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外研版(三起)三年级英语下册期中测试题听力部分(44分)一、听音,标序号。(10分)二、听音,连线。(10分)三、听音,连线。(10分)四、选出你所听到的答案。(14分)( )1、A、DFK B、JHA C、QLS D、WRB E、OIP( )2、A、doll B、kite C、ship D、car E、toy( )3、A、tiger B、monkey C、lion D、elephant E、panda( )4、A、noodles B、fish C、meat D、milk E、rice( )5、A、orange B、apple C、pear D、banana E、jigsaw( )6、A、basketball B、football C、swimming D、skipping E、tabletennis( )7、A、have lunch B、go to school C、get up D、watch TV E、go home笔试部分(56分)一、 看图,完成句子。(12分)、tall 、fat 、big 、thin 、small 、short1、The panda A is ;The panda B is .2、The panda C is ;The panda D is .3、The panda E is ;The panda F is .二、看图,选择。(12分)A、have lunch B、go to school C、get up D、watch TV E、go homeF、go to bed1、I at four oclock. 2、I at five oclock. 3、I at eleven oclock. 4、I at three oclock. 5、I at six oclock. 6、I at seven oclock. 三、选择。(10分)1.Do you like apples? ( ) a.Its a tiger.2.Does Tom like meat? ( ) b.I like pandas.3.Whats this? ( ) c.No,she doesnt.4.Does Amy like cats? ( ) d.Yes,I do.5.What do you like? ( ) e.Yes,he does.6. Pass me the rice ,please? ( ) f. Its half past eight.7. What are they? ( ) g. Its the ABC song.8. Whats the time, please? ( ) h. Here you are.9.Whats your favourite song? ( ) i. Theyre lions.10.How many boys? ( ) j.twelve boys.四、写出下列字母的相邻字母。(12分) Hh Dd Ii Jj Bb Gg 五、根据短文,判断句子的正误。(10分)My name is Daming.Im eight years old .I like swimming and playing football,but I dont like skipping. My friend ,Sam likes playing basketball and skipping ,but he doesnt like morning exercises .Oh,we both like riding bikes.1. Daming is eight.( )2. Daming likes football. ( )3. Sam doesnt like morning exercises. ( )4. Sam is Damings friend. ( )5. Daming and Sam like riding bikes. ( )附:听力材料一、 听音标序。1、 basketball 2、football 3、swimming 4、watch Tv 5、go to bed二、 听音,连线。1、 My name is Domgdong. My favourite toy is a car.2、My name is Xiaoxue. My favourite toy is a kite.3、My name is Lili. My favourite toy is a doll.4、My name is Xiaoyong. My favourite toy is a computer game.5、My name is Xiaowei. My favourite toy is a ship.三、听音,连线。1、A:Do you like milk, Tom? B:Yes,I do.2、A:Do you like noodles, Ms Smart? B:No,I dont. I like rice.3、A:Do you like meat, Amy? B:Yes,I do.4、A:Do you like fish, Mr Smart? B:Yes,I do.5、A:Do you like fish, Sam? B: No,I dont. I like noodles.三、 选出你所听到的答案。 1、DFK 2、toy 3、elephant 4、meat 5、jigsaw 6、skipping 7、have lunch
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