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人教版九年级英语教学案课题: Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.第 五 课时 学习目标: 1、知识与技能:熟练掌握句型:1 His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education . 2 The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother . 3 She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us , he was watching me and would always take pride in everything good I do. 4 I realize that since my father died , I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me .熟练掌握词汇:in the end ,make a decision ,to ones surprise ,even though ,no longer ,take pride in , pay m attention to, give up , head teacher, death ,cause ,himself ,patient ,attention, waste ,exactly 2、过程与方法:Understand the passage and build up the reading ability ;learning by doing and doing by learning3、情感态度与价值观:激发感恩父母,热爱父母,关注身边的情感。重 点: The structure “used to”and its negative and interrogative forms.难 点:Make the Ss get the information from fast-reading and careful reading.教 法:Task-based teaching approach教 具: multi-media recorder课 型:New课 时:一课时教 学 过 程学 案教师活动学生活动设计意图一、课前准备1. 请同学们上网收集感恩父母的名言诗歌、文章、故事并反复诵读。2. 假如你身边有“a problem child ”,你打算怎样帮助他呢?二、课堂展示释疑一、预习感知 1.汉翻英:下决心 改变某人的生活 最后 班主任 使某人惊奇的是 对感到自豪 注意 放弃 改变某人的想法 2. 默读课文,在文中找出death, afford, cause, himself, patient, decision, necessary, attention, waste等生词,猜测他们的含义,阅读他们所在的句子,检测自己的阅读能力。(二)合作探究 默读课文,回答下面的问题:(1) Why did his mother have to work? (2) What did she make a decision to do? (3) Did the conversation with his mother change his life? (4) What is very important for parents? 短语探究1. afford to do sth支付得起的费用 I _to see the movie. 我看不起这个电影。2.His mother looked after him as well as she could.(1)“as+形容词/副词+as one could”意为_, 也可用“as+形容词/副词+_”表达.I will study English as hard as I could. _.His mother looked after him _ she could.他的母亲尽可能好好照顾他(2) as well as为并列连词,意为,连接两个相同的句子成分,“不仅而且;又;也。”Living things need air and light _water.生物不仅需要水,而且还需要空气和阳光。 She helps Tom _ I.除了我以外她也帮了汤姆的忙。1 get into trouble招惹麻烦; get into trouble with sb惹的麻烦,与发生纠缠 He often _the police. 一、 翻译短语1过去常常 2。担心- 3弹钢琴 4。对-感兴趣 5与-聊天 6。代替- 7改变很多 8。做鬼脸 9 近几年 10。惹麻烦 二、单项选择()1,She used to straight hair.A. have B. has C。having D. be( )2,- he to be nice? -Yes, he didA. Did ;use B. Did ;used C. Does use D. Dose used( )3,-He didnt play the piano well ,did he? - . He played it well.A. Yes, he did B. No, he didnt C. Yes, he didnt D. No, he did( )4,I and Im on the football team.A. Play the soccer B. play a soccerC.play soccers D. play soccer( )5,When she was young, she had time.A. so much B. so many C. such much D .such many( )6,They hardly ever have time for concerts, ?A. did they B. didnt they C. do they D. Dont they( )7,I spent a lot of time speaking English.A. to practice B. to practicing C. practicing D. on practicing( )8,My life a lot in the last yearsA. changes B. will change C. has changed D. changed( )9,He is afaid of the sea. He doesnt know .A.how to swimming B. .how swimmingC. .how to swim D.how swim( )10,Is she afraid speak in classA. of B. to C. at D.for( )11,We used to the school basketball team.A. on B. be C. be on D.be at( )12,The old man is terrified of .A. alone B. be alone C. being alone D.loney( )13,There is a big desk the classroom .Its for our teacher.A. out B. out of C. in front of D.in the front of( )14,She becomes in music.A. interest B. interesting C. interests D. interested()15,W
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