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高考英语二轮复习备考:如何写有关抱怨类的文章【写作任务】假如你是中学生陈明,你们学校的食堂存在着一些问题,请你就以下要点给校长写一封信,内容如下:1. 菜品种类不多;2. 饭菜价格偏高;3. 同学们买饭排队时间长;4. 我的建议要求:词数120词左右。【写作指导】1. 审题定调这是一篇抱怨类建议信,属于一篇夹叙夹议的实用性应用文作文。在现实生活中,我们难免会遇到一些令人不满意的情形,需要心平气和地抱怨和切实有效地沟通。因此,在写这类文章时,一定要注意语言的委婉性和叙述的条理性,做到以理服人、以情动人,并试着提出一些建设性建议与意见,掌握抱怨的艺术。2. 确定主体内容根据题目要求,文章应包括以下内容:首先,要简明扼要地提出话题;然后根据所给出的要点,有条有理地叙述抱怨的具体内容;最后提出一些建设性意见,希望问题能够顺利解决。针对这篇习作,可以把全文分为三段:第一段:提出学校食堂的话题。第二段:具体分析学校食堂存在的问题。第三段:提出一些建设性意见。3. 确定人称、时态人称用第一人称;时态应为一般现在时。4. 常用表达表示不满时尽量使用委婉语气Id like to say something about.I am sorry to bother, but.Would you mind (not).Im writing this letter to express my dissatisfaction at.先表达理解或肯定,再指出问题I understand its not your fault, but.I think it must be a hard job to do it, but I wonder if you could.Generally speaking, it is satisfactory. However, there are still some problems to be settled.表示提出解决问题的建议I think its high time to take some measures.To solve these problems, effective measures must be taken immediately as follows.Thus, I suggest something should be done to improve it.will surely be welcomed.I hope you will take my suggestions seriously.Thank you for your consideration.【范文展示】Dear Headmaster,I am a senior student of our school. Id like to say something about the canteen service in our school.Generally speaking, the canteen service is satisfactory. However, there are still some problems to be settled. First of all, we have to eat almost the same things day after day with only a limited variety of dishes. Secondly, we think the prices of the dished are relatively high. In addition, we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meals, especially during rush hours of lunchtime, which costs us the precious time of studying.Thus, I suggest something should be done to improve the canteen service. For example, you may change the prices to be more reasonable and increase more windows. A greater variety of foods will surely be welcomed. Thank you for your consideration.Yours,Chen Ming书面表达练习:假如你是中学生周明,最近你们班里重新安排了座位。你本来视力就不好,个子也不高,但却被安排到了最后一排。请给你的班主任王老师写一封信,反应情况。如何写有关抱怨类的文章 答案One possible version:Dear Mr. Wang,I am terribly sorry to bother you, but Id like to talk about the seats in the classroom.I think it must be a hard job to arrange our seats, but I wonder if some improvements could be made. You know my eyesight is quite poor so that I cant see the blackboard clearly at the last row even though I wear a pair of glasses. Whats worse, I am not tall enough. As a result, the classmates in front of me block my view, which will surly has bad effects on my study.Therefore, I would appreciate it very much if you could change my seat to the front row. Thanks a lot.Best wishes.Yours,Zhou Ming学科网(北京)股份有限公司
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