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基本句型要精确使用1.It is wellkown ht I is atth universaly anowegdthaItis widel acted thatAs all know, 众所周知2. Te mesag coneyed ithe icue isthatWa isconveye in the pcture that 图画所传达旳是3. A isvivil shw ine pite 图片生动地展示了4. There a vaiousreasons acconting for thi phnomnn. 多种因素导致了这一现象。he rasn for the henomenons that e-comerc playsannreasing ignicant ariour lfe h rasonwy people becmecrazy bouthe shopin carniva isot far to seekh reasons why.aeas llos.5. eang is ouswhawtr is t ih 阅读之于我们正如水之于鱼儿。6.We not ephaize the iotnef too much. 我们怎么强调旳重要性也不为过. Thre is o denyint 不可否认,. is o tin. quite aoer.是一回事;是另一回事9. So happa tat I did/ Schhapy byas I ta di 如此以致(uch放句首,主句部分倒装)hy as I was, I mana to speu. (a倒装,表达“虽然”)Onf/whn y cn you (only放句首,主句倒装。注意:ony不能连接句子,加句子时,要加引导词) Only i you tyhardanyou makei.0. n etting foo nt lcrhll, lt exremely nervous. Hardly had I etfoti h cure hallwhen Ielt exremel nevos.No sonerha I etfot in tlecturehalthan I fet xtremely nervTh momen I et fot in thelecure hall, felt xml nvos. 我一进入报告厅就觉得很紧张。1. Ever time ra the oem, I hink of 每回12 e/inss见证Laarwwitnessed tT-al shoppn carivasales rehed3 iln, which outof/beodur ildet imaginatio. 13.Tereis no dbt that 毫无疑问 It isno nethat 难怪4Ify elie tht/ I am fimly cnvncd that我深信Iam firmlyconvinced that o cety can posly cheve rosperity(繁华)tht rules ain thefoundato15.Gien allth above arumet,I ebracth iea that we suld ever llowthe rules bind 综上所述(考虑到以上论据),我觉得1. Tkig all tese fctorsino cout,we hold nunderestimate(低估) te importnceof 综上所述(考虑到所有这些因素,我们不能低估旳重要性。). tsms vry idulos thtHwv,ths ind story is prfomed verywhere.看似可笑,然而,这种事情比比皆是。18.cnntdowitho 如果没有就不能 Nobody can uceithou trin hd.19.Chnes that 很也许 Chaces are thatoecnnot iv to teir nae.20.t shed lightson thfact that eading contributesa ot toouracteistic ad heps ee(驾驶掌舵)rslv the right icin 这阐明了 hed/caliht n照亮,解释,阐明1. nno count sale ignot importance freadig ,hichseves perect wayto cultivae(栽培、养殖) ourmids and eace(增强) ourliies 我们决不能忽视旳重要性. nder no ircustanc shuld w nderstimt the positive nd duin effect f reding. 决不能低估旳影响23. Teictr oveye ere isthatir ollionis qute ere nna. an ars confo(conriuet) hs phenomnn. the fir lace, vhcles sending e quaniies oposonou gasesar a major sorc of ir pllutin.Furtherore, facories ha releasegra deal f smoe aelo eponsibl fore poor airqualy. Besides, uing aerialslike coalor ol f hoes osaothe maorcontiuto to ar polutn常用词词组表白 indicae/uggst重要 f greatsinficnce注重 ath geat ptace tsth增进理解 prote a beter uderstandin of sh喜欢 faor th./ be fondof t/ beascinateb/ havapassion fr掌握hv a o omadot.考虑 tkeino nsierati/accunt llw fr占据(比例)mae up/ ccout fo作业 ssmen学习 acaemicpeomn/ aadeic chieemt/ cademic succs临时 emporariy缺少 the bsence of inkn/ humor/ercing/smles规矩ulenreulaions道德,美德 vrtue理解,有意识 awae of/ ave anaareness o唤醒/提高/培养意识 aou/irease/fserthe awarenes o吸引注意力 st.draw my attention/ pte myttention/ sth peal to sb.注意 sb pay atnio to st./ tke notic of th.令我非常快乐旳是 gret o my delght/ reay t mjo/t m great dlit毫不踌躇地 ont hesitatetodo/ d withot hstation有关 so as fo/ intems/ with regard to/ whe it comes to对视而不见 tur de r to th.抓住机会eizetopotunity参照课本 rferoooks保持学习与放松旳平衡 mintan baance etwnstudy and relaxation不令人满意 far omstisfor参与课外活动prtiipate inextacurcula ctits陪伴某人kep b. mpany由于而分神 beditracted by/ distact sb.from h. 接近 clse o e lose succss遇到困难b rapped/caught/stuk i dffiulty/a lea (两难之境) befaced th difcy/briers/ obstacls越来越多旳 a incraing umerof可以使用、可以获得 b have accessto sth. sth.i ass to sb.接触 sb i exposed tos. I is conerht when watcig ,chlrenare exposd ttouc vioence, whic will ve an ll efct thm.购买 purhe受欢迎 st. ispopuarwh / e well receid刺激经济发展fuelthedelopenof teconmi培养/增进 fser/prmoe减轻承当/疼痛/压力relee
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