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毕业论文(设计) 题 目:交际法在初中英语语法教学中的运用系 别:外国语学院专 业:英语班 级:2010级本科1班姓 名:刘焕博学 号:10072050110指导教师:李卿教师职称:讲师2014年6月6日毕业论文(设计) 题 目:交际法在初中英语语法教学中的运用系 别:外国语学院专 业:英语班 级:2010级本科1班姓 名:刘焕博学 号:10072050110指导教师:李卿教师职称:讲师2014年6月6日The Application of Communicative Language Teaching to English Grammar Teaching in Junior Middle SchoolsByLiu HuanboSupervisor: Lecturer Li QingA Thesis Submitted to the Foreign LanguageOf Cangzhou Normal University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsCangzhou, ChinaJune, 2014沧州师范学院2014届毕业论文(设计)郑重声明 本人的毕业论文(设计)是在指导教师李卿的指导下独立撰写并完成的。除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果。所有合作者对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文(设计)中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。如有剽窃、抄袭、造假等违反学术道德、学术规范和侵权行为,本人愿意承担由此产生的各种后果,直至法律责任;并愿意通过网络接受公众的监督。特此郑重声明。毕业论文(设计)作者(签名): 年 月 日论文使用授权说明本人完全了解沧州师范学院有关保留、使用学位论文(设计)的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文(设计)的复印件,允许论文(设计)被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文(设计)。 毕业论文(设计)作者(签名) 指导教师(签名) 年 月 日AbstractWith the developing of linguistics, psychology and pedagogy, people are taking a new look at foreign language teaching, giving grammar teaching a new meaning. It reflects a new conception. This new conception regards language not merely as a system of rules, but as a tool for human communication. Accordingly, the traditional methods of grammar teaching should be reformed.This thesis introduces the current situation and the significance of grammar teaching, pointing out that teaching grammar with the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is necessary. The author introduces the theory of communicative competence and the definition of grammar in order to show that teaching grammar with CLT is feasible. Then the author presents the language teaching methods under the traditional way, including the grammar-translation method, the direct method and the audiolingual method. To find out the main problems in grammar teaching and learning, a questionnaire was conducted by thirty students in Wangshu Middle School in Cangzhou, which reflects the attitude of the students and the way of grammar teaching.At least, the author points out the strategies of grammar teaching under CLT, hoping can provides help for teachers in grammar teaching and achieve the goal of enhancing the ability of grammar and communication.Key words: the grammar teaching; the communicative language teaching; communicative grammar teaching 摘 要随着语言学、心理学和教育学的发展,人们对外语教学有了新的认识,语法的定义也被赋予了新的涵义。这种新的涵义实际上反映了一种新的语言观念。这种新观念并不仅仅把语言仅仅解释为一种知识体系或规则,而是更加强调语言作为交际工具的本质意义,从而必然要求对传统的语法教学进行改革。本文介绍了我国初中英语语法教学的现状及进行语法教学的意义,同时指出用交际法进行语法教学是非常必要的。作者介绍了有关交际能力的理论及传统的英语语法教学的方法。作者在沧州市望树中学对三个年级共三十名学生就语法学习情况进行了问卷调查(这些学生在2013年10月份的期中考试中班级排名第一、十、二十、三十、四十名),从而发现了一些在语法教学及学习中的主要问题,主要包括英语老师教授语法的方法以及学生学习英语的态度。最后作者提出了用交际法进行语法教学的策略,希望可以帮助老师们更好地进行语法教学,实现提高学生语法和交际能力的目标。关键词:语法教学;交际教学法;交际语法教学ContentsIntroduction1Chapter One Theoretical Framework41.1 Theoretical Background to CLT41.2 The Definition of Grammar61.3 Grammar Teaching under Traditional Methods61.3.1 Grammar-Translation Method71.3.2 The Direct Method71.3.3 The Audiolingual Method7Chapter Two Main Problems in Grammar Teaching and Learning92.1 Main Problems of Grammar Teaching92.1.1 Traditional Teaching Methods on the Grammar Class92.1.2 Little Attention to Practice with Grammar Rules102.1.3 Teachers with Less Proficiency102.2 Main Problems of Grammar Learning112.2.1 Students Negative Attitude towards Grammar Learning112.2.2 Students Negative Attitude towards Interaction in Grammar Class12Chapter Three Strategies of Grammar Teaching under the Framework of CLT133.1 Creating a Communicative Environment133.1.1 Presenting Grammar in Discourse133.1.2 Increasing Students Involvement143.2 Effective Communicative Grammar Activities in Language Classroom153.2.1 Presenting Grammar through Comparison153.2.2 Discussion and Debate16Works Cited21Appendix22Acknowledgments24iiiIntroductionWith the development of economy and culture, English is most widely used in the whole world. English becomes the most popular foreign language in China. Therefore, the importance of English is more obvious. As is known to us, language is a tool to communicate. In western countries, students do not know many detailed grammatical rules, but they can also communicate with others successfully in English. The first reason is that they have many chances to practice using it. The second reason is that English is their mother tongue or their second language. So the key point of learning English is to learn English in communication. It can not only impro
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