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2014年宝山实验八年级第一次月考试卷( )1 _great fun our life in the future will be! A What B What a C What an D How( )2 Please help _ to make a lemon cake , will you? A you B your C yourself D me( )3 I am not familiar _ his voice on the phone. A with B for C to D of( )4 We _ to take our teachers advice. A had better B should C ought D must( )5 The _ journey made Tom feel_.A pleasant ,pleased B pleasure , pleasingCpleased ,pleasure Dpleasing , pleasant( )6 It is_ to keep in touch with friends by e-mail than by regular mail.A much more quickly B much more quicker C much quick D much quicker( )7 When Greg was a child , his dream was quite different _ what he is doing now.A from B for C to D with ( )8 Jerry saw _ outside his window. There was a fire in the house next door.A bright something B something bright C bright something D nothing bright( )9 Eddie is the only student in his class to know the answer _ the reason for causing flood. His teacher is very pleased _ him.A to,with B of, with C to , of Dof, of( ) 10 Our teachers tell us not to read_ letter, because it is very impolite.A anyone else B anyones else C anyone elses D anyones elses( )11 The number of the _ in our college_200.A woman teachers, is B women teachers, areC women teachers, is D woman teacher, are( )12 A: My younger brother is poor at English. Could you help him when you are free? B:_ A Its a pleasure B My pleasure C With pleasure D Why not?Fill in the blank with the proper word1 She took down the m_ points of the speech.2 She knows Jack. That means she is f_ with this guy.3 This computer is c_ to the Internet.4 Robots for study are able to help students p_ English.5 Were busy p_ for the coming exams.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.1 Edison was one of the greatest_ in the world.(invent)2 They can help perform _ and look after patients.(operate)3 Though video games have quite a few _ , lots of boys like playing them very much.( advantage)4 Our Chinese teacher always asks us to _ more Chinese poems.(memory)5 An _robot can help human beings to do some dangerous jobs. (industry)6 The actors and actresses _wonderfully and the audience gave them a big hand. (performance)Rewrite the sentences as required1 You shouldnt play football in the street. (保持句意不变)You _ _ to play football in the street.2 Susan is taller than any other student in her class. (保持句意不变)_ _ is taller than Susan in her class.3 Whats the use of the monitor? (保持句意不变)_ the monitor _?4 She can get the latest information by surfing the Internet. (保持句意不变)Surfing the Internet_ her _ get the latest information.5 friends, they, to, good, human beings, what, are(连词成句A equals B hundreds C part Dheads Erelax Fgroup G medicine Hlegs I afterDo you laugh every day? Most people do. Scientists say that people laugh about 17 times a day. That is a lot of laughter(笑声)。In India, there are_1_ of laughter clubs. The people in these clubs get together every morning. First, they stretch(伸展) their hands above their _2_. Then, they begin to laugh. Soon everyone is laughing naturally(自然地)。People say they feel good_3_ laughing together.Scientists believe that laughter is good for you.Why?For one thing,laughter is good exercise.When you laugh,you exercise muscles(肌肉) in your body.Scentists say that one hundred laughs _4_ten minutes of running. When you laugh , you also breathe deeply. This helps you _5_. That is good for you,too.Why do we laugh?That is a hard question to answer. We know that people laugh more often in a _6_.They dont laugh very often when they are alone.Many acientists belive that we use laughter to connect to other people.Laughter helps us feel _7_ of a group.In England, people say that laughter is the best _8_. Some think that laughter helps sick people get well.Do you think so?Reading and Writing(A)This sad story happened on a cold winter evening. It was so cold and snow was falling so heavily that the roads were covered with ice and a strong wind was blowing. Being outside in such weather was very unwise. However, Peter Lee had to walk home from work. Peter walked with difficulty along a country road, the cold wind beating against his chest. He thought, If I wear my coat backwards(向后), maybe, it will be a little bit warmer for me. He stopped walking, took off his coat, and put it on backwards.Walking on through the thickly falling snow, he was thinking about drinking a cup
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