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2022年考博英语-华东交通大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could( ).问题1选项A.descendB.declineC.deteriorateD.depress【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项descend“下降”,多指从高处落向低处;B选项decline“衰退”,多指数量,质量或价值的下降;C选项deteriorate“恶化,变坏”;D选项depress“压抑,使沮丧”。根据句意:总有一天,软件可以很好地翻译书面语和口语,以至于对通用第二语言的需求可能会减少。这里是指需求减少,所以选项B最恰当。2. 单选题Please( )yourself from smoking and spitting in public places, since the law forbids them.问题1选项A.restrainB.hinderC.restrictD.prohibit【答案】A【解析】考查近义词辨析。A选项restrain“控制,约束”;B选项hinder“阻碍,打扰”;C选项restrict“限制,约束”;D选项prohibit“阻止,禁止”。根据句意可知,这里是说控制自己不要抽烟,对自身的控制和管理应使用restrain,而restrict多指限制在一定的范围内。所以选项A最为恰当。3. 单选题From this material we can( )hundreds of what you may call direct products.问题1选项A.deriveB.discernC.diminishD.displace【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项derive“源自,获得”;B选项discern“觉察出,识别”;C选项diminish“减少,缩小”;D选项displace“取代”。根据句意:我们能够从这个材料中 数百个你称之为直接产品的东西。根据介词短语from this material 可知,这里应该是表示来源并且能够与介词 from搭配,所以只有选项A符合要求。4. 单选题The indomitable spirit displayed by athletes embodies the new look of this nation.问题1选项A.specificB.unsubduableC.determinedD.industrious【答案】B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项specific“特定的”;B选项unsubduable“不屈不挠的”;C选项determined“坚决的”;D选项industrious“勤勉的”。句意:运动员们不屈不挠的精神体现了这个国家的新面貌。划线部分indomitable是不屈不挠的意思。因此B选项正确。5. 单选题The machine needs a complete( )since it has been in use for over ten years.问题1选项A.amendingB.fittingC.mendingD.renovating【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项amending(amend的现在分词形式)“修改”;B选项fitting“配件,安装”;C选项mending“修补”;D选项renovating“更新,修补”。根据句意可知,这个机器用了十几年,应该是需要修理,所以首先排除选项A和选项B;C选项mending多指修理机器,D选项多指翻新房屋建筑等,所以选项C更恰当。6. 单选题Gregory Currie, a professor of philosophy eat the University of Nottingham, recently argued in The New York Times that we ought not to claim that literature improves us as people, because there is no “compelling evidence that suggests that people are morally or socially better for reading Tolstoy” or other great books.Actually, there is such evidence. Raymond Mar, a psychologist at York University in Canada, and Keith Oatley, a professor of cognitive psychology at the University of Toronto, reported in studies published in 2006 and 2009 that individuals who often read fiction appear to be better able to understand other people, empathize (起共鸣)with them and view the world from their perspective. This link persisted even after the researchers factored in the possibility that more empathetic individuals might choose to read more novels.Recent research in cognitive science, psychology and neuroscience has demonstrated that deep reading of books is a distinctive experience, very different from the information-driven reading we do on the Web. Although deep reading does not, strictly speaking, require a conventional book, the built-in limits of the printed page are uniquely conducive to the deep reading experience. A books lack of hyperlinks allows the reader to remain fully immersed in the narrative, without having to make such decisions as whether to click on a link or not.That immersion is supported by the way the brain handles language rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity, by creating a mental representation that draws on the same brain regions that would be active if the scene were unfolding in real life. The emotional situations and moral dilemmas that are the stuff of literature are also vigorous exercise for the brain, propelling us inside the heads of fictional characters and even increasing our real-life capacity for empathy.This is not reading as many young people are coming to know it. Their reading, mostly done onscreen, is pragmatic and instrumental. If we allow our children to believe reading onscreen is all there is, we will have deprived them of an enjoyable and enlightening experience that will enlarge them as people. Instead molding our education around young peoples attachment to digital devices and onscreen habits, we need to show them some place theyve never been to, a place only deep reading can take them to.1. Prof, Gregory Currie argues that( ).2.The studies of Raymond Mar and Keith Oatley show that( ).3.Deep reading of paper books compared with reading on the web( ).4.It can be learned from the passage that the author( ).问题1选项A.literature doesnt show peoples moral or social standardsB.only good literature shows peoples moral and social valuesC.reading fiction wont improve people morally or sociallyD.only reading great books benefits people morally and socially问题2选项A.empathetic people are more likely to read novels oftenB.empathetic people have a better perspective on the worldC.reading fiction encourages people to be more persistentD.reading fiction helps people understand others better问题3选项A.requires readers to do mor
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