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期中备考:初三英语复习“四步走”初三上学期是关键的一个学期,还有不足一个月就要迎来初三的第一次大考期中考试,同学们应列出详细的复习计划,并且随着复习的深入又不断地修改和完善计划,为中考做好充足的准备。一、树立信心,明确目标我们要对自己有信心,相信自己能行。要明确目标,同时做到有的放矢。中考英语120分,我们在平时训练时切记不能一刀切,而是要分块进行复习,并把课程复习和综合练习穿插进行。课上的45分钟很重要,不要不在乎,上课认真记笔记胜过课下辛苦,注重课堂效率,课下再认真复习,把课内和课外知识结合起来,杜绝为考而讲,仍然以反战能力为主要目的,认真迎考,及时总结,调整自我。此外,期中考试复习并不是对已学过知识的一个简单重复,它应是初中全部知识的一个汇合及汇合基础上一个新的提高,所以期中考试复习最忌讳老调重谈,要学会整和知识的能力。二、搜集信息课堂是一个相对封闭的集体,可知识的外延是无边无际的,对知识的学习方法更是八仙过海各显神通。学生应该通过各种渠道,搜集复习信息、期中考试信息,并认真筛选找出对提高成绩有利的东西,而不是一味地做题,搞题海战术。另外,把各个知识点的复习科学地安排到早自习、课堂、晚自习等时间里,让复习紧张而有序,全面而重点突出,大大地提高了复习的效率。每天早晨一定要读,大声的朗读中考的课标词汇、短语、好的范文。听力每天30分钟,每两天一篇作文训练,以中考模拟题的题为蓝本,进行有针对性的训练。三、坚持做好反思考试是考察每位同学在本学期的学习成果,因此一定要重视。但这里重视的不仅仅是成绩,更是细节,作好记录,为了更好的进步。每次考试之后,记录好自己的小分。详见下表。考试后进行科学总结,锻炼综合能力,容易掌握努力的方向。 制定具体的计划和目标。实事求是,具体问题具体分析,做到有针对性。四、提高学习效率由于初三的重要性,各科都是主科,在有限的时间里如何提高学生的整体素质,应该自主地、主动地去学习,从而提高效率,在课堂学习中,向课堂要效益,向自身“转移”,自己必须“加压”,切实保证上课的质量;切实保证课堂的质量。平时要注重对学习方法的掌握,科学的方法会让你事半功倍的。听力如何做,哪些是听力的高频词汇,哪些是单选的主要考点,如何作答阅读与表达。如何更好的写作。这些都要进行系统的训练。期中备考:英语复习重点模块考试的目的:1.检测教学效果。查漏补缺。2.主要考查学生对基础知识的掌握与运用。3.考查学生对所学知识综合运用的能力,如:词汇运用能力,阅读理解能力,逻辑分析能力,推理判断能力,综合归纳能力及交际表达能力。出题思路:1.主要考查本学期所学知识。2.同时检查初二已学知识。题型:与中考题型一样,分为四部分1.听力理解 (单选及填关键信息词)2.知识运用 (单选及完形)3.阅读理解 (单选,还原句子及回答问题)4.书面表达 (完成句子及文段表达)检测内容:1. 可数名词的单复数(规则、不规则),不可数名词,名词所有格;2. 人称代词的主格、宾格;形容词性、名词性物主代词及反身代词,不定代词等;3. 形容词、副词的比较等级;4. 介词,连词,数词;5. 常用短语(名词、动词、形容词、介词);6. 动词的时态、语态(含情态动词);7. 肯定句、否定句、疑问句、祈使句;8. 常用句型、习惯用语及交际用语;9. 非谓语动词(动词不定式、动名词、分词);10.复合句(状语从句、宾语从句)。下面以人教版教材为例将Unit 1-5重点内容进行整理,仅供大家参考。Grammar Focusdo sth. by + doing / n. 例如:1. Bob makes a living by teaching.2.-How do you study for a listening test?-By listening to tapes.used to do sth. 例如:1. He used to get up at half past six.2.He told us he used to play football when he was young.used to do 的否定式为:usednt主语 + used not + to do sth.didnt useHe usednt to study hard.=He used not to study hard.=He didnt use to study hard.used to do 的疑问式及其答语为:Used + 主语 + to do?Yes, sb. used to. / No, sb. usednt to.Did + 主语 + use + to do?Yes, sb. did./ No, sb. didnt.should+be+allowed = be allowed to do sth. 例如:They think sixteen-years-olds should be allowed to drive.Students should be allowed to wear her own clothes.should+not+be+allowed=be not allowed to do sth.例如:We are not allowed to go out on school nights.Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.虚拟情况从句主句与现在事实相反If+主语+v.-ed(bewere)S + would/should/could/might + v.例如:1. If I won a million dollars, Id give it to charity. (实际我没有)2. If I were you, I would accept his offer.(事实上我不可能是你)情态动词表推测的用法 例如It must be Toms. It has his name on it.It could be Anns. She studies Chinese.It might belong to John. He plays the guitar.It cant be Jims. Its much too big for him.Sentence Patterns:1. Why dont you do sth.? = Why not do sth.?Why dont you join an English language club?2. Its too + adj. + to do +.Its too hard to understand the voices.She went too late to catch the train.tooto 与enough to或 sothat结构在一定条件下可以相互转换。例如: Jack is too young to go to school.= Jack is not old enough to go to school. The article is too difficult for me to understand.= The article is so difficult that I cant understand it.3. I used to be afraid of the dark.4. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.5. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get theirears pierced.6. They arent serious enough.7. What would you do if you had a million dollars?8. If I were you, Id like a long walk before going to bed.9. It must belong to Carla.10. He might be late for work.11. ask/tell sb.(how) / (not ) to do sth. 例如:My mother asks me to clean my room every day.The teacher told the boys not to run in the hallways because it was dangerous.12. enjoy/finish/mind/be busy doing sth. 例如:Some famous people today enjoy writing on micro blog.13. 状语从句主句(一般将来时) If/As soon as+从句(一般现在时)例如:You will become a good language learner if you keeppractice.Ill give it to him as soon as he comes back.14. 宾语从句 例如:I want to know if he will come on time.Do you know when the School Day is every year, Jack?词语辨析:talk, tell, speak, say;take, spend, pay, cost;frustrated, frustrating; excited, excitinginterested, interesting; moved, moving;how long, how often, how far, how soon,how many, how much;used to, be used to + doing, be used to do sth.;two more letters, two other letters , another two letters;stop doing sth. stop to do sth.;instead, instead of;as well, also, too, either;take/have a test, pass a test, fail (in) a test;be strict with sb., be strict in sth.;be good for sth., be good to sb., be good at sth.;importance n. important adj.;success n., secceed v., successful, successfully;have to, must; plenty of, many/much;think of, think about, think over, think out;other, the other,
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