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Section Grammar同位语及同位语从句语 境 自 主 领 悟先观察原句后自主感悟Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years,half the length of the life of the original sheep.The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.左边句子中加黑部分是同位语。同位语可以由名词、代词、数词、形容词或从句来充当。句是由名词短语作同位语;句和句是由that引导的同位语从句。语 法 精 要 点 拨考点一同位语一个名词或代词后面有时可以跟一个名词(或起类似作用的其他形式),对前者进一步说明,这一部分就叫作同位语。可充当同位语的有名词(词组)、代词、数词、形容词(短语)、动名词(短语)、不定式(短语)及从句等。We students all respect him Mr Johnson,our English teacher.我们学生都尊重他,我们的英语老师约翰逊先生。(名词(词组)作同位语)They each put forward a proposal.他们每个人都提出了一个建议。(代词作同位语)You may leave it to us two.你可以把这事留给我们俩。(数词作同位语)Is this your purpose,to avoid being punished?逃避惩罚,这就是你的目的?(不定式短语作同位语)The current fair,the biggest in its history,is being held in a big city.目前的交易会,是有史以来规模最大的,正在一座大城市举行。(形容词短语作同位语)The first plan,attacking at night,was turned down.第一个计划是夜袭,被拒绝了。(动名词短语作同位语)即时演练1写出下列句中充当同位语的词(组)的词性We both have a chance to take part in this activity.代词Please bring these books to them three.数词Wang Bing,our monitor,will help us to turn in our papers.名词词组Is this what you have done,leaving all these things in a mess?动名词短语People,old and young,went to the street to watch the parade.形容词短语考点二同位语从句在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。它一般跟在某个名词后面,用来说明前面名词的具体内容。常见的这类名词有:fact,news,hope,truth,idea,suggestion,thought,question,promise,order,problem,belief,word,message,information,proof,announcement,desire,doubt,proposal,advice,possibility等。The news that the team won the game is exciting.球队赢得了这场比赛的消息真是令人激动。The question who should do the work requires consideration.谁应当做这份工作,这个问题需要考虑。I have no idea that you have applied for the post.我不知道你已经申请了这个职位。即时演练2将下列句子合并为同位语从句Will the sports meeting be held on time?The question will be discussed tomorrow.The question whether the sports meeting will be held on time will be discussed tomorrow.The headmaster will join us in hiking this Sunday.We are glad at the news.We are glad at the news that the headmaster will join us in hiking this Sunday.A new teacher will teach us English next term.The message reached me yesterday.The message that a new teacher will teach us English next term reached me yesterday.考点三同位语从句的连接词1连接词that和whether。(1)that在同位语从句中仅仅起连接作用,不充当句子成分,但是不能省略。I have read the notice that our school radio station needs two English announcers.我已经读了这个通知,学校广播站需要两名英语播音员。Word came that they made a great breakthrough in their field.他们在他们的领域取得很大突破的消息传来了。(that引导同位语从句,说明word的具体内容)(2)whether在同位语从句中译为“是否”,仅仅起连接作用,不充当任何句子成分。There is some doubt whether John will come on time.有人怀疑约翰是否会准时到来。The question whether it is worth doing will be discussed at the meeting.这件事情是否值得做(这个问题)将要在会议上被讨论。2连接代词who,what,which,whom,whose引导同位语从句时,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语等;其意义分别为:谁;什么;哪一个;谁;谁的。The problem what we should do next is being discussed at the meeting now.我们下一步该做什么的问题正在会上被讨论着。With time going on,the doubt which team would win disappeared.随着时间的推进,哪支队伍会赢得这场比赛的疑问消失了。The problem whom he would take the place of was discussed at the meeting over and over again.他将代替谁这个问题在会议上被反复讨论。3连接副词when,where,why和how。连接副词when,where,why,how引导同位语从句时则在句中作时间、地点、原因和方式状语;其意义分别为:什么时间;哪里;为什么;怎么样。The question when and where we should spend our holiday has not been decided.我们要什么时候到哪里去度假的问题还没有决定。We havent yet settled the question where we are going to spend our summer vacation.我们还没决定到什么地方去过暑假。即时演练3单句语法填空The young man must answer the question whether he agrees to it or not.He is going to America,but I have no idea when he will leave.The manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.考点四同位语从句的注意事项1同位语从句中的虚拟语气名词suggestion,order,demand,command,request等后的同位语从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“(shoulddo)”的形式。The suggestion that everyone(should)make efforts to make our country stronger is necessary.每个人都应努力来使我们的国家变得更强的建议是有必要的。2doubt后的同位语从句名词doubt(怀疑)后的同位语从句用whether引导;no doubt(毫无疑问)后的同位语从句用that引导。There is no doubt that he will come to help me whenever I am in trouble.每当我有困难时他会来帮我,这是毫无疑问的。(no doubt表示肯定概念)We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time.我们怀疑他们能否按时完成任务。3同位语从句和定语从句的区别同位语从句定语从句功能不同对名词加以补充说明与先行词是修饰与被修饰的关系,起连接作用that不作成分,只起连接作用,不可省略作主语或宾语,起连接作用;并且作从句的宾语时可省略whether/how/what起连接作用,其中whether不作成分,而how和what作成分不引导定语从句其他wh类词作成分;起连接作用;有自己的含义,但与先行词无关作成分;起连接作用;没有自己的含义,但是代替先行词在从句中作成分Jim got to know the news that the whole village was in great danger.吉姆得知整个村子都处在极度危险中的消息。(that引导同位语从句,解释说明the news的内容)Do you know the news(that/which)Jim told me?你知道吉姆告诉我的那个消息吗?(that/which引导定语从句,且在从句中作宾语)4分隔式同位语从句有时同位语从句与其所解释说明的名词会被其他成分隔开,从而形成分隔式同位语从句,这样做主要是为了保持句子结构平衡,避免头重脚轻。A saying goes that a constant guest is never welcome.谚语说:常客令人厌。(that引导同位语从句,说明saying的内容)即时演练4单句改错The general gave the order that the soldiers crossed the river at once.crossedcrossThere is no doubt whether I w
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