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国庆节英语手抄报内容:歌曲我和我的祖国我和我的祖国一刻也不能分割 My country and my a moment can not be separated 无论我走到哪里都流出一首赞歌 No matter where I go all out a song 我唱歌每一座高山我唱歌每一条河 I sing every mountain I sing every river 我亲爱的祖国,我永久紧依着你的心窝, My dear motherland, I will cling to your heart, 你用你那母亲的脉搏和我诉说 You use your mother”s pulse and tell me music. Music. 我的祖国和我像海和浪花一朵 My country and I like the sea and spray a 浪是那海的赤子海是浪的依托 The wave is the sea the sea is support of the wave. 每当大海在微笑我就是笑的旋涡 Whenever the sea in the smile I just smile vortex 我分担着海的忧愁分亨着海的欢快 I share the sea sorrow share the sea of joy 我亲爱的祖国,你是大海永不干枯, My dear motherland, you are the sea never dry up, 永久给我,碧浪轻波,心中的歌 Always give me, Ariel light wave, the song of my heart music. Music. 袅袅炊烟小小村落路上一道辙 Smoke from the small village on a track 我亲爱的祖国,我永久紧依着你的心窝, My dear motherland, I will cling to your heart, 你用你那母亲的脉搏和我诉说 You use your mother”s pulse and tell me 我亲爱的祖国,你是大海永不干枯, My dear motherland, you are the sea never dry up, 永久给我,碧浪轻波,心中的歌 Always give me, Ariel light wave, the song of my heart 心中的歌 The song of my heart
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