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建邺高中 高二英语 讲学案M7U2 Reading主备人:吴艳琴第一部分:重点讲解1.open up 打开;开发;开始 They opened the country up to trade 他们开放国家,以进行贸易。拓展:be open to 对、开放的;易受、的;in the open 在户外,在野外;keep ones eyes open 留心;注意;lay open 摊开(书等);throw open 突然打开;大开;open fire on/upon at 向、开火单项填空1.The restaurant _ all ,without distinction of colour.A .opens up B.is open to C .opens with D.throws open2.-Would you like to go out?-Yes ,I like playing _ .A.in the open air B.lay open C.into the open D.in open3.Dont open fire _ him without permission.A.at B.in C.of D. with2.There is a probabilility/possibility that +从句 “很有可能/有可能、”He worked deep into night last night.There is a probability that he will be late for work today.昨晚他工作到深夜,今天他很可能会上班迟到。there is no need that you go to Shanghai .你没必要去上海。拓展:There is no doubt that +从句/there is no doubt about sth 毫无疑问There is no need for sb to do sth某人没必要做某事There is no need that +从句 没必要、Its no use doing sth 做谋事没必要There no doubt that he will come to your party.毫无疑问,他会来参加你的聚会。1. There is no doubt _ he can do a good job of it.A. whether B. if C. that D. how2. There _ no need _ him _ come here; he can manage it.A. is; to; to B. is; for; to C. was; to; for D. was; for; for3. There is no use _ with him.A. to argue B. arguing C. argued D. having argued4. Is there any _ of our getting there in time?A. possible B. probable C. likely D. possibility5. It is _ for us to finished the work ahead of time.A. possible B. possibly C. probale D. probably3.take place 发生happen (意外/偶然)发生;take place (按计划/意图)发生occur (正式用语)发生(还有“想起”之意)1. Great change _ in the rural areas in the past two decades.A. have taken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening2. I _ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _.A. went; was occurring B. went; occurred C. was going; occurred D. was going; had occurred3. I _ be at the station when he arrived.A. occurred to B. happened to C. took place D. broke out4.carry out: to conduct or to put into practice实施(计划);履行(义务);进行(实验)He carried out his promise to quit smoking.Once a plan is made, it should be carried out no matter how difficult it is. carry on 继续做;carry off 夺去(生命);获得(奖赏); carry sb through 使某人度过(困难、危机等);carry away 运走,拿走,冲去,掠走;吸引住(某人),使忘我carry forward 使(事业等)进展They carried on in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.5.trial n. :a test to see if sth is effective or sth is suitableIn the one year trial ,you must work hard and prove your ability.Clinical trials should be done before a new drug can be put into use.The first trial flight has been a great success.6.thin v. :to make sth thinner It is reported that aspirin can thin blood and help reduce the risk of heart attacks War and disease are the two main causes of thinning population.Add more water to the mixture to thin it.单项填空1. He gets older and his hair_.A. was thin B. is thins C. is thinning D. was thinning2. If someone is _ in a pleasant way ,we say they are _ or_ .A. thin; slim; slender B. slim; thin; slender C. thin; narrow; fine D. narrow; thin; slender7.purify v. :to make sth pure or cleanStopping pollution surely helps purify the air in the city.单项填空1. The air in the house is not _ .Do you have any way to _ it?A. purify; pure B. pure; purify C. purifying; pure D. pure; purified8.It is + a period of time +before-clause It will be a long time before we meet again.(还要. 才)It was ten years before they paid off their debt.(过了多久.就)It is not+a period of time +before+clause(不久就)It was not long before the fire was put out.It wont be long before we have the exam.10.focus on 集中于上(1)As a student, you are supposed to focus on your studies. (2)The program focuses on environmental protection. 11.recommend v. 推荐;介绍 recommend sth. to sb.(1)I am going to spend my holiday. Could you recommend a hotel in that city to me?(2)She is seriously ill. Please recommend some medicine to herOur teacher recommends that we take notes while listening to a lecture.(3) They recommended drinking some tea made from the barks of special trees.单项填空1. He _ her as a good teacher to our school.A. recommends B. says C. recommendation D. introduction2.Our teacher often recommended not _ mobile phones at school. A. using B, to use C. use D. used12.reduce v. 减少;削减(1)Reducing the cost is one way for companies to make money.(2)The prices of the mobile phones are reduced.13.due to 因为;由于(1)Due to his careless driving , the accident took place , which cost him his left leg.(2)The farmers failed to have a good harvest due to the bad weatherHe arrived late _ the storm.A. due to B. beca
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