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九年级英语调研卷 2013.10.命题人:王 锦 审核人:鲁发琴听力部分 20一 听对话回答问题。101. Where does the woman come from? A. B. C. 2. What will the woman buy? A B. C. 3. What is inside the loaf of bread? A. B. C. 4. What might happen tonight?A. B. C. 5. What has been broken ?A. The key. B. The door. C. The window. 6. How long has the man lived in the house? A. Since he got his first job. B. Since he was 20 years old. C. Since he was in a primary school.7. What does the woman want the paint for? A. To paint her front door. B. To paint her bed. C. To paint her wall.8. What does the woman pleased about ? A. That the party went well. B. That lots of people came to the party. C. That she did not spend much money on the party.9. Why does Peter NOT want to have pizza? A. He does not like the taste of pizza. B. He likes sandwiches better. C. He thinks it is expensive.10. . Who does the woman think the little boy like? A. His grandfather. B. His father. C. His mother.二听对话和短文答题。10 听第一段对话,回答11-12 小题。11. Why are they planning a barbecue? A. They have not seen their friends for a long time. B. The spring weather is just right for a barbecue. C. They would like to visit the new forest park.12. What does Wendy NOT say they need to buy? A. Some fresh fruit for dessert . B. Some meat and snacks . C. Barbecue forks and drinks. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。 13. What was special about Mr. Stone? A. He has a wooden leg. B. He was rather strong. C. He had only one arm.14. What was his characteristic? He was very _. A. smart B. generous C. active15. What subject did he teach? A. Science B. Maths C. English 听第二篇短文,回答16-20 小题。16. When did the girls parents tell her a story when she was little? A. When she cried. B. At bedtime. C. At breakfast.17. What did she do with her parents after she could read? A. They went to the bookshop to buy storybooks together. B. They went to the library to borrow storybooks together. C. They read famous stories together.18. Where does she borrow books? A. From the local library . B. From the school library . C. From her classmates. 19. How does she describe the hobby of reading? A. It is cheap and rewarding. B. It is relaxing and enjoyable. C. It is exciting and pleasant. 20. What is she writhing about now? A. Historical (历史的) events. B. Animals. C. Children who live in the city. 笔试部分100一选择15 ( )1. Mr. Black is kind _us. Its kind _ him to give us so much help . A. to , for B. of , to C. for, to D. to, of ( )2. Id rather _books at home than _shopping with you . A. read, go B. to read, go C. read, going D. to read , going( )3.This story is _for a six-year-old child to understand.A. enough easy. B. enough easily. C. easy enough. D. easily enough.( )4. Nick couldnt _an answer when Mr. Brown asked why he was late. A. come over B. catch up with C. come out D. come up with ( )5. This yellow shirt doesnt fit you. I think that blue one _good _you. A. will look, in B. look, in C. will look, on D. look ,on ( )6. _useful the advice you gave us is! A. What B. How C. What a D. What an ( )7.- When shall we meet tomorrow?Make it _ time you like. Its all the same to me. A one B. any C. another D. all ( )8. This song sounds beautiful . The underlined word is _. A. Predicative B. Predicate C. Attributive D. Adverbial ( )9. My computer doesnt work . I must have it _.A. repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repairing( )10. Do you prefer tea _ coffee? - I like tea _nothing in it .A. to, with B. or, with C. or , have D. or, have ( )11. Dont worry! We will do all we can _you.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped( )12. Thanks a lot for giving me a ride to the station. - _. A. It doesnt matter. B. Never mind. C. Dont worry. D. Not at all. Its a pleasure.( )13.When will your father come back? - _. A. Not until next month. B. After a week . C. Till next week. D. For two weeks.( )14. I really dont know who to about such a thing.A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell( ) 15. I think the test is very easy . - But I dont think _ can pass it. A. anyone B. no one C. everyone D. none 二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)The teacher stood before his class and was g
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