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海阳核电工程施工 总承包部同磯辺 CNF Haiya ng NPP Con struct ion Project Man ageme nt检查试验计划编号/版本ITP NO./Rev.图纸号/版本Dwg. No./Rev.堆号 /Unit No.:施工工作包/CWP:设备名称Name of桥式起重机桥架组装检查记录In specti on Record for theBridge Assembly of theBridge Crane厂房 /Building :区域Area:记录代码Record code记录编号Record No页码PageM153页码/总页数系统号/System:Equipme nt编号Number规格specificati on记录项目Item技术要求Tech nical requireme nt检查结果In spect ion results备注Remarks起重机跨度Span of the craneS 10m , S= 2.5mm主梁上拱度偏差Deviati on of upper camber ofthe girder(0.91.4/1000) S,且最大上拱度在跨中1/10S范围内(0.91.4/1000) S, and themaximum upper camber is with inthe range of midspa n 1/10S.S为跨度S in dicates spa n对角线的相对差Relative deviati on of diago nallines主梁旁弯度Sidewise bending of girderS1/2000精品文档S1为两端始于第一块大筋板实测长度,在离上翼缘板约100mm的大筋板处测量S1 represe nts theactually surveyedlen gth with the bothends in itiati ng fromthe first big ribplate. The survey iscon ducted at thepositi on of the bigrib plate which isabout 100mm awayfrom the upperflange pjate.冋一横截面上小车轨道咼低 差CHeight differe nee C of trolley tracks on the same sect ionK 2.0m h 3mmr-L-r L石小车轨距偏差Deviati on of trolley rail gage跨端 Span end 2mm跨中 Mid span +1 +5主梁端梁高强螺栓连接High stre ngth bolt faste ning预紧力矩206NM tighte ning torque 206NM施工班组 /Con struct ion Team技术负责人/Tech ni cal Resp on sible Personnel施工总承包部QC/CNF Haiya ng CPM, QC签字 /Signature:日期/Date:签字 /Signature :日期/Date:签字 /Sig nature:日期/Date:精品文档
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