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NEDLS: NW TREATENT ORTHE CORCTON OF THE TRESS URINARY INCOINENE. PRELIMINARYESULTS.Amat Trdi, Llus; artnez rno,v; Hernez aavedr, Agustn; ela Martnez, AntonioUidad e Suo Plvico. Sevicio de Osericia Ginecooga. osptal SantJoan de Du. Uiritatde arcelona Adess: Passeig Sant Joan deD,2. 00slugs. acelo.Cntact Persn: LlusAati Tardiu, Hospitl Snt Joae u ereon. Tlphone: +4-Fax:+4Intrdctionh female tsurinarincontnce (FSI) i a aholgythtaffects aniprnt number o female, with imporat social neonom cosuene FSI ios more reqent aler severl lieries, alr menpause s a reslt f changes n teuretral uppr or he spincter enim(1). Seveal surgia procedres hav beendeveloped to teat this aaicl dfet.Rtropubc Clpsupnion desrbedyBur in 1 (2), isthe peue thaa deontted hher success rate at hortad longtem, wih suces f 85 90t ve yers and 70% of continencuring the folowg ieas (). In spi of s god rsut, the Burchechu is no fre from secndaefect as t vin dysfuntions, “denoo”urgny or atror prola in aprx % ohe cases(4).Flling te prnilesf h inalheyo he deeloped byPeosand l,he inontinee mechais s basd onacomiatin of atomicl strucures (puourralligats, vagina mmkand ubococceusmucle) ntted nacompex oordiationt ope ndlose ladder nek and the uetra(5).The axi f he vagil hamocdives tthe bladderneckdscening wen abdominaressue increases; bs in ti model, 1995, ls Deveopea ew techniqu bae on aplrplene slingto supporttherethratenofree (TVT)6. Whn th sing sierted e end: eestablish tpu urethral igments Support the sb urhravginl al(hammok) Conet he uro eitalstctres (trlery)Th vagnaltension freetecnue have dnesima reults to the Brch Colposspension ithe aage of mimalivsivproed it lesmobiity. Bsed on te Pblishe data,e can onder the tein fr thnique a poedur wit the ae short(7)and ongtrm(8,9,10).he mosreqent copiations o thi techniqueae cnseqenof the pass ofthe neeesoplace he sing. Blade peorao (0-23%)o Rtius heatoma (08-3.%).Aso descried case of Bowel perortion, vascurand erveeions(1).sen therigial cnique,Deor develops a new teciue pssi esligthrug the obturator framen, avoiith pass f th nedles through t retroubic spae(1)to mnimie theik of ladder prfration nd Retziuspace ematom, reuing srgica time aoidingcytosop(13)Jeand eal modify ti teciue insrtie slng fro heaginato th obtator famen(14), t avoid eve me thepotet comlications (vasculrnd euro) rlaed to theassof the neede thrughtiseritory.Initia results shw cur rae milar to the reto pubic chnqu b w wer itraendpos opeaory copliaions(15).Al of tha havedrien to n iroveent o tecopcan ratefo reolutionay USI treatmntmaintanngthe good niial reuls in a vy sht eriodof imeObjetiveWit becieosimy te preious tequsandminmize teclicaton raes rateothpss of the nelss,a new tehquehasbeenvelopedmatiig h pinciple o a eon fre ln, adintrucin ecoceptof eeleess. Th slingis positined wihou needles, aiaingthsln ner the mid urtra asa hmock (eedleles Technie). Ti tehnque Hill reducetheurgcal cmliatons maintaiin the princp of he ensin fr slig advious the sme success rateMaerialyMethode is 1 pients abn aazedpoectively sing th Nleless ecique nthe Obstetis and yneolgpartmtof th Hospit StJoan de Deu arclona.ll the pets had acnical aamnss wi II-Qrt form, Sanvk severity ts anda urdynamicstud.All thepatients pseed USI fo urehral hyper moiity fo moderate toa severe grade.MaterialTe Nedlels linis anuactrdinPlypryle mnoflament f 04mm diameter, mro poo(mi ), and a poosityof 5, with adiensin of140 x 5 mm. he etremesofh sin ar widr5 mmith pocet confrmtion tohepin te slng pitiongand bette uppore trss(G.).his okets ae mjo feature of this sg.Weanalye ag,pry, assoted sugry, nontinence egree,surial tme, inr a pot-p cmlcatio, anth incoinenceshorterm results.Techieeehnie anbe erformed under w
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