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句型转换的方法(例句时态以一般过去时为主)一、肯定句 一般疑问句 1. 有be动词或情态动词(am, is, are, was, were, can, could, would, should等) be动词或情态动词搬句首 第一、第二人称互换 some改成any, and改成or 句末改成问号 例: I was at home yesterday. Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt. I could danced well ten years ago. Could you dance well ten years ago? Yes, I could. / No, I couldnt. 2. 没有be动词或情态动词 句首添加助动词do, does或did(根据原句时态和人称决定) 第一、第二人称互换 some改成any, and改成or 动词变回原形 句末改成问号 例: We went to a farm last Sunday. Did you go to a farm last Sunday? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.二、肯定句 特殊疑问句 1. 将划线部分换成对应的疑问词人who/whom 事,物what地点where 时间when / what time原因why 数量how many频率how often 价钱how much颜色what colour 年龄how old长度how long 距离how far 还有how, which, whose等。 2. 将剩余部分改成一般疑问句。(具体步骤同第一大点) 例: I went to the park yesterday. I went to the park yesterday. What did you do yesterday? I went to the park yesterday. Where did you go yesterday? I went to the park yesterday. Who went to the park yesterday? I went to the park yesterday. When did you go to the park?三、肯定句 否定句 1. 有be动词或情态动词 直接在be动词或情态动词后加not,可缩写。 some改成any, and改成or 动词变回原形 例:Mike was in the classroom just now. Mike wasnt in the classroom just now. He could fly kites high. He couldnt fly kites high. 2. 没有be动词或情态动词 在行为动词前添加助动词dont, doesnt或didnt. 动词变回原形 some改成any, and改成or 例: The students had a PE lesson this morning. The students didnt have a PE lesson this morning.习题巩固一、 将下列句子改成一般疑问句1. I usually do my homework at eight. _ 2. We watched a football match yesterday. _ 3. Id like to go swimming. _ 4. They are playing football in the playground. _5. You should keep quiet in the library. _ 6. She had some bread yesterday morning. _ 7. His sister has some toys. _ 8. Im going to join a party this evening. _ 9. My mother can sing and dance. _10. I was at home just now. _二、将下列句子改成否定句1. They are in the bedroom. _ 2. Tom watched TV last evening. _ 3. I do my homework every day. _ 4. She likes milk. _ 5. John had some toys many years ago. _ 6. She must return the story book to Tom in two days. _ 7. She is good at drawing. _ 8. We should run in the morning every day. _ 9. We can go there by train. _ 10. I am ten years old. _ 三、 将下列句子改成特殊疑问句(划线提问)1. They brought some nice food yesterday. _ 2. She is a nurse . _ 3. She is my teacher. _ 4. I am looking for my sister. _ 5. It is my coat._ 6. I get up at six._ 7. They are five yuan._ 8. I am from Hubei. _ 9. I went to school late because I got up late._ 10. It is windy today._ 11. My bag is red ._ 13. Im going to watch a film tomorrow._14. We should save trees and water. _
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