于浇口和分流道方面的设计,请参阅下述页面Prefer to next pages about runner and gate3-3)改用流动性好的材料To change to a material of good flowability如果这样仍无法解决问题,则应考虑改用流动性更好的材料If the above measure is not effective, change the material grade to a grade of good flowability.Prefer to next pages about flowability of materials
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